120 research outputs found

    4,40-Dimethyl-2,20-bipyridinium dichloride

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    In the title compound, C12H14N22+·2Cl-, the 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridinium cation is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation for all non-H atoms = 0.004 Å) and is located on a crystallographic inversion centre. The cations and chloride anions lie in planes parallel to (111) and are connected by N-H...Cl and C-H...Cl hydrogen bonds. Key indicators: single-crystal X-ray study; T = 173 K; mean σ(C–C) = 0.003 Å; R factor = 0.036; wR factor = 0.080; data-to-parameter ratio = 14.7

    On the role of moral judgment in the aggression and aggression-inhibition motive

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    Kornadts Aggressionskonzept und seine Zweikomponententheorie der Aggression werden aus der Perspektive der Theoriebildung und Forschung zur Entwicklung des moralischen Urteils diskutiert. Es wird zu zeigen versucht, (1) dass moralische Urteile als normative Bewertungsstandards sozialen Handelns eine zentrale Rolle in allen Teilschritten der Aktualgenese einer Aggressionshandlung und der Teilkomponenten der Aggressionsmotivation im Sinne Kornadts spielen, also für das Entstehen der Aggressions-und Aggressionshemmungskomponente bedeutsam sind, und (2) dass die Übernahme streng handlungs- und kognitionspsychologisch orientierter entwicklungspsychologischer Konzepte und Mechanismen die Forschung zur Ontogenese des Aggressionsmotivs fruchtbar erweitern würde. Abschließend wird auf ein konzeptionelles Problem verwiesen, das in der Unterscheidung aggressionsthematischer Teilmotive steckt. (DIPF/ Orig.)KORNADTs two-componential theory on aggression is discussed from the perspective of research and theory on moral development. (1) It is demonstrated that moral judgments as normative frameworks for social actions do play a central role in all parts of the microprocess of the emergence of an aggressive action with reference to both components of the aggression motive distinguished by KORNADT, namely the aggressionmotive and the aggressionsinhibition. (2) It is argued that the application of concepts and mechanisms formulated strict1y within a framework of an action theoretical and cognitive developmental psychology to research on the ontogeny of aggression would be a fruitful undertaking. Finally a problem is pointed to, which is implied in the conceptual distinction of two components in the aggression motive. (DIPF/ Orig.

    Morality From A Cultural Psychology Perspective

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    Through Space

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    The experience of creating this body of work has been about progress and discovery. My pieces have been formed using lines, shapes, and color, through reactionary processes. Shapes interact with each other, responding to the other elements in the piece, either in sync or in opposition to each other. Some lines are infinite, extending past the limitations of the canvas and implying an extension beyond the work of art itself. In this way, I construct imaginary spatial dimensions that I find myself lost within. I started this body of work cautious and rigid. By introducing the element of chance into my work and experimenting with different painting techniques such as washes, I was able to open up my painting process to different textures, materials, and surfaces, disrupting my previous stagnancy. On this journey I allow my paintings to, in a sense, craft themselves organically, while at the same time maintaining agency. This series of works is a view into an imaginary world seen from different perspectives. The largest pieces are from a broadened angle, zooming out of a tighter world that is shown in the smaller works. I imagine the smaller works as compact universes in themselves, contained within the lines and forms of the larger ones. In this way, the various perspectives of this world are layered on top of one another. During this process, I have noticed the emergence of a relationship between the body of the viewer and the works themselves. Working larger has allowed me to experience my ideas in a new way. My hope is that the scale of the larger pieces allows for an immersive experience on the part of the viewer. The larger works possess a sense of infinity and space that reinforces their position as the most expansive visions of my imagined world

    Zur Phylogenese menschlicher Motivation

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    From Cross-Cultural Psychology to Cultural Psychology

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    “… psychology from the very beginning has been struggling for its identity as a human science. Although psychology may seem to have successfuIly come of age, it is still an open question whether or not it can be further developed according to the principles of natural science, or whether it should have some unique features. Human beings, the way they think, feel and act, cannot easily be explained by "natural laws" alone; "cultural rules" have also to be taken into consideration. But these rules are genuinely of another ontological status than natural laws because they are themselves human creations, and hence are not binding because human beings can change them.” Whereas the author is “convinced that in the long run what psychology really has to deal with is exactly the tension between biological laws and cultural rules he restricts his argument “to the "cultural side" of this problem. He takes “a normative stance” and argues “that if some trends in cross-cultural research and theorizing are taken seriously, then cross-cultural psychology as well as mainstream psychology, will move towards what one might call "cultural psychology," i.e., a psychology which explicitly contains "culture" as a feature unique to human beings.” (DIPF/ ssch