6 research outputs found
Aussprachevermittlungim brasilianischen DaFUnterricht – einige Überlegungen
This article aims to stress the importance of Phonetics in German teachers‟ instruction in Brazilian universities. First, it discussed the role of Pronunciation Teaching in teaching a foreign language after the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Furthermore, the concept of accent and its influence and relevance when learning a foreign language is discussed. Finally, some strategies are presented in order to ensure consistent phonetic instruction in Brazilian universitiesDas Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Notwendigkeit der Aussprachevermittlung in der Deutschlehrerausbildung an brasilianischen Hochschulen zu unterstreichen.Der Beitrag präsentiert zuerst eine Diskussion über die Rolle der Aussprachvermittlung im Fremdsprachunterricht in den Zeiten nach dem Gemeinsamen Eurospäischen Refernzrahmen. Darüber hinaus wird der Begriff Akzent sowie dessen Einfluss bzw. Relevanz beim Erlernen einer Fremdsprachethematisiert. Anschließend werden einige Herangehensweisen vorgeschlagen, um die Phonetikarbeit an brasilianischen Hochschulen konsequent durchzuführe
Ensino remoto emergencial e formação de professores de lÃnguas adicionais
A suspensão abrupta do ensino presencial nas universidades a fim de conter a rápida propagação da COVID-19, trouxe inúmeros desafios, dentre eles, a reestruturação dos cursos de idiomas oferecidos ao público externo à universidade para seu oferecimento na modalidade online em caráter emergencial. O presente trabalho busca apresentar um relato de experiência acerca do ensino de alemão num dos cursos de extensão da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) e analisar as percepções de alunos e professores em formação vinculados a esse projeto durante o ensino remoto. Para tal, foi aplicado um questionário online semiaberto aos professores-tutores e alunos. As análises indicam que a despeito das dificuldades encontradas, há entre os sujeitos de pesquisa uma percepção positiva da experiência online
Phonetic instruction in classes of German as a foreign language in Brazil : some considerations
Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Notwendigkeit der Aussprachevermittlung in der Deutschlehrerausbildung an brasilianischen Hochschulen zu unterstreichen. Der Beitrag präsentiert zuerst eine Diskussion über die Rolle der Aussprachvermittlung im Fremdsprachunterricht in den Zeiten nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen. Darüber hinaus wird der Begriff Akzent sowie dessen Einfluss bzw. Relevanz beim Erlernen einer Fremdsprache thematisiert. Anschließend werden einige Herangehensweisen vorgeschlagen, um die Phonetikarbeit an brasilianischen Hochschulen konsequent durchzuführen.This article aims to stress the importance of Phonetics in German teachers' instruction in Brazilian universities. First, it discussed the role of pronunciation teaching in teaching a foreign language after the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Furthermore, the concept of accent and its influence and relevance when learning a foreign language is discussed. Finally, some strategies are presented in order to ensure consistent phonetic instruction in Brazilian universities
Remote teaching in pandemic times: experiences with an emergency teacher training and its ramifications
The present article aims to describe an emergency teacher training that took place in July 2020 within the framework of the training of teachers of German as a foreign language (GFL) as part of the extension projects of three public universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The project was proposed and developed by teacher trainers from the three universities and was attended by undergraduate students working as teachers in the free language courses offered by the three participating institutions. The purpose of the training was to provide theoretical reflections and a practical introduction to online teaching, which, at that moment, was considered the only viable way of continuing to teach during the pandemic. This article will present the structure and content of the three weeks' training. Moreover, it presents and discusses the results of the evaluations given by the participants immediately after the course and one year later, in order to ascertain the role that the training may have had in their teaching practice.O presente artigo tem por objetivo descrever uma ação de formação emergencial que teve lugar em julho de 2020 no âmbito da formação de professores de alemão como lÃngua estrangeira (ALE) nos projetos de extensão de três universidades públicas do estado do Rio de Janeiro. O projeto foi proposto e desenvolvido por professores-formadores das três universidades e teve a participação de graduandos das três instituições que atuavam nos cursos livres ofertados pelas instituições. O intuito do curso era fornecer reflexões teóricas e uma introdução prática ao trabalho online que se impunha então como única alternativa viável. Serão apresentados a estrutura do curso e os conteúdos trabalhados durante as três semanas de duração da formação. Além disso, serão discutidos igualmente os resultados das avaliações feitas pelos participantes do curso logo após o término e um ano após, a fim de se averiguar o papel que o curso possa ter tido na prática daqueles que participaram da formação
DaF an öffentlichen Schulen am Beispiel eines Projekts in Rio de Janeiro
Das Hauptziel dieses Artikels ist es, einen Überblick über die Entstehung eines Lehrprojekts der Stadt Rio de Janeiro zur Förderung der Mehrsprachigkeit an öffentlichen Schulen zu geben. Zu diesem Zweck stützt sich der Artikel zunächst auf einige offizielle Dokumente – wie z.B. den Text des Nationalen Rahmenlehrplans (BNCC) und die Leitprinzipien für das Programm für zweisprachige Schulen in der Stadt Rio de Janeiro, die das Lehren von Fremdsprachen in Brasilien und in der Stadt Rio de Janeiro leiten. Darüber hinaus werden in diesem Beitrag Ergebnisse einer Studie vorgestellt, die mit den Lehrkräften durchgeführt wurde, die seit Beginn des Projekts als Deutschlehrende dort arbeiten. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass critical literacy und interkulturelles Lernen grundlegende Prinzipien sowohl in der Wahrnehmung als auch in der Praxis der Lehrenden sind. Schließlich zeigt der vorliegende Beitrag, wie wichtig diese Lehrprojekt zur Förderung einer reicheren und pluralen Bildung von Schüler*innen ist.The main objective of this article is to provide an overview of the emergence of a teaching project in the city of Rio de Janeiro to promote multilingualism in public schools. To this end, the article first draws on some official documents - such as the text of the National Framework Curriculum (BNCC) and the Guiding Principles for the Bilingual Schools Program in the City of Rio de Janeiro, which guide the teaching of foreign languages in Brazil and in the City of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, this paper presents results of a study conducted with teachers who have been working there as German teachers since the beginning of the project. The results of the study show that critical literacy and intercultural learning are fundamental principles in both teachers' perceptions and practices. Finally, this paper shows the importance of this teaching project in promoting a richer and plural education for students
Travessias, encontros, diálogos nos estudos germanÃsticos no Brasil
Esta antologia reúne oito contribuições do Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Estudos GermanÃsticos (Abeg) nas áreas de Alemão como lÃngua minoritária, Alemão como LÃngua Estrangeira (ALE) e da Mediação LinguÃstica (tradução e interpretação) e Formação de Professores de Alemão. O evento ocorreu em agosto de 2019, na Universidade Federal Fluminense, em Niterói.Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Faperj