9 research outputs found

    Quiescence and activation of stem and precursor cell populations in the subependymal zone of the mammalian brain are associated with distinct cellular and extracellular matrix signals

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    The subependymal zone (SEZ) of the lateral ventricles is one of the areas of the adult brain where new neurons are continuously generated from neural stem cells (NSCs), via rapidly dividing precursors. This neurogenic niche is a complex cellular and extracellular microenvironment, highly vascularized compared to non-neurogenic periventricular areas, within which NSCs and precursors exhibit distinct behavior. Here, we investigate the possible mechanisms by which extracellular matrix molecules and their receptors might regulate this differential behavior. We show that NSCs and precursors proceed through mitosis in the same domains within the SEZ of adult male mice—albeit with NSCs nearer ependymal cells—and that distance from the ventricle is a stronger limiting factor for neurogenic activity than distance from blood vessels. Furthermore, we show that NSCs and precursors are embedded in a laminin-rich extracellular matrix, to which they can both contribute. Importantly, they express differential levels of extracellular matrix receptors, with NSCs expressing low levels of α6β1 integrin, syndecan-1, and lutheran, and in vivo blocking of β1 integrin selectively induced the proliferation and ectopic migration of precursors. Finally, when NSCs are activated to reconstitute the niche after depletion of precursors, expression of laminin receptors is upregulated. These results indicate that the distinct behavior of adult NSCs and precursors is not necessarily regulated via exposure to differential extracellular signals, but rather via intrinsic regulation of their interaction with their microenvironment

    Probing the Dynamics and Functions of Aurora B Kinase in Living Cells during Mitosis and Cytokinesis

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    Aurora B is a protein kinase and a chromosomal passenger protein that undergoes dynamic redistribution during mitosis. We have probed the mechanism that regulates its localization with cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged wild-type or mutant aurora B. Aurora B was found at centromeres at prophase and persisted until ∼0.5 min after anaphase onset, when it redistributed to the spindle midzone and became concentrated at the equator along midzone microtubules. Depolymerization of microtubules inhibited the dissociation of aurora B from centromeres at early anaphase and caused the dispersion of aurora B from the spindle midzone at late anaphase; however, centromeric association during prometaphase was unaffected. Inhibition of CDK1 deactivation similarly caused aurora B to remain associated with centromeres during anaphase. In contrast, inhibition of the kinase activity of aurora B appeared to have no effect on its interactions with centromeres or initial relocation onto midzone microtubules. Instead, kinase-inactive aurora B caused abnormal mitosis and deactivation of the spindle checkpoint. In addition, midzone microtubule bundles became destabilized and aurora B dispersed from the equator. Our results suggest that microtubules, CDK1, and the kinase activity each play a distinct role in the dynamics and functions of aurora B in dividing cells

    Molecular Dissection of Cytokinesis by RNA Interference in Drosophila Cultured Cells

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    We have used double-stranded RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to study Drosophila cytokinesis. We show that double-stranded RNAs for anillin, acGAP, pavarotti, rho1, pebble, spaghetti squash, syntaxin1A, and twinstar all disrupt cytokinesis in S2 tissue culture cells, causing gene-specific phenotypes. Our phenotypic analyses identify genes required for different aspects of cytokinesis, such as central spindle formation, actin accumulation at the cell equator, contractile ring assembly or disassembly, and membrane behavior. Moreover, the cytological phenotypes elicited by RNAi reveal simultaneous disruption of multiple aspects of cytokinesis. These phenotypes suggest interactions between central spindle microtubules, the actin-based contractile ring, and the plasma membrane, and lead us to propose that the central spindle and the contractile ring are interdependent structures. Finally, our results indicate that RNAi in S2 cells is a highly efficient method to detect cytokinetic genes, and predict that genome-wide studies using this method will permit identification of the majority of genes involved in Drosophila mitotic cytokinesis

    The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Aurora–related Kinase Ark1 Interacts with the Inner Centromere Protein Pic1 and Mediates Chromosome Segregation and Cytokinesis

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    The chromosomal passenger proteins aurora-B, survivin, and inner centromere protein (INCENP) have been implicated in coordinating chromosome segregation with cell division. This work describes the interplay between aurora, survivin, and INCENP orthologs in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and defines their roles in regulating chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. We describe the cloning and characterization of the aurora-related kinase gene ark1(+), demonstrating that it is an essential gene required for sister chromatid segregation. Cells lacking Ark1p exhibit the cut phenotype, DNA fragmentation, and other defects in chromosome segregation. Overexpression of a kinase-defective version of Ark1, Ark1-K147R, inhibits cytokinesis, with cells exhibiting an elongated, multiseptate phenotype. Ark1p interacts physically and/or genetically with the survivin and INCENP orthologs Bir1p and Pic1p. We identified Pic1p in a two-hybrid screen for Ark1-K147R interacting partners and went on to map domains in both proteins that mediate their binding. Pic1p residues 925–972 are necessary and sufficient for Ark1p binding, which occurs through the kinase domain. As with Ark1-K147R, overexpression of Ark1p-binding fragments of Pic1p leads to multiseptate phenotypes. We also provide evidence that the dominant-negative effect of Ark1-K147R requires Pic1p binding, indicating that the formation of Ark1p-Pic1p complexes is required for the execution of cytokinesis

    Function of Dynein and Dynactin in Herpes Simplex Virus Capsid Transport

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    After fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) capsids are transported along microtubules (MTs) from the cell periphery to the nucleus. The motor ATPase cytoplasmic dynein and its multisubunit cofactor dynactin mediate most transport processes directed toward the minus-ends of MTs. Immunofluorescence microscopy experiments demonstrated that HSV1 capsids colocalized with cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin. We blocked the function of dynein by overexpressing the dynactin subunit dynamitin, which leads to the disruption of the dynactin complex. We then infected such cells with HSV1 and measured the efficiency of particle binding, virus entry, capsid transport to the nucleus, and the expression of immediate-early viral genes. High concentrations of dynamitin and dynamitin-GFP reduced the number of viral capsids transported to the nucleus. Moreover, viral protein synthesis was inhibited, whereas virus binding to the plasma membrane, its internalization, and the organization of the MT network were not affected. We concluded that incoming HSV1 capsids are propelled along MTs by dynein and that dynein and dynactin are required for efficient viral capsid transport to the nucleus

    The Role of the Cytoskeleton During Viral Infection

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