24 research outputs found

    Bioinspired materials that self-shape through programmed microstructures

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    Nature displays numerous examples of materials that can autonomously change their shape in response to external stimuli. Remarkably, shape changes in biological systems can be programmed within the material's microstructure to enable self-shaping capabilities even in the absence of cellular control. Here, we revisit recent attempts to replicate in synthetic materials the shape-changing behavior of selected natural materials displaying deliberately tuned fibrous architectures. Simple processing methods like drawing, spinning or casting under magnetic fields are shown to be effective in mimicking the orientation and spatial distribution of reinforcing fibers of natural materials, thus enabling unique shape-changing features in synthetic systems. The bioinspired design and creation of self-shaping microstructures represent a new pathway to program shape changes in synthetic materials. In contrast to shape-memory polymers and metallic alloys, the self-shaping capabilities in these bioinspired materials originate at the microstructural level rather than the molecular scale. This enables the creation of programmable shape changes using building blocks that would otherwise not display the intrinsic molecular/atomic phase transitions required in conventional shape-memory materials.ISSN:1744-683XISSN:1744-684

    Cisto ovariano em vacas de leite: incidência, resposta à aplicação de GnRH e desempenho reprodutivo Ovarian cysts in lactating dairy cows: incidence, response to GnRH, and reproductive performance

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    A incidência de cistos ovarianos, a resposta ao tratamento com GnRH e os efeitos da ocorrência de cisto no desempenho reprodutivo e na taxa de descarte foram determinados em vacas lactantes da raça Holandesa. Vacas lactantes (n=333) foram avaliadas semanalmente por ultrassonografia a partir da quarta semana pós-parto, visando à detecção de corpos lúteos (CL) e de folículos ovarianos maiores que 10mm. Na sétima semana pós-parto, as vacas foram classificadas: em ciclando (n=248; presença de CL em um dos exames ultrassonográficos); em anestro (n=54; ausência de CL e de folículos >25mm) e com cisto (n=31; ausência de CL e presença de estruturas >25mm), quando foram distribuídas em: grupo-controle (n=16; sem tratamento) e grupo-tratamento (n=15; vacas que receberam uma aplicação de GnRH). A taxa de cura foi de 60,0% no grupo das vacas tratadas e de 87,5% no grupo-controle. As vacas com cistos apresentaram maior intervalo parto-primeira inseminação artificial (P<0,05; 91,4±8,3 vs. 77,8±2,5), maior número de serviços por concepção (P<0,05; 4,4±1,2 vs. 3,6±1,5), maior intervalo parto-concepção (P<0,05; 214,8±25,9 vs. 174,9±7,7) e maior taxa de descarte (P<0,05; 41,2 vs. 21,8%) do que as vacas ciclando. Vacas diagnosticadas com cisto na sétima semana pós-parto apresentaram recuperação espontânea, embora o intervalo parto-concepção e a taxa de descarte tenham sido maiores para essas vacas.<br>The incidence of ovarian cysts, response to GnRH treatment, and effects on reproductive performance and culling rate of Holstein cows were determined. Ovaries of lactating cows (n=333), were weekly monitored by ultrasound, beginning at fourth week postpartum, to determine the presence of corpus luteum (CL) and follicles greater than 10mm. In the seventh week the cows were classified as cycling (n=248; presence of corpus luteum (CL) in one of the ultrasound evaluations); anovulatory (n=54; absence of CL and follicles less than 25mm), and cystic (n=31; absence of CL and presence of structures greater than 25mm). The cysts cows were distributed in two groups in the seventh week: control group (n=16; without treatment) and treatment group (n=15; cows received one GnRH injection). The recovery rate was 60.0% in treated cows and 87.5% in control cows. The cystic cows had longer average interval from parturition to first AI (P<0.05; 91.4±8.3 vs. 77.8±2.5), higher number of services per conception (P<0.05; 4.4±1.2 vs. 3.6±1.5), longer interval parturition to conception (P<0.05; 214.8± 25.9 vs. 174.9±7.7), and higher percentage of culled cows (P<0.05; 41.2% vs. 21.8%), than cycling cows. Cystic cows without treatment had the same recovery rate as cows treated with GnRH. Cystic cows had longer intervals from parturition to conception, and higher culling rate

    Role of Cu During Sintering of Fe0.96Cu0.04 Nanoparticles

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    Nanoparticle agglomerates of passivated Fe (n-Fe) and Fe0.96Cu0.04 (n-Fe0.96Cu0.04), synthesized through the levitational gas condensation (LGC) process, were compacted and sintered using the conventional powder metallurgy method. The n-Fe0.96Cu0.04 agglomerates produced lower green density than n-Fe, and when compacted under pressure beyond 200 MPa, they underwent lateral cracking during ejection attributed to the presence of a passive oxide layer. Sintering under dynamic hydrogen atmosphere can produce a higher density of compact in n-Fe0.96Cu0.04 in comparison to n-Fe. Both the results of dilatometry and thermogravimetric (TG) measurements of the samples under flowing hydrogen revealed enhancement of the sintering process as soon as the reduction of oxide layers could be accomplished. The shrinkage rate of n-Fe0.96Cu0.04 reached a value three times higher than n-Fe at a low temperature of 723 K (450 A degrees C) during heating. This enhanced shrinkage rate was the manifestation of accumulation of Cu at the surface of the particles. The formation of a thin-surface melted layer enriched with copper during heating to isothermal holding facilitated as a medium of transport for diffusion of the elements. The compacts produced by sintering at 773 K (500 A degrees C), with relative density 82 pct, were found to be unstable and oxidized instantly when exposed to ambient atmosphere. The stable compacts of density more than 92 pct with 300- to 450-nm grain size could only be produced when sintering was carried out at 973 K (700 A degrees C) and beyond. The 0.22 wt pct residual oxygen obtained in the sintered compact is similar to what is used for conventional ferrous powder metallurgy products