805 research outputs found

    Dust Reddening in SDSS Quasars

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    We explore the form of extragalactic reddening toward quasars using a sample of 9566 quasars with redshifts 0<z<2.2, and accurate optical colors from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We confirm that dust reddening is the primary explanation for the red ``tail'' of the color distribution of SDSS quasars. Our fitting to 5-band photometry normalized by the modal quasar color as a function of redshift shows that this ``tail'' is well described by SMC-like reddening but not by LMC-like, Galactic, or Gaskell et al. (2004) reddening. Extension to longer wavelengths using a subset of 1886 SDSS-2MASS matches confirms these results at high significance. We carry out Monte-Carlo simulations that match the observed distribution of quasar spectral energy distributions using a Lorentzian dust reddening distribution; 2% of quasars selected by the main SDSS targeting algorithm (i.e., which are not extincted out of the sample) have E_{B-V} > 0.1; less than 1% have E_{B-V} > 0.2, where the extinction is relative to quasars with modal colors. Reddening is uncorrelated with the presence of intervening narrow-line absorption systems, but reddened quasars are much more likely to show narrow absorption at the redshift of the quasar than are unreddened quasars. Thus the reddening towards quasars is dominated by SMC-like dust at the quasar redshift.Comment: 29 pages including 8 figures. AJ, September 2004 issu

    A Cross-Sectional Survey of Anesthetic Airway Equipment and Airway Management Practices in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Anesthesia-related causes contribute to a significant proportion of perioperative deaths, especially in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). There is evidence that complications related to failed airway management are a significant contributor to perioperative morbidity and mortality. While existing data have highlighted the magnitude of airway management complications in LMICs, there are inadequate data to understand their root causes. This study aimed to pilot an airway management capacity tool that evaluates airway management resources, provider practices, and experiences with difficult airways in an attempt to better understand potential contributing factors to airway management challenges. METHODS: We developed a novel airway management capacity assessment tool through a nonsystematic review of existing literature on anesthesia and airway management in LMICs, internationally recognized difficult airway algorithms, minimum standards for equipment, the safe practice of anesthesia, and the essential medicines and health supplies list of Uganda. We distributed the survey tool during conferences and workshops, to anesthesia care providers from across the spectrum of surgical care facilities in Uganda. The data were analyzed using descriptive methods. RESULTS: Between May 2017 and May 2018, 89 of 93 surveys were returned (17% of anesthesia providers in the country) from all levels of health facilities that provide surgical services in Uganda. Equipment for routine airway management was available to all anesthesia providers surveyed, but with a limited range of sizes. Pediatric airway equipment was always available 54% of the time. There was limited availability of capnography (15%), video laryngoscopes (4%), cricothyroidotomy kits (6%), and fiber-optic bronchoscopes (7%). Twenty-one percent (18/87) of respondents reported experiencing a "can't intubate, can't ventilate" (CICV) scenario in the 12 months preceding the survey, while 63% (54/86) reported experiencing at least 1 CICV during their career. Eighty-five percent (74/87) of respondents reported witnessing a severe airway management complication during their career, with 21% (19/89) witnessing a death as a result of a CICV scenario. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed and implemented an airway management capacity tool that describes airway management practices in Uganda. Using this tool, we have identified significant gaps in access to airway management resources. Gaps identified by the survey, along with advocacy by the Association of Anesthesiologists of Uganda, in partnership with the Ugandan Ministry of Health, have led to some progress in closing these gaps. Expanding the availability of airway management resources further, providing more airway management training, and identifying opportunities to support skilled workforce expansion have the potential to improve perioperative safety in Uganda

    The UV, Optical, and IR Properties of SDSS Sources Detected by GALEX

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    We discuss the UV, optical, and IR properties of the SDSS sources detected by GALEX as part of its All-sky Imaging Survey Early Release Observations. Virtually all of the GALEX sources in the overlap region are detected by SDSS. GALEX sources represent ~2.5% of all SDSS sources within these fields and about half are optically unresolved. Most unresolved GALEX/SDSS sources are bright blue turn-off thick disk stars and are typically detected only in the GALEX near-UV band. The remaining unresolved sources include low-redshift quasars, white dwarfs, and white dwarf/M dwarf pairs, and these dominate the optically unresolved sources detected in both GALEX bands. Almost all the resolved SDSS sources detected by GALEX are fainter than the SDSS 'main' spectroscopic limit. These sources have colors consistent with those of blue (spiral) galaxies (u-r<2.2), and most are detected in both GALEX bands. Measurements of their UV colors allow much more accurate and robust estimates of star-formation history than are possible using only SDSS data. Indeed, galaxies with the most recent (<20 Myr) star formation can be robustly selected from the GALEX data by requiring that they be brighter in the far-UV than in the near-UV band. However, older starburst galaxies have UV colors similar to AGN, and thus cannot be selected unambiguously on the basis of GALEX fluxes alone. With the aid of 2MASS data, we construct and discuss median 10 band UV-optical-IR spectral energy distributions for turn-off stars, hot white dwarfs, low-redshift quasars, and spiral and elliptical galaxies. We point out the high degree of correlation between the UV color and the contribution of the UV flux to the UV-optical-IR flux of galaxies detected by GALEX.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables; to appear in the AJ. PS with better figures available from http://www.astro.washington.edu/agueros/pub

    Centrally concentrated molecular gas driving galactic-scale ionized gas outflows in star-forming galaxies

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    We perform a joint analysis of high spatial resolution molecular gas and star-formation rate (SFR) maps in main-sequence star-forming galaxies experiencing galactic-scale outflows of ionized gas. Our aim is to understand the mechanism that determines which galaxies are able to launch these intense winds. We observed CO(1→0) at 1-arcsec resolution with ALMA in 16 edge-on galaxies, which also have 2-arcsec spatial-resolution optical integral field observations from the SAMI Galaxy Survey. Half the galaxies in the sample were previously identified as harbouring intense and large-scale outflows of ionized gas (‘outflow types’) and the rest serve as control galaxies. The data set is complemented by integrated CO(1→0) observations from the IRAM 30-m telescope to probe the total molecular gas reservoirs. We find that the galaxies powering outflows do not possess significantly different global gas fractions or star-formation efficiencies when compared with a control sample. However, the ALMA maps reveal that the molecular gas in the outflow-type galaxies is distributed more centrally than in the control galaxies. For our outflow-type objects, molecular gas and star-formation are largely confined within their inner effective radius (reff), whereas in the control sample, the distribution is more diffuse, extending far beyond reff. We infer that outflows in normal star-forming galaxies may be caused by dynamical mechanisms that drive molecular gas into their central regions, which can result in locally enhanced gas surface density and star-formation

    The structure of the caspase recruitment domain of BinCARD reveals that all three cysteines can be oxidized

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    The caspase recruitment domain (CARD) is present in death-domain superfamily proteins involved in inflammation and apoptosis. BinCARD is named for its ability to interact with Bcl10 and inhibit downstream signalling. Human BinCARD is expressed as two isoforms that encode the same N-terminal CARD region but which differ considerably in their C-termini. Both isoforms are expressed in immune cells, although BinCARD-2 is much more highly expressed. Crystals of the CARD fold common to both had low symmetry (space group P1). Molecular replacement was unsuccessful in this low-symmetry space group and, as the construct contains no methionines, first one and then two residues were engineered to methionine for MAD phasing. The double-methionine variant was produced as a selenomethionine derivative, which was crystallized and the structure was solved using data measured at two wavelengths. The crystal structures of the native and selenomethionine double mutant were refined to high resolution (1.58 and 1.40 Å resolution, respectively), revealing the presence of a cis-peptide bond between Tyr39 and Pro40. Unexpectedly, the native crystal structure revealed that all three cysteines were oxidized. The mitochondrial localization of BinCARD-2 and the susceptibility of its CARD region to redox modification points to the intriguing possibility of a redox-regulatory role

    Stress-Induced Reinstatement of Drug Seeking: 20 Years of Progress

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    In human addicts, drug relapse and craving are often provoked by stress. Since 1995, this clinical scenario has been studied using a rat model of stress-induced reinstatement of drug seeking. Here, we first discuss the generality of stress-induced reinstatement to different drugs of abuse, different stressors, and different behavioral procedures. We also discuss neuropharmacological mechanisms, and brain areas and circuits controlling stress-induced reinstatement of drug seeking. We conclude by discussing results from translational human laboratory studies and clinical trials that were inspired by results from rat studies on stress-induced reinstatement. Our main conclusions are (1) The phenomenon of stress-induced reinstatement, first shown with an intermittent footshock stressor in rats trained to self-administer heroin, generalizes to other abused drugs, including cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine, and alcohol, and is also observed in the conditioned place preference model in rats and mice. This phenomenon, however, is stressor specific and not all stressors induce reinstatement of drug seeking. (2) Neuropharmacological studies indicate the involvement of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), noradrenaline, dopamine, glutamate, kappa/dynorphin, and several other peptide and neurotransmitter systems in stress-induced reinstatement. Neuropharmacology and circuitry studies indicate the involvement of CRF and noradrenaline transmission in bed nucleus of stria terminalis and central amygdala, and dopamine, CRF, kappa/dynorphin, and glutamate transmission in other components of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system (ventral tegmental area, medial prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and nucleus accumbens). (3) Translational human laboratory studies and a recent clinical trial study show the efficacy of alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists in decreasing stress-induced drug craving and stress-induced initial heroin lapse

    Reliability and Diagnostic Performance of CT Imaging Criteria in the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis

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    The original publication is available at http:// www.plosone.orgPublication of this article was funded by the Stellenbosch University Open Access Fund.Introduction: Abnormalities on CT imaging may contribute to the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM). Recently, an expert consensus case definition (CCD) and set of imaging criteria for diagnosing basal meningeal enhancement (BME) have been proposed. This study aimed to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and reliability of these in a prospective cohort of adult meningitis patients. Methods: Initial diagnoses were based on the CCD, classifying patients into: ‘Definite TBM’ (microbiological confirmation), ‘Probable TBM’ (diagnostic score $10), ‘Possible TBM’ (diagnostic score 6–9), ‘Not TBM’ (confirmation of an alternative diagnosis) or ‘Uncertain’ (diagnostic score of ,6). CT images were evaluated independently on two occasions by four experienced reviewers. Intra-rater and inter-rater agreement were calculated using the kappa statistic. Sensitivities and specificities were calculated using both ‘Definite TBM’ and either ‘Definite TBM’ or ‘Probable TBM’ as gold standards. Results: CT scan criteria for BME had good intra-rater agreement (k range 0.35–0.78) and fair to moderate inter-rater agreement (k range 0.20–0.52). Intra- and inter-rater agreement on the CCD components were good to fair (k = ranges 0.47–0.81 and 0.21–0.63). Using ‘Definite TBM’ as a gold standard, the criteria for BME were very specific (61.5%–100%), but insensitive (5.9%–29.4%). Similarly, the imaging components of the CCD were highly specific (69.2–100%) but lacked sensitivity (0–56.7%). Similar values were found when using ‘Definite TBM’ or ‘Probable TBM’ as a gold standard. Discussion: The fair to moderate inter-rater agreement and poor sensitivities of the criteria for BME suggest that little reliance should be placed in these features in isolation. While the presence of the CCD criteria of acute infarction or tuberculoma(s) appears useful as rule-in criteria, their absence is of little help in excluding TBM. The CCD and criteria for BME, as well as any new criteria, need to be standardized and validated in prospective cohort studies.Funding: KB received funding from the Discovery Foundation (Academic Fellowship Award; http://www.discovery.co.za/portal/loggedout-individual/discoverycommunity- about), College of Neurology of South Africa (K.M. Browse Award; http://www.collegemedsa.ac.za/Default.aspx ) and the University of Stellenbosch. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Publisher's versio

    A change in the optical polarization associated with a gamma-ray flare in the blazar 3C 279

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    It is widely accepted that strong and variable radiation detected over all accessible energy bands in a number of active galaxies arises from a relativistic, Doppler-boosted jet pointing close to our line of sight. The size of the emitting zone and the location of this region relative to the central supermassive black hole are, however, poorly known, with estimates ranging from light-hours to a light-year or more. Here we report the coincidence of a gamma-ray flare with a dramatic change of optical polarization angle. This provides evidence for co-spatiality of optical and gamma-ray emission regions and indicates a highly ordered jet magnetic field. The results also require a non-axisymmetric structure of the emission zone, implying a curved trajectory for the emitting material within the jet, with the dissipation region located at a considerable distance from the black hole, at about 10^5 gravitational radii.Comment: Published in Nature issued on 18 February 2010. Corresponding authors: Masaaki Hayashida and Greg Madejsk
