656 research outputs found

    Figuren in Film, Fernsehen, Literatur und anderen Medien : eine interdisziplinäre Arbeitsbibliographie

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    Eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit fiktiven Figuren begann spätestens vor gut 2000 Jahren mit Aristoteles’ Poetik und dem indischen Natyashastra. Wie in diesen einflussreichen Poetiken des Theaters standen Jahrhunderte lang normative Konzepte im Vordergrund, bis sich die Forschungsschwerpunkte Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts auf die psychologische Interpretation von Figuren und in den sechziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts auf ihre formale Analyse verlagerten. Ein Fokus der heutigen Forschung liegt auf dem Bemühen, solche unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu integrieren. Grundlage dafür ist oft eine Beschäftigung mit der Rezeption: Wie verstehen wir Figuren, und auf welche Weisen reagieren wir emotional auf sie


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    Afinal, por que razão queremos ou sentimos necessidade de analisar personagens? Porque é que não confiamos a compreensão das personagens às nossas intuições e sentimentos individuais? Ou dito de outra forma: quais são as aplicações possíveis de teorias sistemáticas, de métodos, de modelos e de categorias para a análise de personagens? No meu texto proponho que existem pelo menos três áreas práticas em que as teorias da personagem se prestam a diferentes usos: (1) criação; (2) interpretação e (3) crítica cultural de personagens. Nestes contextos, e citando uma frase célebre de Béla Balázs, nada é mais prático do que uma boa teoria. Porém, o que torna uma teoria boa ou útil é o uso que dela é feito. Para ilustrar este tipo de questões, apresentarei brevemente o meu próprio modelo de análise de personagens, indicando alguns dos seus usos possíveis, primeiramente esboçados, a título de exemplo, em personagens fílmicas. Às vezes, a distinção teórica das personagens em quatro categorias gerais – seres ficcionais, artefactos, símbolos e sintomas – pode revelar-se útil nestas três áreas, ainda que de formas diferentes

    High-Speed imaging reveals opposing effects of chronic stress and antidepressants on neuronal activity propagation through the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit

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    Antidepressants (ADs) are used as first-line treatment for most stress-related psychiatric disorders. The alterations in brain circuit dynamics that can arise from stress exposure and underlie therapeutic actions of ADs remain, however, poorly understood. Here, enabled by a recently developed voltage-sensitive dye imaging assay in mouse brain slices, we examined the impact of chronic stress and concentration-dependent effects of eight clinically used ADs (belonging to different chemical/functional classes) on evoked neuronal activity propagations through the hippocampal trisynaptic circuitry (HTC: perforant path - dentate gyrus - area CA3 - area CA1). Exposure of mice to chronic social defeat stress led to markedly weakened activity propagations (HTC-Waves). In contrast, at concentrations in the low micromolar range, all ADs, which were bath applied to slices, caused an amplification of HTC-Waves in CA regions (invariably in area CA1). The fast-acting antidepressant ketamine, the mood stabilizer lithium, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) exerted comparable enhancing effects, whereas the antipsychotic haloperidol and the anxiolytic diazepam attenuated HTC-Waves. Collectively, we provide direct experimental evidence that chronic stress can depress neuronal signal flow through the HTC and demonstrate shared opposing effects of ADs. Thus, our study points to a circuit-level mechanism of ADs to counteract stress-induced impairment of hippocampal network function. However, the observed effects of ADs are impossible to depend on enhanced neurogenesis

    Challenge pools of hepatitis C virus genotypes 1-6 prototype strains: replication fitness and pathogenicity in chimpanzees and human liver-chimeric mouse models

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    Chimpanzees represent the only animal model for studies of the natural history of hepatitis C virus (HCV). To generate virus stocks of important HCV variants, we infected chimpanzees with HCV strains of genotypes 1-6 and determined the infectivity titer of acute-phase plasma pools in additional animals. The courses of first- and second-passage infections were similar, with early appearance of viremia, HCV RNA titers of >10(4.7) IU/mL, and development of acute hepatitis; the chronicity rate was 56%. The challenge pools had titers of 10(3)-10(5) chimpanzee infectious doses/mL. Human liver-chimeric mice developed high-titer infections after inoculation with the challenge viruses of genotypes 1-6. Inoculation studies with different doses of the genotype 1b pool suggested that a relatively high virus dose is required to consistently infect chimeric mice. The challenge pools represent a unique resource for studies of HCV molecular virology and for studies of pathogenesis, protective immunity, and vaccine efficacy in vivo

    Spielformen im Spielfilm : zur Medienmorphologie des Kinos nach der Postmoderne

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    Die aktuelle Konjunktur exzentrischen Erzählens im gegenwärtigen Kino ist längst nicht mehr bloß die Illustration einer condition postmoderne, sie verweist vielmehr auf die Hybridisierung von Erzählung und Spiel im digitalen Medienumbruch. Insbesondere im massenattraktiven Spielfilm stehen nicht mehr die selten gewordenen Identifikationsofferten im Zentrum des Interesses und die Zuschauer sorgen sich auch nicht um Interpretationshypothesen, sondern sie finden Vergnügen an Erzählrätseln und verfolgen neugierig das Spiel mit unterschiedlichen Plotvarianten oder paradoxalen Welten. In den Beiträgen dieses Bandes werden Formen dieser Hybridisierung exemplarisch aufgeschlüsselt und genealogisch nachvollzogen