10 research outputs found

    Digitalização de imagens em radiologia: uma nova visão de futuro

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    Atualmente existem vários meios para se digitalizar uma imagem radiográfica e com o advento de computadores com maior capacidade de armazenamento o uso de imagens digitais na Odontologia está crescendo cada vez mais. Hoje em dia estamos em uma nova era com o fim da cultura papel, com arquivamento digital de imagens, onde é possível armazenar acervos inteiros de imagens em apenas um CD (compact disk). Entretanto, pouco se sabe a respeito de pixel, resolução, tipos de imagens digitais e formatos de arquivos. Em vista disto é propósito dos autores no presente trabalho, apresentar ao profissional da Odontologia a melhor resolução para digitalização de imagens, a partir de uma avaliação das imagens digitalizadas por diferentes examinadores. De acordo com as condições deste trabalho, foi possível concluir que as resoluções ideais para as radiografias periapicais e panorâmicas devem ser de 300 Dpi e para as radiografias cefalométricas em norma lateral devem ser de 75 Dpi

    Vertical and horizontal location of the mental foramen in relation to the mandibular second premolar by the radiograph method

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    Objective: Measure the distance in millimeters, between the apex and the long axis of the mandibular second premolar and the mental foramen. Methods: One hundred and four panoramic radiographs of adults with teeth were selected. Measurement was performed by digitizing the radiographs. The “Image Tool 1.28” program was used to identify the distances. The data of 67 radiographs out of the total, whose visualization of the foramen on the right and left sides was considered good, were submitted to the Student’s-t test and Wilcoxon Sign Test Sinais de Postos de Wilcoxon with a=5%. Results: Analyzing the distance from the long axis to the foramen in the 104 radiographs, it was found located at the medial, 73.34% on the right and 69.04% on the left, being the highest percentages. In the distance between the apex and the foramen, the two sides wererelated, t(t=1.07; gl=66; p=0.288), on the right being (median; mean±standard deviation: 4.73; 4.88±3.46) and on the left (5.45;5.23±3.68) and from the long axis to the foramen, relating the sides, parametric (t=1.98; gl=66; p=0.051) and non-parametric (p=0.081), indicating on the right (median; mean±standard deviation: 4.02; 3.81±4.03) and on the left (3.79; 2.78±4.15). The results indicated that the mental foramen was presented medially to the 2nd premolar, being correspondent to the sides, both to a mean of, right, 4.88mm from the apex and 3.81 mm in the mesial direction; and left, 5.23mm from the apex and 2.78mm in the mesial direction. Conclusion: It could be concluded that both the distance from the apex and from the long axis did not differ statistically toward the right and left

    Classificação do forame mentoniano e sua correlação bilateral

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    The aim of this search was to verify the different position of the mental foramen in relation to the lower premolars and to correlate both sides although Tebo, Telford 18 (1950) classification. This classification has six different class positions that are since above long axis of the canine to the first lower molar. 104 panoramic radiography of adult dentate patient were selected. Just in 67 radiographs, the foramen was visible in both sides. Considering the total of the sample, in right side (R), the class III appeared in 65 cases or 73,03%, already the class IV appeared in 14 times or 15,73% and the class V in only 11,24%; the class I, II, VI didn’t show some cases. To the left side (L), the class III appeared in 58 cases (69,04%), the class V in 17 cases or 20,24%, the class IV had 8,34% or in seven cases, the class I and II just in one case (1,19%) and the class VI didn’t have none. After, comparing both sides, in 67 radiographs, use the Fisher statistical test, was possible verify (p = 0,003) that exist a correlation between R and L by utilized classification. The data obtained allowed conclude that in majority of the cases the mental foramen is situated medially to second lower premolar, necessarily between first and second premolars or in classification III.O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi verificar as diversas posições do forame mentoniano em relação aos pré-molares inferiores e correlacionar os lados direito (D) e esquerdo (E) conforme classificação de Tebo, Telford 18 (1950), a qual possui seis classes distintas de posição que vão desde abaixo do canino inferior ao primeiro molar inferior. Foram selecionadas 104 radiografias panorâmicas de pacientes dentados totais e adultos, sendo que 67 radiografias a presença do forame foi visível em ambos os lados. Considerando o total da amostra, no lado D, a classe III apareceu em 65 casos, ou seja, 73,03%, já a classe IV apareceu 14 vezes representando 15,73% e a classe V em apenas 11,24%; as classes I, II, VI não apresentaram casos. Para o lado E, a classe III apareceu em 58 casos (69,04%), a classe V em 17 casos, ou seja, 20,24%, a classe IV obteve 8,34% ou em sete casos, as classes I e II em apenas um caso cada (1,19%) e a classe VI não houve nenhum caso. Posteriormente, comparando os dados dos lados D e E das 67 radiografias, com o teste exato de Fisher, foi possível verificar (p = 0,003) que existe uma correlação positiva entre os lados pela classificação utilizada. Os dados obtidos permitiram concluir que na grande maioria dos casos, o forame mentoniano está situado mais anteriormente ao 2o pré-molar inferior, mais precisamente entre o 1º e 2º pré-molares, ou seja, pacientes com classificação III


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    En este estudio se evaluó radiográficamente en pacientes con desorden temporomandibular la posiblerelación entre las alteraciones morfológicas de la apófisis estiloide del hueso temporal y el patrón derotación mandibular. Fueron analizadas 1500 radiografías convencionales de las articulacionestemporomandibulares de los archivos del Servicio-ATM - Facultad de Odontología de la UniversidadFederal de Juiz de Fora. Se observó que 83 pacientes (5,53%) presentaron al menos una de las apófisisestiloide alterada morfológicamente, siendo 9 (10,8%) del sexo masculino y 74 (89,2%) del sexofemenino. La mayoría de los pacientes de este grupo se ubica entre 41 a 50 años de edad (32,5%). Lostipos morfológicos fueron clasificados en normal (13), alargados (113), seudoarticulado (21) ysegmentado (19), totalizando 166 apófisis estiloide. La clasificación de la rotación condilar encontradafue: normal (47), hipomovilidad condilar (30) y hipermovilidad condilar (89), totalizando 166articulaciones temporomandibulares. Por el método estadístico de Cramer`s no fueron verificados indiciosde relación de que las alteraciones morfológicas de la apófisis estiloide pueden interferir en la rotación delcóndilo mandibular ni relación de simetría entre los lados derecho e izquierdo, tanto para el tipomorfológico como para la rotación condilar.ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to assess radiographically the possible relations between the morphologicalvariations of the styloid process of the temporal bone and the pattern of the condylar excursions inpatients with temporomandibular disorders. 1500 conventional x-rays of temporomandibular joints wereanalyzed, all of them from the SERVIÇO-ATM-FO/UFJF files. The results show that 83 patients (5.53%)had at least one morphologic variation of the styloid process, among which 09 (10.8%) were male and 74(89.2%) female. Most of these patients are included in the age group of 41 to 50 years (32.5%). Themorphological types were classified as normal (13), elongated (113), pseudoarticulated (21) andsegmented (19), totalizing 166 styloid processes. The classification of the condylar excursion was normal(47), condylar hypomobility (30) and condylar hypermobility (89), which totals 166 temporomandibularjoints. According to Cramer's V statistic method, evidences that styloid process variations may interferein the condylar excursion were not found; there is symmetry between the left and right sides concerningboth morphological type and condylar excursion

    Cleidocranial dysplasia: importance of radiographic images in diagnosis of the condition.

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    Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a rare syndrome usually caused by an autosomal dominant gene, although 40% of cases of CCD appear spontaneously with no apparent genetic cause. This condition is characterized by several cranial malformations and underdevelopment, absence of the clavicles, and multiple supernumerary and impacted permanent teeth. The diagnosis of this condition is usually based on the presence of the main features (supernumerary teeth, partial or total absence of one or both the clavicles, and bony malformations) and on clinical and familial evidence. The bony and dental features of CCD may be visualized on radiographic images of the face and skull. Here, we present a familial case of CCD and discuss the importance of dental radiographs in diagnosis of the condition