1,150 research outputs found

    The Samarco mud and corporate crime : a necessary reflection.

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    O presente estudo objetiva-se a lan?ar luzes sobre o tema de crime corporativo tal como defendido por Medeiros e Alcadipani (2013a). Os estudos organizacionais tendem a se debru?arem sobre o aspecto positivo das organiza??es, tratando o seu lado sombrio como algo excepcional. Diante disso, Medeiros e Alcadipani (2013a) buscaram explorar esse lado sombrio, especificamente os crimes corporativos. Destarte, busca-se lan?ar reflex?es acerca do evento da ?Lama da Samarco? que ocasionou na morte de dezenove pessoas, em fam?lias desabrigadas, preju?zos econ?micos, consequ?ncias ambientais e c?lculo de atingidos inestim?veis. As conclus?es no que se referem ? classifica??o do evento da ?Lama? como crime corporativo ainda ? prematura, por?m, defende-se a necessidade de tais reflex?es como forma de desvelar pr?ticas sombrias das organiza??es e, diante da atualidade desse acontecimento evidenciar como ado??o de tais pr?ticas ? presente na sociedade ao passo que pesquisas que abordem os aspectos negativos do management recebem pouco espa?o.This article refers to a theoretical essay that aims to contribute to critical organizational studies by shedding light on the subject of corporate crime. Organizations are often exploited in their positive aspects, treating their dark side as exceptional, and this ultimately favors the occurrence of corporate crimes. With this in mind, we seek to reflect on the event that occurred on November 5, 2015, in the municipality of Mariana (MG), known as the "Lama da Samarco", and the theory of corporate crimes, since this event caused death of nineteen people, in homeless families, economic losses, environmental consequences, and calculation of inestimable victims. The conclusions point to approximations and similarities between the "Samarco's Lama" event and the theory of corporate crimes, but the need for such reflections is defended as a way to observe shady practices of organizations, trigger critical thinking and promote transformative practices. Given the current relevance of this event, we seek to highlight the adoption of such practices present in society, reviewing the bias that research that addresses the negative aspects of management receive little academic space

    Atividade física e hábitos alimentares de participantes e não participantes do programa atleta do futuro (PAF)

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    O estudo objetivou investigar os hábitos de atividade física (AF) e o consumo alimentar de participantes e não participantes do programa Atleta do Futuro do SESI-PAF. Materiais e métodos: Participaram 494 escolares, sendo 246 do PAF (129 meninos e 117 meninas) e 248 não participantes do PAF (112 meninos e 136 meninas), com média de idade de 8 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário auto respondido dividido em informações gerais, estrato econômico, hábitos alimentares e AF. Para a comparação das informações gerais e estrato econômico entre os grupos utilizou-se o teste Qui quadrado. Comparação do nível de AF, consumo diário e gosto alimentar utilizou-se o teste U-Mann Whitney, com o nível de significância estatística de 95%. Resultados e discussão: A maioria dos responsáveis pelos escolares possui ensino médio e pertence ao estrato econômico B. A maioria dos participantes do PAF pratica atividades moderadas (58,5%) enquanto que as não participantes atividades leves (51,6%). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto ao consumo alimentar (ingesta de feijão, cereais, lacticínios, frutas e verduras, proteínas, e batata frita/pizza). Ambos os grupos gostam muito de frutas e sucos, refrigerantes, cereais e verduras, embora não consumam com frequência refrigerantes e guloseimas. Conclusão: Os participantes do PAF tendem a realizar AF de maior intensidade quando comparados aos não participantes. Além disso, o consumo alimentar dos participantes é semelhante nos dois grupos. Ressalta-se que o consumo inadequado de alimentos e a baixa intensidade da AF contribuem para o sobrepeso e a obesidade. ABSTRACT Physical activity and eating habits of participants and non-participants of the athlete of the future-PAFThis study aims to analyze the physical activity (PA) habits and the food intake of participants and non-participants of the program SESI Atleta do Futuro-PAF. 494 schoolchildren participated, being 246 of PAF (129 boys and 117 girls) and 248 non-participants of PAF (112 boys and 136 girls) with average 8 years of age. The instrument used in the study was an auto answered questionnaire composed of: General information, socioeconomic status, eating habits and PA. For comparison, the general information and socioeconomic among the groups the test used chi square and for comparison the level of physical activity, daily food consumption and like food the test used U-Mann Whitney, with level of statistical significance of 95%. Results and discussion: Most of the school children’s parents attended secondary school and belong to socioeconomic stratum B. The assessment of PA indicated that the participants of PAF practiced moderate-intensity activities (58,5%) and the non-participants performed light-intensity activities (51,6%). No found differences significant among the groups in food consumption (intake bean, grain products, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, protein and French fries/pizza. Both groups really like fruit and juice, soft drink, grain products and vegetables, although do not consume soft drink and candies. Conclusion: Although the absence difference significant, the participants PAF tend to be done PA of higher intensity when compared to non-participants. Furthermore, the habits food intake of participants it is similar in both groups. It is noteworthy that the inadequate food intake and low intensity of PA contribute to overweight and obesity

    Safety, immunogenicity, and transplacental antibody transport of conjugated and polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines administered to pregnant women with HIV: a multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Pneumococcus remains an important cause of morbidity in pregnant women with HIV and their infants. We compared the safety and immunogenicity of PCV-10 and PPV-23 with placebo administered in pregnancy. Methods: This double-blind, multicentre, randomised controlled trial was done at eight outpatient clinics in Brazil. Eligible participants were adult women with HIV who were pregnant at a gestational age between 14 weeks and less than 34 weeks and who were taking antiretroviral therapy at study entry. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive either PCV-10, PPV-23, or placebo. Participants and study teams were unaware of treatment allocation. Antibodies against seven vaccine serotypes in PCV-10 and PPV-23 were measured by ELISA. The primary outcomes were maternal and infant safety assessed by the frequency of adverse events of grade 3 or higher; maternal seroresponse (defined as ≥2-fold increase in antibodies from baseline to 28 days after immunisation) against five or more serotypes; and infant seroprotection (defined as anti-pneumococcus antibody concentration of ≥0·35 μg/mL) against five or more serotypes at 8 weeks of life. The study was powered to detect differences of 20% or higher in the primary immunological outcomes between treatment groups. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02717494. Findings: Between April 1, 2016, and Nov 30, 2017, we enrolled 347 pregnant women with HIV, of whom 116 were randomly assigned to the PCV-10 group, 115 to the PPV-23 group, and 116 to the placebo group. One participant in the PCV-10 group did not receive the vaccine and was excluded from subsequent analyses. The frequency of adverse events of grade 3 or higher during the first 4 weeks was similar in the vaccine and placebo groups (3% [90% CI 1–7] for the PCV-10 group, 2% [0–5] for the PPV-23 group, and 3% [1–8] for the placebo group). However, injection site and systemic grade 2 adverse reactions were reported more frequently during the first 4 weeks in the vaccine groups than in the placebo group (14% [9–20] for the PCV-10 group, 7% [4–12] for the PPV-23 group, and 3% [1–7] for the placebo group). The frequency of grade 3 or higher adverse effects was similar across maternal treatment groups (20% [14–27] for the PCV-10 group, 21% [14–28] for the PPV-23 group, and 20% [14–27] for the placebo group). Seroresponses against five or more serotypes were present in 74 (65%) of 114 women in the PCV-10 group, 72 (65%) of 110 women in the PPV-23 group, and none of the 113 women in the placebo group at 4 weeks post vaccination (p<0·0001 for PPV-23 group vs placebo and PCV-10 group vs placebo). Seroresponse differences of 20% or higher in vaccine compared with placebo recipients persisted up to 24 weeks post partum. At birth, 76 (67%) of 113 infants in the PCV-10 group, 62 (57%) of 109 infants in the PPV-23 group, and 19 (17%) of 115 infants in the placebo group had seroprotection against five or more serotypes (p<0·0001 for PPV-23 vs placebo and PCV-10 vs placebo). At 8 weeks, the outcome was met by 20 (19%) of 108 infants in the PCV-10 group, 24 (23%) of 104 infants in the PPV-23 group, and one (1%) of 109 infants in the placebo group (p<0·0001). Although a difference of 20% or higher compared with placebo was observed only in the infants who received PPV-23 at 8 weeks of life, the difference between the two vaccine groups was not appreciable. Interpretation: PCV-10 and PPV-23 were equally safe and immunogenic in pregnant women with HIV and conferred similar levels of seroprotection to their infants. In areas in which childhood PCV administration decreased the circulation of PCV serotypes, PPV-23 administration to pregnant women with HIV might be more advantageous than PCV by virtue of including a broader range of serotypes

    Ghrelin plasma levels, gastric ghrelin cell density and bone mineral density in women with rheumatoid arthritis.

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    Generalized bone loss can be considered an extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that may lead to the occurrence of fractures, resulting in decreased quality of life and increased healthcare costs. The peptide ghrelin has demonstrated to positively affect osteoblasts in vitro and has anti-inflammatory actions, but the studies that correlate ghrelin plasma levels and RA have contradictory results. We aimed to evaluate the correlation between total ghrelin plasma levels, density of ghrelin-immunoreactive cells in the gastric mucosa, and bone mineral density (BMD) in twenty adult women with established RA with 6 months or more of symptoms (mean age of 52.70?11.40 years). Patients with RA presented higher ghrelin-immunoreactive cells density in gastric mucosa (P=0.008) compared with healthy females. There was a positive relationship between femoral neck BMD and gastric ghrelin cell density (P=0.007). However, these same patients presented a negative correlation between plasma ghrelin levels and total femoral BMD (P=0.03). The present results indicate that ghrelin may be involved in bone metabolism of patients with RA. However, the higher density of ghrelin-producing cells in the gastric mucosa of these patients does not seem to induce a corresponding elevation in the plasma levels of this peptide

    Planejamento estrat?gico organizacional : reflex?es a partir da utiliza??o das matrizes SWOT e GUT em uma associa??o de catadores de materiais recicl?veis.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo aplicar as matrizes SWOT e GUT na Associa??o de Materiais Recicl?veis do Munic?pio de Jo?o Monlevade- MG para analisar sua situa??o atual e estabelecer prioridades em rela??o aos principais problemas levantados, de modo a servir de insumos para a constru??o de um planejamento estrat?gico. Para tanto, utilizou-se as matrizes SWOT e GUT, que s?o ferramentas que promovem o diagn?stico do ambiente organizacional, priorizando algumas a??es estrat?gicas que ampliam a possibilidade de sucesso da organiza??o, tanto no presente como no futuro. Quanto aos procedimentos metodol?gicos, o estudo fundamenta-se em pesquisas bibliogr?ficas e documentais, pesquisa-a??o, acompanhamento das atividades di?rias da associa??o, participa??o nas reuni?es internas e externas dos associados e/ou parceiros da organiza??o, di?logo com os catadores, acompanhamento e an?lise do programa da coleta seletiva implantada. Observa-se que a aplica??o das matrizes SWOT e GUT colabora para o reconhecimento de caracter?sticas que inviabilizam a sustentabilidade, produtividade, fideliza??o dos clientes, vantagem competitiva, entre outras, t?o importantes quanto as destacadas. O resultado da pesquisa apresenta fatores que auxiliaram na edifica??o de novas fases e a??es de curto, m?dio e/ou longo prazo na associa??o, de modo a tentar garantir sucesso e sustentabilidade

    A smart pool search matheuristic for solving a multi-objective microgrid storage planning problem.

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    In this paper, a multi-objective power dispatching problem that uses Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) as storage units is considered. The problem involves several PEVs and a microgrid community, composed of small houses, residential areas, and different Renewable Energy Resources. Three different objectives are considered: microgrid total costs; usage of PEV batteries and maximum grid peak load. In order to find sets of non-dominated solutions, a matheuristic black box solves several Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) subproblems. We improve a previously developed MILP model and design a new multi-objective matheuristic including new problem initialization mechanisms
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