3 research outputs found

    Diagnostic and prognostic microRNAs in the serum of breast cancer patients measured by droplet digital PCR

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    Background: Breast cancer circulating biomarkers include carcinoembryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigen 15-3, which are used for patient follow-up. Since sensitivity and specificity are low, novel and more useful biomarkers are needed. The presence of stable circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) in serum or plasma suggested a promising role for these tiny RNAs as cancer biomarkers. To acquire an absolute concentration of circulating miRNAs and reduce the impact of preanalytical and analytical variables, we used the droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) technique. Results: We investigated a panel of five miRNAs in the sera of two independent cohorts of breast cancer patients and disease-free controls. The study showed that miR-148b-3p and miR-652-3p levels were significantly lower in the serum of breast cancer patients than that in controls in both cohorts. For these two miRNAs, the stratification of breast cancer patients versus controls was confirmed by receiver operating characteristic curve analyses. In addition, we showed that higher levels of serum miR-10b-5p were associated with clinicobiological markers of poor prognosis. Conclusions: The study revealed the usefulness of the ddPCR approach for the quantification of circulating miRNAs. The use of the ddPCR quantitative approach revealed very good agreement between two independent cohorts in terms of comparable absolute miRNA concentrations and consistent trends of dysregulation in breast cancer patients versus controls. Overall, this study supports the use of the quantitative ddPCR approach for monitoring the absolute levels of diagnostic and prognostic tumor-specific circulating miRNAs

    Circulating microRNAs as blood-based biomarkers for breast cancer

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    Background: Currently, there is a lack of non-invasive tumour biomarkers with appropriate sensitivity and specificity to be used in routine clinical testing. The use of circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) as cancer biomarkers has been hypothesised based on their presence and stability in the circulation. Promising initial results for these tiny RNAs has been obtained in the field of breast cancer diagnostics. However, the accurate quantification of circulating miRNAs is more challenging than expected. In particular, several pre- and analytical variables have an impact on their final quantification, including the quantification method. Recently, a new droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) system that can be also used for microRNA quantification has been developed and proved to be very promising in liquid biopsy applications. Experimental design and findings: In order to develop a precise and accurate technique for miRNA quantification, we tested and compared the feasibility of quantifying circulating miRNAs with the new BioRad ddPCR system when used with EvaGreen dye– and TaqMan probe–based assays. In plasma and serum of patients with cancer and healthy controls, two circulating miRNAs and one added exogenous miRNA were quantified with both EvaGreen dye–based miRCURY LNA miRNA assays and TaqMan assays. The EvaGreen-based assay was precise, reproducible and sensitive. In comparison with TaqMan assays, high concordance was obtained for two endogenous miRNAs in serum and plasma. EvaGreen dye–based and TaqMan probe–based assays can be equally used with the ddPCR system to quantify circulating miRNAs. Afterwards, we selected a panel of six miRNAs (miR-10b-5p, miR-145-5p, miR-181a-5p, miR-148b-3p, miR-425-5p, miR-6523p) derived from microarray experiments or described in literature as potential circulating biomarkers for breast cancer. Then, we assessed their absolute levels in two independent cohorts of breast cancer patients and disease-free controls (Italy; n = 56, and USA; n = 94) using EvaGreen-based ddPCR. MiR-148b-3p, miR-181a-5p and miR-652-3p levels were significantly lower in the serum of breast cancer patients than in controls in both cohorts. For these three miRNAs, the stratification of breast cancer patients versus controls was confirmed by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Higher levels of serum miR-10b-5p were associated with clinico-pathological features of poor prognosis. These results confirmed the significant discrimination between breast cancer patients and healthy controls and the direction of down regulation. Conclusion: This study establishes the basis for using on a ddPCR for quantifying circulating miRNA biomarkers. Both study cohorts revealed very good agreement in terms of comparable absolute miRNA concentrations and consistent trends of dysregulation in breast cancer patients. This study finally powers the use of circulating miRNAs as cancer biomarkers and proposes miR181a-5p and miR-652-3p as diagnostic biomarker and miR10b-5p as prognostic biomarkers of breast cancer.Stato dell’arte: L’assenza di marcatori tumorali non invasivi e con appropriata sensibilità e specificità per un uso clinico, rappresenta un problema fondamentale in ambito oncologico. L'utilizzo di microRNA (miRNA) circolanti come biomarker tumorali è stata ipotizzata sulla base della loro presenza e stabilità nel sangue e in altri fluidi biologici. Promettenti risultati preliminari sono stati ottenuti dall’utilizzo di questi piccoli RNA come biomarcatori del cancro al seno. Tuttavia è risultato fin da subito evidente che la quantificazione accurata dei miRNA circolanti è un processo molto complesso e influenzato da molteplici fattori. In particolare non esiste un accordo su quale sia il metodo di quantificazione migliore. E’ stato recentemente sviluppato un nuovo sistema di quantificazione di acidi nucleici chiamato Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR), ma non era ancora stato testato per la quantificazione di miRNA circolanti. Disegno sperimentale e risultati: Al fine di sviluppare una tecnica precisa ed accurata per la quantificazione dei miRNA circolanti, abbiamo testato l’affidabilità del nuovo sistema ddPCR di BioRad (QX200) e confrontato i risultati della quantificazione dei miRNA circolanti con due chimiche diverse, una basata sull’intercalante EvaGreen e una basata su sonde TaqMan. Nel plasma e siero dei pazienti con cancro e controlli sani, due miRNA circolanti e un miRNA aggiunto esogenamente sono stati quantificati con saggi per miRNA basati su primer a LNA (Exiqon) combinati con EvaGreen o su sonde TaqMan (Applied Biosystem). Entrambi i saggi si sono dimostrati precisi, riproducibili e sensibili. La concordanza tra i dati di quantificazione ottenuti con le due metodiche è risultata essere molto buona. Abbiamo pertanto concluso che sia saggi basati su EvaGreen che sull’uso di sonde TaqMan possono essere ugualmente utilizzati con il sistema ddPCR per quantificare i miRNA circolanti. In seguito, abbiamo selezionato un gruppo di sei miRNA (miR-10b-5p, miR-145-5p, miR-181a-5p, miR-148b-3p, miR-425-5p, miR-652-3p) derivati da esperimenti microarray o descritti in letteratura come potenziali biomarker circolanti per il cancro al seno. Abbiamo quindi valutato i loro livelli assoluti (copie/µl) nel siero in due coorti indipendenti di pazienti con carcinoma mammario e controlli sani (Italia; n = 56, and USA; n = 94) utilizzando saggi ddPCR basati su primer a LNA e sistema EvaGreen. MiR-148b-3p, miR-181a-5p e miR-652-3p sono risultati significativamente più bassi nel siero dei pazienti con cancro al seno rispetto ai controlli in entrambe le coorti. Per questi tre miRNA la stratificazione dei pazienti con carcinoma mammario rispetto ai controlli è stata confermata tramite l’analisi di curve ROC. Inoltre, livelli sierici più elevati di miR-10b-5p sono stati associati con alcune caratteristiche clinico-biologiche a prognosi negativa degli stessi campioni. Conclusione: Questo studio stabilisce la base per l'utilizzo di test basati su ddPCR per la quantificazione di miRNA circolanti quali biomarcatori di tumore al seno. Entrambe le coorti studiate hanno rivelato un ottimo accordo in termini di concentrazioni assolute miRNA e tendenze coerenti di disregolazione in pazienti con cancro al seno rispetto ai controlli. Questo studio suggerisce pertanto l'uso di miRNA come biomarcatori tumorali circolanti e propone miR-181a-5p e miR-652-3p come biomarcatori diagnostici e miR10b-5p come biomarcatore prognostico del tumore al seno

    Diagnostic and prognostic microRNAs in the serum of breast cancer patients measured by droplet digital PCR

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    Background: Breast cancer circulating biomarkers include carcinoembryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigen 15-3, which are used for patient follow-up. Since sensitivity and specificity are low, novel and more useful biomarkers are needed. The presence of stable circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) in serum or plasma suggested a promising role for these tiny RNAs as cancer biomarkers. To acquire an absolute concentration of circulating miRNAs and reduce the impact of preanalytical and analytical variables, we used the droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) technique. Results: We investigated a panel of five miRNAs in the sera of two independent cohorts of breast cancer patients and disease-free controls. The study showed that miR-148b-3p and miR-652-3p levels were significantly lower in the serum of breast cancer patients than that in controls in both cohorts. For these two miRNAs, the stratification of breast cancer patients versus controls was confirmed by receiver operating characteristic curve analyses. In addition, we showed that higher levels of serum miR-10b-5p were associated with clinicobiological markers of poor prognosis. Conclusions: The study revealed the usefulness of the ddPCR approach for the quantification of circulating miRNAs. The use of the ddPCR quantitative approach revealed very good agreement between two independent cohorts in terms of comparable absolute miRNA concentrations and consistent trends of dysregulation in breast cancer patients versus controls. Overall, this study supports the use of the quantitative ddPCR approach for monitoring the absolute levels of diagnostic and prognostic tumor-specific circulating miRNAs