361 research outputs found

    Opinions and attitudes regarding sexuality: Brazilian national research, 2005

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever opiniões e atitudes sobre sexualidade da população urbana brasileira. MÉTODOS: Inquérito de base populacional realizado em 2005, em amostra representativa de 5.040 entrevistados. Realizou-se análise das atitudes diante da iniciação e educação sexual de adolescentes, considerando sexo, idade, escolaridade, renda, estado civil, religião, cor, região geográfica e opiniões sobre fidelidade, homossexualidade e masturbação. Os resultados foram contrastados com pesquisa similar realizada em 1998, sempre que possível. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos entrevistados escolheu como significado para o sexo a alternativa: "sexo é uma prova de amor". Como em 1998, a maioria manifestou-se pela iniciação sexual dos jovens depois do casamento (63,9% para iniciação feminina vs. 52,4% para a masculina), com diferenças entre praticantes das diversas religiões. A educação escolar de adolescentes sobre o uso do preservativo foi apoiada por 97% dos entrevistados, de todos os grupos sociais. Foi elevada a proporção de brasileiros que concordaram com o acesso ao preservativo nos serviços de saúde (95%) e na escola (83,6%). A fidelidade permaneceu um valor quase unânime e aumentou, em 2005, a proporção dos favoráveis à iniciação sexual depois do casamento, assim como a aceitação da masturbação e da homossexualidade, em relação à pesquisa de 1998. As gerações mais novas tendem a ser mais tolerantes e igualitárias. CONCLUSÕES: Como observado em outros países, confirma-se a dificuldade de estabelecer uma dimensão única que explique a regulação da vida sexual ("liberal" vs "conservador"). Sugere-se que a normatividade relativa à atividade sexual deva ser compreendidas à luz da cultura e organização social da sexualidade ao nível local, auscultadas pelos programas de DST/Aids. A opinião favorável ao acesso livre ao preservativo na escola contrasta com resultados mais lentos no âmbito do combate ao estigma e à discriminação das minorias homossexuais. A formulação de políticas laicas dedicadas à sexualidade permitirá o diálogo entre diferentes perspectivas.OBJECTIVE: To describe opinions and attitudes concerning sexuality of the Brazilian urban population. METHODS: A population survey was carried out in 2005 on a representative sample of 5,040 interviewees. An analysis of the attitudes regarding sexual initiation and sexual education of teenagers, considering gender, age, schooling, income, marital status, color, geographic region and opinion on fidelity, homosexuality, and masturbation. The results were contrasted with a similar survey carried out in 1998, when possible. RESULTS: Most interviewees selected the "sex is evidence of love" option when describing the meaning of sex. As in 1998, the majority was in favor of sexual initiation after marriage (63.9% for women vs. 52.4% for men initiation); results differed among religions. School teenage education on the use of condoms was supported by 97% of the interviewees across all social groups. The proportion of Brazilians who agreed with having access to condoms in health services (95%) and at school (83.6%) was high. Fidelity remained an almost unanimous value and there was an increase, in 2005, in the proportion of those in favor of sexual initiation after marriage, and in the rate of acceptance of masturbation and homosexuality compared to the 1998 survey. The younger generations tend to be more tolerant and equalitarian. CONCLUSIONS: As observed in other countries, this study confirms the difficulty in establishing a single dimension that guides sexual life ("liberal" vs "conservative"). The study suggests that the normativity concerning sexual activity should be understood in the light of the local culture and social organization of sexuality, considered by the STD/Aids programs. Opinions in favor of free access to preservatives at school clash with the slower results obtained in fighting the stigma and discriminating against homosexual minorities. The design of laical policies on sexuality allow for the dialog across different perspectives.Ministério da Saúd

    Tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS coinfection in Porto Alegre, RS/Brazil - invisibility and silencing of the most affected groups

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze how belonging to certain social groups contributes to constituting the vulnerabilities associated with illnesses due to tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS coinfection. METHODOLOGYThis is a qualitative study carried out in the city of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, in regions of high social vulnerability. Twenty coinfected people were interviewed in specialized health services between August and December 2016. The analysis was based on the frameworks The Sound of Silence and Vulnerability and Human Rights. RESULTS: Socioeconomic conditions were decisive for the constitution of the vulnerability conditions. Processes of people invisibilization, and the silencing of their voices, in a scenario marked by economic, racial and gender inequalities, contributed for their health needs not to be understood and effectively taken into account in the services actions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The more effective strategies are to legitimize voices and to understand the needs of those affected by coinfection, the greater the chances that programmatic responses to the problem will be successful

    Age and condom use at first sexual intercourse of Brazilian adolescents

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a idade e o uso do preservativo na iniciação sexual de adolescentes brasileiros em dois períodos: 1998 e 2005. MÉTODOS: Amostras representativas da população urbana brasileira foram entrevistadas em inquérito domiciliar por duas pesquisas, realizadas em 1998 e 2005. Dentre os entrevistados, 670 jovens (16 a 19 anos) sexualmente ativos foram selecionados para o estudo, 312 de 1998 e 358 de 2005. Para análise dos dados ponderados foram utilizados o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e o teste exato de Fisher (±<5%). RESULTADOS: Em 2005, 61,6% dos jovens entrevistados tinham iniciado-se sexualmente, cuja idade média foi 14,9 anos, sem diferenças significativas para os jovens entrevistados em 1998. O uso de preservativo na primeira relação sexual aumentou significativamente em relações estáveis (48,5% em 1998 vs. 67,7% em 2005) e casuais (47,2% em 1998 vs. 62,6% em 2005) em quase todos os segmentos. Persistiram as diferenças relacionadas à iniciação sexual e ao uso de preservativos segundo gênero, cor da pele e escolaridade, tal como observado em 1998. A diminuição no uso de preservativo entre os jovens que se iniciaram sexualmente antes dos 14 anos, em todos os contextos de parceria, foi expressiva na região Sudeste e entre os mais escolarizados. CONCLUSÕES: Como em outros países, observou-se tendência à estabilização da idade da iniciação sexual entre jovens de 15 a 19 anos. O adiamento do início da vida sexual, mais freqüente entre os jovens mais escolarizados, deve ser tema discutido no planejamento da educação dos adolescentes para a sexualidade e prevenção das IST. Quanto à diminuição da vulnerabilidade ao HIV, é relevante e significativo o incremento no uso de preservativo na iniciação sexual.OBJECTIVE: To analyze age and condom use at first sexual intercourse among Brazilian adolescents at two periods: 1998 and 2005. METHODS: Representative samples of the Brazilian urban population were interviewed during a household survey for two studies, carried out in 1998 and 2005. Interviewees included 670 sexually active young people (aged 16 to 19) who were selected for the study, 312 in 1998 and 358 in 2005. Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test (±<5%) were used to analyze the weighted data. RESULTS: In 2005, 61.6% of young interviewees had practiced sex and the average age for first intercourse was 14.9, with no significant difference to young interviewees in 1998. Condom use during first sexual intercourse increased significantly in both stable relationships (48.5% in 1998 vs. 67.7% in 2005) and casual relationships (47.2% in 1998 vs. 62.6% in 2005) across almost all segments. There were differences by gender, skin color and schooling for both age of first sexual intercourse and condom use, as per findings in 1998. Decreases in condom use for young people who were sexually active before the age of 14, across all types of partnerships, were marked in the Southeast region and for people with more schooling. CONCLUSIONS: As in other countries, there was a trend towards the stabilizing of the age of first sexual intercourse for young people aged 15 to 19. The postponement of the first sexual intercourse is more frequent among youth with more years of schooling, a theme that should be discussed in the planning of sexual education and STI prevention initiatives for adolescents. In terms of reductions in vulnerability to HIV, the increase in condom use at first sexual intercourse is both relevant and significant.Ministério da Saúd

    Managing the Marine Aquarium Trade: Revealing the Data Gaps Using Ornamental Polychaetes

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    The marine aquarium industry has great potential to generate jobs in low-income coastal communities creating incentives for the maintenance of a healthy coral reef, if effectively managed. In the absence of current monitoring or legislation to govern the trade, baseline information regarding the species, number and source location of animals traded is missing despite being critical for its successful management and sustainability. An industry assessment to establish the number and provenance of species of ornamental polychaetes (sabellids and serpulids) traded was undertaken across UK wholesalers and retailers. Six geographical regions exporting fan worms were identified. Singapore contributed the highest percentage of imports, but of only one worm “type” whereas Bali, the second largest source, supplied five different worm “types”. Over 50% of UK retailers were supplied by one wholesaler while the remainder were stocked by a mixture of one other wholesaler and/or direct imports from the source country. We estimate that up to 18,500 ornamental polychaetes (16,980 sabellids and 1,018 serpulids) are sold annually in the UK revealing a drastic underestimation of currently accepted trade figures. Incorrect identification (based on exporting region or visual characteristics) of traded animals exacerbates the inaccuracy in market quantification, although identification of preserved sabellids using published keys proved just as inconclusive with high within-species variability and the potential for new or cryptic species. A re-description of the polychaete groups traded using a combination of molecular and morphological techniques is necessary for effective identification and market quantification. This study provides the first assessment of ornamental polychaetes but more importantly highlights the issues surrounding the collection of baseline information necessary to manage the aquarium trade. We recommend that future management should be community based and site-specific with financial and educational support from NGOs, local governments and industry members

    Comparison between observed children's tooth brushing habits and those reported by mothers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Information bias can occur in epidemiological studies and compromise scientific outcomes, especially when evaluating information given by a patient regarding their own health. The oral habits of children reported by their mothers are commonly used to evaluate tooth brushing practices and to estimate fluoride intake by children. The aim of the present study was to compare observed tooth-brushing habits of young children using fluoridated toothpaste with those reported by mothers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A sample of 201 mothers and their children (aged 24-48 months) from Montes Claros, Brazil, took part in a cross-sectional study. At day-care centres, the mothers answered a self-administered questionnaire on their child's tooth-brushing habits. The structured questionnaire had six items with two to three possible answers. An appointment was then made with each mother/child pair at day-care centres. The participants were asked to demonstrate the tooth-brushing practice as usually performed at home. A trained examiner observed and documented the procedure. Observed tooth brushing and that reported by mothers were compared for overall agreement using Cohen's Kappa coefficient and the McNemar test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cohen's Kappa values comparing mothers' reports and tooth brushing observed by the examiner ranged from poor-to-good (0.00-0.75). There were statistically significant differences between observed tooth brushing habits and those reported by mothers (p < 0.001). When observed by the examiner, the frequencies of dentifrice dispersed on all bristles (35.9%), children who brushed their teeth alone (33.8%) and those who did not rinse their mouths during brushing (42.0%) were higher than those reported by the mothers (12.1%, 18.9% and 6.5%, respectively; p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In general, there was low agreement between observed tooth brushing and mothers' reports. Moreover, the different methods of estimation resulted in differences in the frequencies of tooth brushing habits, indicative of reporting bias. Data regarding children's tooth-brushing habits as reported by mothers should be considered with caution in epidemiological surveys on fluoridated dentifrice use and the risk of dental fluorosis.</p

    2019 international consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendations : summary from the basic life support; advanced life support; pediatric life support; neonatal life support; education, implementation, and teams; and first aid task forces

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    The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation has initiated a continuous review of new, peer-reviewed, published cardiopulmonary resuscitation science. This is the third annual summary of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. It addresses the most recent published resuscitation evidence reviewed by International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Task Force science experts. This summary addresses the role of cardiac arrest centers and dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the role of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults and children, vasopressors in adults, advanced airway interventions in adults and children, targeted temperature management in children after cardiac arrest, initial oxygen concentration during resuscitation of newborns, and interventions for presyncope by first aid providers. Members from 6 International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation task forces have assessed, discussed, and debated the certainty of the evidence on the basis of the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation criteria, and their statements include consensus treatment recommendations. Insights into the deliberations of the task forces are provided in the Justification and Evidence to Decision Framework Highlights sections. The task forces also listed priority knowledge gaps for further research

    A myosin-Va tail fragment sequesters dynein light chains leading to apoptosis in melanoma cells

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    Previous studies proposed that myosin-Va regulates apoptosis by sequestering pro-apoptotic Bmf to the actin cytoskeleton through dynein light chain-2 (DLC2). Adhesion loss or other cytoskeletal perturbations would unleash Bmf, allowing it to bind and inhibit pro-survival Bcl2 proteins. Here, we demonstrated that over expression of a myosin-Va medial tail fragment (MVaf) harboring the binding site for DLC2 dramatically decreased melanoma cell viability. Morphological and molecular changes, including surface blebbing, mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, cytochrome-c and Smac release, as well as caspase-9/-3 activation and DNA fragmentation indicated that melanoma cells died of apoptosis. Immobilized MVaf interacted directly with DLCs, but complexed MVaf/DLCs did not interact with Bmf. Overexpression of DLC2 attenuated MVaf-induced apoptosis. Thus, we suggest that, MVaf induces apoptosis by sequestering DLC2 and DLC1, thereby unleashing the pair of sensitizer and activator BH3-only proteins Bmf and Bim. Murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking Bim and Bmf or Bax and Bak were less sensitive to apoptosis caused by MVaf expression than wild-type MEFs, strengthening the putative role of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in this response. Finally, MVaf expression attenuated B16-F10 solid tumor growth in mice, suggesting that this peptide may be useful as an apoptosis-inducing tool for basic and translational studies