71 research outputs found

    Ongelmallinen rahapelaaminen suomalaisilla nuorilla ja nuorilla aikuisilla : ongelmallisen rahapelaamisen korrelaattien laaja tarkastelu poikkileikkaustutkimuksella

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    Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin ongelmallisen rahapelaamisen yhteyttä mielenterveyteen, yksinäisyyteen, koettuun terveyteen, alkoholin riskikäyttöön, tupakointiin ja tietokonepelaamisen iän ja sukupuolen suhteen nuorilla ja nuorilla aikuisilla. Myös rahapelien yhteys ongelmalliseen rahapelaamiseen, ja muihin edellä esitettyihin muuttujiin (lukuunottamatta tietokonepelaamista) tutkittiin. Ongelmallinen rahapelaaminen ymmärretään käyttäytymisen riippuvuutena, jonka kehitykseen vaikuttaa rahapelaamisen saatavuus, muiden riippuvuuksien samanaikainen esiintyvyys ja psyykkinen hyvinvointi. Edelliset tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että tietyt rahapelit ovat muita voimakkaammin yhteydessä ongelmalliseen rahapelaamiseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää riskitekijöiden yhteyksien voimakkuutta ongelmalliseen rahapelaamiseen, tarkastella onko riskitekijät yhteydessä tiettyihin rahapeleihin ja esiintyykö ikä ja sukupuoli eroja riskitekijöiden ja ongelmallisen rahapelaamisen yhteyksien välillä. Menetelmät: Suomalaisten rahapelaamisen 2011 väestökyselyn itseraportoidun aineiston otos oli satunnainen ja koostui 15–28 vuotiaista (n = 822, 49.3 % naisia). Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) mittaria käytettiin ongelmallisen rahapelaamisen arviointiin. Ongelmapelaamisen raja-arvo oli ≥ 2 PGSI:llä. Mielenterveys arvioitiin viisi osioisella Mental Health Index mittarilla ja alkoholin riskikäyttö mitattiin Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test–Consumption mittarilla. Loput muuttujista mitattiin yksittäisillä Likert-asteikollisilla kysymyksillä. Ongelmallisen rahapelaamisen korrelaatit tutkittiin logistisella regressioanalyysillä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Sukupuoli (mies), alkoholin riskikäyttö, tupakan poltto, ja yksinäisyyden tunteminen usein olivat merkitsevästi yhteydessä ongelmalliseen rahapelaamiseen. Rahapeliautomaatit, nettirahapelaaminen (muu kuin pokeri), yksityinen vedonlyönti, ja vedonlyönti kasinolla olivat voimakkaasti yhteydessä ongelmalliseen rahapelaamiseen. Edellä mainitut rahapelit olivat urheiluvedonlyönnin lisäksi yhteydessä alkoholin riskikäyttöön ja tupakan polttamiseen. Yksinäisyys oli yhteydessä nettipokeriin, vedonlyöntiin kasinolla ja yksityiseen vedonlyöntiin. Sukupuoli eroja oli havaittavissa yksinäisyyden ja rahapelien yhteyksien välillä. Alkoholin riskikäyttö vaikutti olevan suurempi riskitekijä miehillä, ja vastaavasti tupakan poltto suurempi naisilla. Jatkossa on syytä tutkia ongelmallista rahapelaamista ja yksinäisyyttä enemmän, ja muuttaa lainsäädäntöä liittyen rahapeleihin.Objectives: This thesis examined the relationship between disordered gambling (DG) with mental health, loneliness, perceived general health, risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking and computer gaming frequency by age and gender among adolescents and emerging adults. Gambling types were also examined for their association to DG, mental health, loneliness, perceived health, risky alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking. DG is conceptualized as a behavioural addiction, and its development is influenced by the availability of gambling opportunities, prevalence of other addictive behaviours, and psychological well-being. Previous studies have indicated that specific types of gambling are more strongly associated to DG that others. The purpose of the present study was to identify the strength of the various risk factors of disordered gambling, examine whether specific risk factors are associated to certain gambling types and if there are age and gender related differences in regards to the associations between disordered gambling and its risk factors. Methods: A cross-sectional population based random sample (n = 822, 49.3 % female) of individuals aged 15 to 28 from the self-reported Finnish Gambling Survey 2011 was utilized. DG was assessed with the Problem Gambling Severity Index, such that a score of 2 or more indicated DG. Mental health was measured with the five item Mental Health Inventory and risky alcohol consumption was assessed with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test -Consumption. The remainder of examined variables were assessed with single Likert-scaled items. The correlates of DG and gambling types were examined with logistic regression models. Results and conclusions: Male gender, risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, and frequently feeling lonely were significantly associated to DG. Slot machine gambling, online gambling other than poker, private betting, and casino betting were strongly associated to DG. The aforementioned gambling types were strongly associated to risky alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking along with sports betting. Feeling lonely was associated to online poker, casino betting and private betting. There were indications of gender differences in regards to the gambling types associated to feeling lonely. Risky alcohol consumption seemed to be a stronger risk factor for DG among males, and tobacco smoking stronger among females. Current findings warrant further investigation of DG in regards to loneliness, and reconsideration of national gambling policies

    Treatment for the concerned significant others of gamblers : A systematic review

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    Background and aims: Research recognizes the extent of harm experienced by concerned significant others (CSOs) of gamblers. This systematic review's aims are to examine the interventions for CSOs, evaluate potential benefits, and thematically describe treatment processes. The Stress-Strain-Coping-Support model (SSCS) served as the theoretical framework. Methods: Database searches were conducted in: MEDLINE, CINAHL Complete, Web of Science Core Collection, Social Services Abstracts, Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and APA Psyclnfo (between 01/Jan 2011-10/Jun 2021). Other search methods were also utilized. Inclusion criteria: interventions for CSOs with CSO specific outcomes. The Evidence Project Risk of Bias Tool was used for assessment. Results: 19/768 records were included. Nine interventions were utilized: 3 CSO directed, 4 for couples, and 2 low threshold online interventions. A quantitative synthesis (N = 7 studies) of effect size estimates for depression and anxiety measures didn't indicate any intervention to have better outcomes than others. Core themes in the treatment process identified in the qualitative synthesis (N = 7) included: information and understanding, social support, coping skills, communication, and strain. Limitations in the evidence related to sampling, control-conditions and outcome measurements. Discussion and conclusion: Several interventions were identified, yet no specific interventions appeared more beneficial than others. Using the SSCS model, commonalities and differences in intervention content were identified, along with themes that influence treatment processes. The need for tailored interventions is discussed. Future treatment efficacy research should carefully select study designs and outcome measurements.Peer reviewe

    At-risk and problem gambling among Finnish youth : The examination of risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, mental health and loneliness as gender-specific correlates

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    AIMS - The aims were to compare past-year at-risk and problem gambling (ARPG) and other at-risk behaviours (computer gaming, risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking) by age and gender, and to explore how ARPG is associated with risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, poor mental health and loneliness in males and females. DESIGN - Data from respondents aged 15-28 (n = 822) were derived from a cross-sectional random sample of population-based data (n = 4484). The data were collected in 2011-2012 by telephone interviews. The Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI, score >= 2) was used to evaluate ARPG. Prevalence rates for risk behaviours were compared for within gender-specific age groups. Regression models were gender-specific. RESULTS - The proportion of at-risk and problem gamblers was higher among males than females in all age groups except among 18-21-year-olds, while frequent computer gaming was higher among males in all age groups. The odds ratio (95% CI) of being a male ARPGer was 2.57 (1.40-4.74) for risky alcohol consumption; 1.95 (1.07-3.56) for tobacco smoking; 2.63 (0.96-7.26) for poor mental health; and 4.41 (1.20-16.23) for feeling lonely. Likewise, the odds ratio (95% CI) of being a female ARPGer was 1.19 (0.45-3.12) for risky alcohol consumption; 4.01 (1.43-11.24) for tobacco smoking; 0.99 (0.18-5.39) for poor mental health; and 6.46 (1.42-29.34) for feeling lonely. All 95% CIs of ARPG correlates overlapped among males and females. CONCLUSIONS - Overall, past-year at-risk and problem gambling and computer gaming seem to be more common among males than females; however, for risky alcohol consumption similar gender differences were evident only for the older half of the sample. No clear gender differences were seen in correlates associated with ARPG.Peer reviewe

    Covariant quantization of infinite spin particle models, and higher order gauge theories

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    Further properties of a recently proposed higher order infinite spin particle model are derived. Infinitely many classically equivalent but different Hamiltonian formulations are shown to exist. This leads to a condition of uniqueness in the quantization process. A consistent covariant quantization is shown to exist. Also a recently proposed supersymmetric version for half-odd integer spins is quantized. A general algorithm to derive gauge invariances of higher order Lagrangians is given and applied to the infinite spin particle model, and to a new higher order model for a spinning particle which is proposed here, as well as to a previously given higher order rigid particle model. The latter two models are also covariantly quantized.Comment: 38 pages, Late

    Gender comparison of online and land-based gamblers from a nationally representative sample : Does gambling online pose elevated risk?

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    The expansion of online gambling opportunities calls for better comprehension of online gambling, including relevant gender specific correlates. This study compared online and land-based gamblers among males and females separately, utilizing a nationally representative Finnish survey sample of 18-74 year olds. Online gamblers were younger than land-based gamblers and had full-time working status more often than land-based gamblers, with partial indication of land-based gamblers' monthly income being lower. Online gambling was associated with participation in computer or video gaming more strongly than with land-based gambling. Results show that the strongest predictors of online gambling common to both genders were younger age, computer gaming and gambling on multiple gambling types. Risky alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking were not associated to gambling mode when controlling for other factors. Results indicate that particularly for females online gambling may be related to higher relative expenditure and at-risk and problem gambling, providing implications for tailored interventions. The continued study of subgroups of gamblers is necessary to comprehensively understand the altering gambling milieu. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Infinite spin particles

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    We show that Wigner's infinite spin particle classically is described by a reparametrization invariant higher order geometrical Lagrangian. The model exhibit unconventional features like tachyonic behaviour and momenta proportional to light-like accelerations. A simple higher order superversion for half-odd integer particles is also derived. Interaction with external vector fields and curved spacetimes are analyzed with negative results except for (anti)de Sitter spacetimes. We quantize the free theories covariantly and show that the resulting wave functions are fields containing arbitrary large spins. Closely related infinite spin particle models are also analyzed.Comment: 43 pages, Late

    Integrin trafficking regulated by Rab21 is necessary for cytokinesis

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    Adherent cells undergo remarkable changes in shape during cell division. However, the functional interplay between cell adhesion turnover and the mitotic machinery is poorly understood. The endo/exocytic trafficking of integrins is regulated by the small GTPase Rab21, which associates with several integrin alpha subunits. Here, we show that targeted trafficking of integrins to and from the cleavage furrow is required for successful cytokinesis, and that this is regulated by Rab21. Rab21 activity, integrin-Rab21 association, and integrin endocytosis are all necessary for normal cytokinesis, which becomes impaired when integrin-mediated adhesion at the cleavage furrow fails. We also describe a chromosomal deletion and loss of Rab21 gene expression in human cancer, which leads to the accumulation of multinucleate cells. Importantly, reintroduction of Rab21 rescued this phenotype. In conclusion, Rab21-regulated integrin trafficking is essential for normal cell division, and its defects may contribute to multinucleation and genomic instability, which are hallmarks of cancer.Adherent cells undergo remarkable changes in shape during cell division. However, the functional interplay between cell adhesion turnover and the mitotic machinery is poorly understood. The endo/exocytic trafficking of integrins is regulated by the small GTPase Rab21, which associates with several integrin alpha subunits. Here, we show that targeted trafficking of integrins to and from the cleavage furrow is required for successful cytokinesis, and that this is regulated by Rab21. Rab21 activity, integrin-Rab21 association, and integrin endocytosis are all necessary for normal cytokinesis, which becomes impaired when integrin-mediated adhesion at the cleavage furrow fails. We also describe a chromosomal deletion and loss of Rab21 gene expression in human cancer, which leads to the accumulation of multinucleate cells. Importantly, reintroduction of Rab21 rescued this phenotype. In conclusion, Rab21-regulated integrin trafficking is essential for normal cell division, and its defects may contribute to multinucleation and genomic instability, which are hallmarks of cancer.Adherent cells undergo remarkable changes in shape during cell division. However, the functional interplay between cell adhesion turnover and the mitotic machinery is poorly understood. The endo/exocytic trafficking of integrins is regulated by the small GTPase Rab21, which associates with several integrin alpha subunits. Here, we show that targeted trafficking of integrins to and from the cleavage furrow is required for successful cytokinesis, and that this is regulated by Rab21. Rab21 activity, integrin-Rab21 association, and integrin endocytosis are all necessary for normal cytokinesis, which becomes impaired when integrin-mediated adhesion at the cleavage furrow fails. We also describe a chromosomal deletion and loss of Rab21 gene expression in human cancer, which leads to the accumulation of multinucleate cells. Importantly, reintroduction of Rab21 rescued this phenotype. In conclusion, Rab21-regulated integrin trafficking is essential for normal cell division, and its defects may contribute to multinucleation and genomic instability, which are hallmarks of cancer.Peer reviewe

    RNA-Seq Mapping and Detection of Gene Fusions with a Suffix Array Algorithm

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    High-throughput RNA sequencing enables quantification of transcripts (both known and novel), exon/exon junctions and fusions of exons from different genes. Discovery of gene fusions–particularly those expressed with low abundance– is a challenge with short- and medium-length sequencing reads. To address this challenge, we implemented an RNA-Seq mapping pipeline within the LifeScope software. We introduced new features including filter and junction mapping, annotation-aided pairing rescue and accurate mapping quality values. We combined this pipeline with a Suffix Array Spliced Read (SASR) aligner to detect chimeric transcripts. Performing paired-end RNA-Seq of the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 using the SOLiD system, we called 40 gene fusions among over 120,000 splicing junctions. We validated 36 of these 40 fusions with TaqMan assays, of which 25 were expressed in MCF-7 but not the Human Brain Reference. An intra-chromosomal gene fusion involving the estrogen receptor alpha gene ESR1, and another involving the RPS6KB1 (Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-1) were recurrently expressed in a number of breast tumor cell lines and a clinical tumor sample

    Systematic review of interventions for concerned significant others of gamblers

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