703 research outputs found

    Changes in tail posture detected by a 3D machine vision system are associated with injury from damaging behaviours and ill health on commercial pig farms

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    To establish whether pig tail posture is affected by injuries and ill health, a machine vision system using 3D cameras to measure tail angle was used. Camera data from 1692 pigs in 41 production batches of 42.4 (±16.6) days in length over 17 months at seven diverse grower/finisher commercial pig farms, was validated by visiting farms every 14(±10) days to score injury and ill health. Linear modelling of tail posture found considerable farm and batch effects. The percentage of tails held low (0°) or mid (1–45°) decreased over time from 54.9% and 23.8% respectively by -0.16 and -0.05%/day, while tails high (45–90°) increased from 21.5% by 0.20%/day. Although 22% of scored pigs had scratched tails, severe tail biting was rare; only 6% had tail wounds and 5% partial tail loss. Adding tail injury to models showed associations with tail posture: overall tail injury, worsening tail injury, and tail loss were associated with more pigs detected with low tail posture and fewer with high tails. Minor tail injuries and tail swelling were also associated with altered tail posture. Unexpectedly, other health and injury scores had a larger effect on tail posture- more low tails were observed when a greater proportion of pigs in a pen were scored with lameness or lesions caused by social aggression. Ear injuries were linked with reduced high tails. These findings are consistent with the idea that low tail posture could be a general indicator of poor welfare. However, effects of flank biting and ocular discharge on tail posture were not consistent with this. Our results show for the first time that perturbations in the normal time trends of tail posture are associated with tail biting and other signs of adverse health/welfare at diverse commercial farms, forming the basis for a decision support system

    The impact of gastrointestinal parasitism on the behaviour and welfare of weaned housed lambs

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism is a health and production concern in sheep, yet its impact on animal welfare remains unclear. The impact of subclinical infections is especially ambiguous as GI parasitism often remains undiagnosed until clinical signs such as diarrhoea are evident. This study applied quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the effects of subclinical Teladorsagia circumcincta infection on the behaviour and welfare of 96 Suffolk-cross lambs (24 pens of 4 lambs) weaned at 10 weeks old. The hypothesis that parasitism causes negative affective states was tested. Lambs were divided into three groups at the pen level: ad-lib fed control (AC), restricted-fed control (RC), and ad-lib fed parasitised (AP). Parasitised lambs (AP) were dosed three times weekly with 7000 third stage T. circumcincta larvae (L 3) from 16 weeks of age. Lambs in the RC group were pair fed to match AP feed intake to separate the effects of infection-induced anorexia from the potential direct impacts of infection. From 7 days pre-infection to 23 days post-infection, scan and behaviour samples were taken from video recordings to quantitatively monitor behaviour, and animal-based measures such as faecal soiling score (FSS) were recorded as welfare indicators. Lying, standing, eating, play and social behaviour were monitored. Qualitative behaviour assessment (QBA) was conducted weekly using the AWIN (2015) protocol to gain insight into the lambs’ affective states over the onset of infection. Parasitised lambs were more likely to stand inactive than AC lambs as the infection progressed (P=0.006). They were also less likely to display eating behaviour in the third daily scan sample than RC lambs (P&lt;0.001). Principal Component Analysis of the QBA data revealed that the first dimension (PC1) described arousal levels, the second (PC2) described the valence of the animals’ affective states, and the third (PC3) described fearfulness and aggression levels. Parasitised lambs (est=10.64,SE=0.33) scored higher than RC lambs (est=9.42, SE=0.33) on PC3, the fearfulness dimension (P=0.030). There were no differences between fearfulness scores of AC and AP lambs or RC lambs and treatment group had no significant impact on the distribution of scores on PC1 or PC2. These findings demonstrate that subclinical GI parasitism negatively impacts lamb welfare not only in the health domain but in the behaviour and mental domains as well. This has implications for welfare assessments and early disease detection in lambs. Future research could explore remote monitoring of the indicators of parasitism identified in this study.</p

    The impact of gastrointestinal parasitism on the behaviour and welfare of weaned housed lambs

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism is a health and production concern in sheep, yet its impact on animal welfare remains unclear. The impact of subclinical infections is especially ambiguous as GI parasitism often remains undiagnosed until clinical signs such as diarrhoea are evident. This study applied quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the effects of subclinical Teladorsagia circumcincta infection on the behaviour and welfare of 96 Suffolk-cross lambs (24 pens of 4 lambs) weaned at 10 weeks old. The hypothesis that parasitism causes negative affective states was tested. Lambs were divided into three groups at the pen level: ad-lib fed control (AC), restricted-fed control (RC), and ad-lib fed parasitised (AP). Parasitised lambs (AP) were dosed three times weekly with 7000 third stage T. circumcincta larvae (L 3) from 16 weeks of age. Lambs in the RC group were pair fed to match AP feed intake to separate the effects of infection-induced anorexia from the potential direct impacts of infection. From 7 days pre-infection to 23 days post-infection, scan and behaviour samples were taken from video recordings to quantitatively monitor behaviour, and animal-based measures such as faecal soiling score (FSS) were recorded as welfare indicators. Lying, standing, eating, play and social behaviour were monitored. Qualitative behaviour assessment (QBA) was conducted weekly using the AWIN (2015) protocol to gain insight into the lambs’ affective states over the onset of infection. Parasitised lambs were more likely to stand inactive than AC lambs as the infection progressed (P=0.006). They were also less likely to display eating behaviour in the third daily scan sample than RC lambs (P&lt;0.001). Principal Component Analysis of the QBA data revealed that the first dimension (PC1) described arousal levels, the second (PC2) described the valence of the animals’ affective states, and the third (PC3) described fearfulness and aggression levels. Parasitised lambs (est=10.64,SE=0.33) scored higher than RC lambs (est=9.42, SE=0.33) on PC3, the fearfulness dimension (P=0.030). There were no differences between fearfulness scores of AC and AP lambs or RC lambs and treatment group had no significant impact on the distribution of scores on PC1 or PC2. These findings demonstrate that subclinical GI parasitism negatively impacts lamb welfare not only in the health domain but in the behaviour and mental domains as well. This has implications for welfare assessments and early disease detection in lambs. Future research could explore remote monitoring of the indicators of parasitism identified in this study.</p

    Functional Analysis of the Two Brassica AP3 Genes Involved in Apetalous and Stamen Carpelloid Phenotypes

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    The Arabidopsis homeotic genes APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI) are B genes which encode MADS-box transcription factors and specify petal and stamen identities. In the current study, the stamen carpelloid (SC) mutants, HGMS and AMS, of B. rapa and B. napus were investigated and two types of AP3 genes, B.AP3.a and B.AP3.b, were functional characterized. B.AP3.a and B.AP3.b share high similarity in amino acid sequences except for 8 residues difference located at the C-terminus. Loss of this 8 residues in B.AP3.b led to the change of PI-derived motifs. Meanwhile, B.AP3.a specified petal and stamen development, whereas B.AP3.b only specified stamen development. In B. rapa, the mutations of both genes generated the SC mutant HGMS. In B. napus that contained two B.AP3.a and two B.AP3.b, loss of the two B.AP3.a functions was the key reason for the apetalous mutation, however, the loss-of-function in all four AP3 was related to the SC mutant AMS. We inferred that the 8 residues or the PI-derived motif in AP3 gene probably relates to petal formation

    Limited polymorphism in Plasmodium falciparum ookinete surface antigen, von Willebrand factor A domain-related protein from clinical isolates

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    BACKGROUND: As malaria becomes increasingly drug resistant and more costly to treat, there is increasing urgency to develop effective vaccines. In comparison to other stages of the malaria lifecycle, sexual stage antigens are under less immune selection pressure and hence are likely to have limited antigenic diversity. METHODS: Clinical isolates from a wide range of geographical regions were collected. Direct sequencing of PCR products was then used to determine the extent of polymorphisms for the novel Plasmodium falciparum sexual stage antigen von Willebrand Factor A domain-related Protein (PfWARP). These isolates were also used to confirm the extent of diversity of sexual stage antigen Pfs28. RESULTS: PfWARP was shown to have non-synonymous substitutions at 3 positions and Pfs28 was confirmed to have a single non-synonymous substitution as previously described. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the limited antigenic diversity of two prospective P. falciparum sexual stage antigens, PfWARP and Pfs28. This provides further encouragement for the proceeding with vaccine trials based on these antigens

    Genome-wide significant linkage of schizophrenia-related neuroanatomical trait to 12q24

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    The insula and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) share functional, histological, transcriptional and developmental characteristics and they serve higher cognitive functions of theoretical relevance to schizophrenia and related disorders. Meta-analyses and multivariate analysis of structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans indicate that gray matter density and volume reductions in schizophrenia are the most consistent and pronounced in a network primarily composed of the insula and mPFC. We used source-based morphometry, a multivariate technique optimized for structural MRI, in a large sample of randomly ascertained pedigrees (N = 887) to derive an insula-mPFC component and to investigate its genetic determinants. Firstly, we replicated the insula-mPFC gray matter component as an independent source of gray matter variation in the general population, and verified its relevance to schizophrenia in an independent case-control sample. Secondly, we showed that the neuroanatomical variation defined by this component is largely determined by additive genetic variation (h2 = 0.59), and genome-wide linkage analysis resulted in a significant linkage peak at 12q24 (LOD = 3.76). This region has been of significant interest to psychiatric genetics as it contains the Darier’s disease locus and other proposed susceptibility genes (e.g. DAO, NOS1), and it has been linked to affective disorders and schizophrenia in multiple populations. Thus, in conjunction with previous clinical studies, our data imply that one or more psychiatric risk variants at 12q24 are co-inherited with reductions in mPFC and insula gray matter concentration

    Do We Practice What We Preach? A Review of Actual Clinical Practice with Regards to Preconception Care Guidelines

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    Objectives: To review what past studies have found with regard to existing clinical practices and approaches to providing preconception care. Methods: A literature review between 1966 and September 2005 was performed using Medline. Key words included preconception care, preconception counseling, preconception surveys, practice patterns, pregnancy outcomes, prepregnancy planning, and prepregnancy surveys. Results: There are no current national recommendations that fully address preconception care; as a result, there is wide variability in what is provided clinically under the rubric of preconception care. Conclusions: In 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sponsored a national summit regarding preconception care and efforts are underway to develop a uniform set of national recommendations and guidelines for preconception care. Understanding how preconception care is presently incorporated and manifested in current medical practices should help in the development of these national guidelines. Knowing where, how, and why some specific preconception recommendations have been successfully adopted and translated into clinical practice, as well as barriers to implementation of other recommendations or guidelines, is vitally important in developing an overarching set of national guidelines. Ultimately, the success of these recommendations rests on their ability to influence and shape women's health policy