10 research outputs found

    Abomasal emptying rate of diarrhoeic and healthy suckling calves fed with oral rehydration solutions

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    Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the abomasal emptying rate (AER) of calves suffering from naturally occurring diarrhoea compared with that of healthy calves. Furthermore, the effects of an oral rehydration solution (ORS) mixed into milk replacer on the AER were determined. Acetaminophen absorption test (APAT) was performed to estimate the AER. Sixty Holstein–Frisian calves (age < 14 days) were included in the study and divided into groups as follows: healthy calves (H; n = 16), healthy calves fed with ORS (HORS; n = 14), diarrhoeic calves (D; n = 15) and diarrhoeic calves fed with ORS (DORS; n = 15). For the APAT, the calves were fed 2 L of milk replacer containing 50 mg acetaminophen (AP)/kg body weight. Venous blood samples were collected before and after milk replacer and AP intake in 30–60 min intervals for 12 hr. During the APAT, no significant differences in median maximum acetaminophen concentration (Cmax) were observed among all groups. Time to reach maximum acetaminophen concentration (Tmax) in DORS (median 390 min, 25/75 quartiles: 300/480 min) was significantly higher compared with that in H (median: 270 min 25/75 quartiles: 210/315 min) and HORS (median: 300 min (25/75 quartiles: 240/360 min). Non‐linear regression revealed that the calculated abomasal half‐life (AP t1/2) tended to be delayed in DORS (median: 652 min, 25/75 quartiles: 445/795 min, p = .10). The area under the AP curve values (AUC) from 0 to 120 min and 0 to 240 min of the observation period were significantly higher in H than D and DORS. In conclusion, significant differences in the AER indices reflected delayed abomasal emptying in diarrhoeic calves. Furthermore, the hypertonic ORS tended to have an additive delaying impact on the AER, which needs attention for the feeding management of diarrhoeic calves

    Comparing Salivary Caffeine Kinetics of 13C and 12C Caffeine for Gastric Emptying of 50 mL Water

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    Gastric water emptying as a critical parameter for oral drug absorption can be investigated by several imaging techniques or by the interpretation of pharmacokinetics of appropriate substances. Recently introduced salivary caffeine kinetics is a valuable tool, but the required caffeine abstinence limits its applicability. To avoid the caffeine abstinence, stable isotope-labeled caffeine might be used, but the representability and transferability of kinetics for evaluation of gastric emptying must be demonstrated. Thus, salivary caffeine pharmacokinetics were compared for naturally occurring 12C-caffeine and 13C3-caffeine after the administration of water under fasting conditions in six healthy young subjects. For this purpose, an ice capsule containing the two caffeine species was administered with 50 mL tap water. Gastric water emptying was simultaneously quantified using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Gastric emptying of 50 mL of water could be successfully evaluated. The salivary caffeine kinetics of 13C3- and 12C-caffeine were nearly congruent and showed good linear correlations in all subjects, with a mean correlation coefficient of 0.96 in pooled data. Thus, the substitution of natural 12C caffeine with stable isotope-labeled 13C3-caffeine offers the opportunity for broader application of the salivary caffeine gastric emptying technique and increases the robustness of the method against environmental contamination with caffeine

    Comparing Salivary Caffeine Kinetics of <sup>13</sup>C and <sup>12</sup>C Caffeine for Gastric Emptying of 50 mL Water

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    Gastric water emptying as a critical parameter for oral drug absorption can be investigated by several imaging techniques or by the interpretation of pharmacokinetics of appropriate substances. Recently introduced salivary caffeine kinetics is a valuable tool, but the required caffeine abstinence limits its applicability. To avoid the caffeine abstinence, stable isotope-labeled caffeine might be used, but the representability and transferability of kinetics for evaluation of gastric emptying must be demonstrated. Thus, salivary caffeine pharmacokinetics were compared for naturally occurring 12C-caffeine and 13C3-caffeine after the administration of water under fasting conditions in six healthy young subjects. For this purpose, an ice capsule containing the two caffeine species was administered with 50 mL tap water. Gastric water emptying was simultaneously quantified using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Gastric emptying of 50 mL of water could be successfully evaluated. The salivary caffeine kinetics of 13C3- and 12C-caffeine were nearly congruent and showed good linear correlations in all subjects, with a mean correlation coefficient of 0.96 in pooled data. Thus, the substitution of natural 12C caffeine with stable isotope-labeled 13C3-caffeine offers the opportunity for broader application of the salivary caffeine gastric emptying technique and increases the robustness of the method against environmental contamination with caffeine

    In Vivo Evaluation of a Gastro-Resistant HPMC-Based “Next Generation Enteric” Capsule

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    Many orally dosed APIs are bioavailable only when formulated as an enteric dosage form to protect them from the harsh environment of the stomach. However, an enteric formulation is often accompanied with a higher development effort in the first place and the potential degradation of fragile APIs during the coating process. Ready-to-use enteric hard capsules would be an easily available alternative to test and develop APIs in enteric formulations, while decreasing the time and cost of process development. In this regard, Lonza Capsugel® Next Generation Enteric capsules offer a promising approach as functional capsules. The in vivo performance of these capsules was observed with two independent techniques (MRI and caffeine in saliva) in eight human volunteers. No disintegration or content release in the stomach was observed, even after highly variable individual gastric residence times (range 7.5 to 82.5 min), indicating the reliable enteric properties of these capsules. Seven capsules disintegrated in the distal part of the small intestine; one capsule showed an uncommonly fast intestinal transit (15 min) and disintegrated in the colon. The results for this latter capsule by MRI and caffeine appearance differed dramatically, whereas for all other capsules disintegrating in the small intestine, the results were very comparable, which highlights the necessity for reliable and complementary measurement methods. No correlation could be found between the gastric residence time and disintegration after gastric emptying, which confirms the robust enteric formulation of those capsules

    Pharmacokinetics of 1-methyl-L-tryptophan after single and repeated subcutaneous application in a porcine model

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    Abstract: Increased activity of the tryptophan-metabolizing enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is associated with immunological and neurological disorders, and inhibition of its enzyme activity could be a therapeutic approach for treatment of these disorders. The aim of the present study was to establish a large animal model to study the accumulation of the potential IDO inhibitor 1-methyltryptophan (1-MT) in blood and different organs of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica). Because 1-MT has not been previously evaluated in pigs, the pharmacokinetics of a single subcutaneous 1-MT application was investigated. Based on this kinetic study, a profile for repeated 1-MT applications over a period of five days was simulated and tested. The results show that a single administration of 1-MT increases its concentrations in blood, with the maximum concentration being obtained at 12 h. Repeated daily injections of 1‑MT generated increasing plasma concentrations followed by a steady-state after two days. Twelve hours after the final application, accumulation of 1-MT was observed in the brain and other organs, with a substantial variability among various tissues. The concentrations of 1-MT measured in plasma and tissues were similar to, or even higher, than those of tryptophan. Our data indicate that repeated subcutaneous injections of 1-MT provide a suitable model for accumulation of 1-MT in plasma and tissues of domestic pigs. These findings provide a basis for further research on the immunoregulatory functions of IDO in a large animal model

    Effects of 1-Methyltryptophan on Immune Responses and the Kynurenine Pathway after Lipopolysaccharide Challenge in Pigs

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    An enhanced indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) activity is associated with an increased mortality risk in sepsis patients. Thus, the preventive inhibition of IDO1 activity may be a promising strategy to attenuate the severity of septic shock. 1-methyltryptophan (1-MT) is currently in the interest of research due to its potential inhibitory effects on IDO1 and immunomodulatory properties. The present study aims to investigate the protective and immunomodulatory effects of 1-methyltryptophan against endotoxin-induced shock in a porcine in vivo model. Effects of 1-MT were determined on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced tryptophan (TRP) degradation, immune response and sickness behaviour. 1-MT increased TRP and its metabolite kynurenic acid (KYNA) in plasma and tissues, suppressed the LPS-induced maturation of neutrophils and increased inactivity of the animals. 1-MT did not inhibit the LPS-induced degradation of TRP to kynurenine (KYN)&mdash;a marker for IDO1 activity&mdash;although the increase in KYNA indicates that degradation to one branch of the KYN pathway is facilitated. In conclusion, our findings provide no evidence for IDO1 inhibition but reveal the side effects of 1-MT that may result from the proven interference of KYNA and 1-MT with aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling. These effects should be considered for therapeutic applications of 1-MT

    The Effect of Capsule-in-Capsule Combinations on In Vivo Disintegration in Human Volunteers: A Combined Imaging and Salivary Tracer Study

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    Controlling the time point and site of the release of active ingredients within the gastrointestinal tract after administration of oral delivery systems is still a challenge. In this study, the effect of the combination of small capsules (size 3) and large capsules (size 00) on the disintegration site and time was investigated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in combination with a salivary tracer technique. As capsule shells, Vcaps® HPMC capsules, Vcaps® Plus HPMC capsules, gelatin and DRcaps® designed release capsules were used. The three HPMC-based capsules (Vcaps®, Vcaps® Plus and DRcaps® capsules) were tested as single capsules; furthermore, seven DUOCAP® capsule-in-capsule combinations were tested in a 10-way crossover open-label study in six healthy volunteers. The capsules contained iron oxide and hibiscus tea powder as tracers for visualization in MRI, and two different caffeine species (natural caffeine and 13C3) to follow caffeine release and absorption as measured by salivary levels. Results showed that the timing and location of disintegration in the gastrointestinal tract can be measured and differed when using different combinations of capsule shells. Increased variability among the six subjects was observed in most of the capsule combinations. The lowest variability in gastrointestinal localization of disintegration was observed for the DUOCAP® capsule-in-capsule configuration using a DRcaps® designed release capsule within a DRcaps® designed release outer capsule. In this combination, the inner DRcaps® designed release capsule always opened reliably after reaching the ileum. Thus, this combination enables targeted delivery to the distal small intestine. Among the single capsules tested, Vcaps® Plus HPMC capsules showed the fastest and most consistent disintegration