7 research outputs found

    Prevalence and severity of pterygium among commercial motorcycle riders in south eastern Nigeria

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    Background: Pterygium is common among outdoor workers who are daily exposed to sunlight and dust due to repeated conjunctival /corneal drying and microtrauma especially in the tropics. Commercial motorcyclistsin Nigeria are outdoor workers who spend the greater part of the day outdoors under the intense heat and dust characteristic of this part of the world and would therefore be largely predisposed to developingthis conjunctival disorder.Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and severity of pterygium among these workers and relate these findings to their duration of work.Methods: A cross sectional study with a multi stage random sampling design was used to choose the 615 subjects enrolled in the study.Results: The prevalence for pterygium was 19.3% (206 eyes) with stage 1 occurring mostly (52%) followed by stage 2(46%). Pterygium was commonamong riders who had been riding for 5 years or less. The relationship between duration of riding and pterygium severity was significant (p=0.009). This prevalence was unaffected by the use of regular sun glasses (p=0.188).Conclusion: A strong relationship exists between commercial motorcycle riding and development of pterygium not affected by using regular sunglasses. We recommend that helmets with full face shields and/orproper UV protected riding goggles where the helmets have no face shield be enforced by the regulation bodies so as to reduce the prevalence of these disorders.Keywords: Pterygium, Prevalence, Commercial motorcyclists, work duration

    Traditional medication use among out-patients attending the eye clinic of a secondary health facility in Owerri, South-East Nigeria

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    Background: Traditional medicine practice is thriving in Nigeria. Proximity, easy accessibility, cost and increasing interest in natural products of plant origin are factors that have been implicated. Inappropriate and unregulated use of traditional medications can result in hazardous effects. Lately, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been helping nations to develop policies for the regulation of traditional medicine use.Objective: This study aims at determining the pattern and prevalence of the use of traditional medication among out-patients attending the Eye Clinic of Imo State Specialist Hospital Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. The study will provide useful data for patient management and the development of national health policies on traditional medicine practice.Methodology: A prospective study using a pre-tested structured questionnaire was carried out in the Eye Clinic of Imo State Specialist Hospital Owerri during the period of study.Results: Out of 202 subjects enumerated, 168 (83.2%) comprising of 72 (82.8%) males and 96 (83.5%) females have used traditional medication. The use of traditional medication was significantly associated with age and occupation, but, not with sex and education. Malaria (44.5%) was the most common reason for the use of traditional medication followed by ocular problems (20.6%). The most common type of this medication used was vegetable matter / herb (52%). There was an 89.5% positive response to counselling among the subjects.Conclusion: The use of traditional medication was significantly associated with occupation and increasing age. Education had a positive influence on the attitude of the subjects; hence, education and regulation of traditional medication practice are recommended to curb the negative effects of inappropriate use. Medical practitioners should be aware of the prevalent use of traditional medications among patients, and the challenges they may pose in patient care.Keywords: African, education, herbs, malaria, ocular problem

    Central nervous system affecting drugs and road traffic accidents among commercial motorcyclists

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    Background: Commercial motorcyclists are popular due to the convenience associated with their use especially in areas where taxis do not ply. The financial benefits to the operators caused a boom but indirectly resulted in a lot of carnage on our roads. These accidents (RTA) have been attributed to various causes including driving under the influence of drugs that affect the central nervous system (CNS).Objective: This study was aimed at determining the role of CNS affecting drugs in the causation of RTA among these motorcyclists and also to make recommendations based on the result.Methodology: This is a cross-sectional survey with a multi-stage random sampling used to select 615 commercial motorcyclists in Enugu metropolis. A structured questionnaire was administered after obtaining consent from the respondents. Data were analysed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 11.5 and variables were tested using the Chi square. A p-value of <0.05% was considered significant.Results: Amongst the motorcyclists 78% were using CNS affecting drugs while 57.7% had been involved in RTA. These were mostly in the 31-40 and 21-30year age groups. The use of CNS affecting drugs, as well as inexperience in riding, was significantly associated with RTA. Visual impairment was not a significant cause of RTA.Conclusion: The use of CNS affecting drugs is common among commercial motorcyclists. Majority of commercial motorcyclists involved in RTA use these drugs. The government of Nigeria through its agencies should enforce laws regulating motorcycle riding under the influence of drugs.Keywords: Brain, influence, riders, substance

    Factors affecting the utilization of safety devices by commercial motorcyclists in South- East Nigeria

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    Background: Motorcycle crashes are common causes of morbidity and mortality for both riders and passengers. To prevent and reduce the severity of injuries sustained through road traffic accidents (RTA) many countries enforce the use of safety devices while riding. Certain factors including non-enforcement of the existing road safety laws have been implicated as causing the poor utilization of safety devices by motorcycle riders in the developing countries. This study seeks to determine the prevalence of use of safety devices, and the reasons for non-utilization of these devices among the commercial motorcyclists in south eastern Nigeria.Methodology: This was a cross sectional survey conducted among commercial motorcycle riders in the three local government areas in Enugu metropolis, the capital of Enugu State.Results: The prevalence of safety device use (goggles/helmets) in this study was 82.1% (505 motorcyclists). Four hundred and fifty three (73.7%) use goggles while 131 motorcyclists (21.3%) use helmets alone. The major determinants of non-utilization of helmets noted were cost among 52.1% of the riders and discomfort as 25.7% found the use of helmets uncomfortable. Age (>40 years) and marital status were significantly associated with use of safety devices while formal school education did not positively influence their use.Conclusion: The prevalence for use of safety helmets is low and the reasons for the poor utilization of this safety device are trivial when compared with the overall safety of the motorcyclists.Keywords: Determinants, prevalence, protective wears, rider