155 research outputs found

    Multivariate Design of Experiments for Engineering Dimensional Analysis

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    We consider the design of dimensional analysis experiments when there is more than a single response. We first give a brief overview of dimensional analysis experiments and the dimensional analysis (DA) procedure. The validity of the DA method for univariate responses was established by the Buckingham Π\Pi-Theorem in the early 20th century. We extend the theorem to the multivariate case, develop basic criteria for multivariate design of DA and give guidelines for design construction. Finally, we illustrate the construction of designs for DA experiments for an example involving the design of a heat exchanger

    Statistical Inference in Multivariate Settings

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.June 2017. Major: Statistics. Advisors: Charles Geyer, Dennis Cook. 1 computer file (PDF); xiv, 186 pages.Precise and reliable inferences are among one of the main tenets of the statistical practice. The ability to make such inferences in modeling can only be made when collected data satisfies the assumptions of the model chosen for inference. The topics covered in this dissertation are varied, but precise and reliable inference for multiple variables under realistic modeling assumptions is a unifying theme. When data come from a discrete exponential family, an inferential framework is developed for when the maximum likelihood estimator does not exist in the usual sense. Envelope methodology is incorporated with aster models so that expected Darwinian fitnesses can be estimated precisely. A residual bootstrap routine for a weighted envelope estimator which accounts for model selection volatility is developed. A residual bootstrap routine is developed in the context of the multivariate linear regression model. These routines show that the variability of the respective estimators is estimated consistently by bootstrapping. Engineering dimension analysis is extended to the multivariate design of experiments context. Outside of the main theme, a central limit theorem under additive deformations is provided in the last chapter
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