704 research outputs found

    Documenting the decline of leprosy in Europe: The example of Northern Portugal

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    Summary Background: There is continued uncertainty over trends of leprosy, including in areas with low incidence, where it may be possible to identify areas where M leprae is no longer transmitted or where it no longer causes disease. WHO has reported data on leprosy in the European Region only since 2015. Methods: Data reported to WHO and published in the Weekly Epidemiological Record were reviewed, Data from five districts in northern Portugal were collected from the National General Directorate of Health and Municipal Health Authorities. Results: Basic information on 133 leprosy cases has been reported to WHO by thirteen of the 54 states in the European Union since 2015. Data on place of birth of the cases were reported by ten states since 2016, implying eleven cases possibly attributable to transmission within Europe. Detailed but incomplete data on 38 leprosy cases notified in northern Portugal 1990–2018 are described and discussed. Of those cases which appear to have been autochthonous, none were born after 1966, none were notified after 2007, and the only three notifications after 2005 were for relapses. Conclusions: Data on leprosy in the European Region are obviously incomplete. The large majority of cases now detected are attributable to infections contracted abroad, but a small number of cases possibly attributable to local transmission are still being identified. Analysis of data from five districts in northern Portugal indicate that this region is no longer endemic for the disease, and that transmission in the area is likely to have ceased at least 40 years ago. The methods illustrated in this paper could be applied to data on leprosy in other regions of Europe, to better define the geographic limits of leprosy today

    Uncommon genetic syndromes and narrative production - Case Studies with Williams, Smith-Magenis and Prader- Willi Syndromes

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    This study compares narrative production among three syndromes with genetic microdeletions: Williams syndrome (WS), Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS), and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), characterized by intellectual disabilities and relatively spared language abilities. Our objective is to study the quality of narrative production in the context of a common intellectual disability. To elicit a narrative production, the task Frog! Where Are You was used. Then, structure, process, and content of the narrative process were analysed in the three genetic disorders:WS (n52), SMS (n52), and PWS (n52). Data show evidence of an overall low narrative quality in these syndromes, despite a high variability within different measures of narrative production. Results support the hypothesis that narrative is a highly complex cognitive process and that, in a context of intellectual disability, there is no evidence of particular ‘hypernarrativity’ in these syndromes.This research was supported by the grants FEDER –

    Distinct variation in vector competence among nine field populations of Aedes aegypti from a Brazilian dengue-endemic risk city

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    Background: In Brazil, dengue epidemics erupt sporadically throughout the country and it is unclear if outbreaks may initiate a sustainable transmission cycle. There are few studies evaluating the ability of Brazilian Aedes aegypti populations to transmit dengue virus (DENV). The aim of this study was to compare DENV susceptibility of field-captured Ae. aegypti populations from nine distinct geographic areas of the city of Belo Horizonte in 2009 and 2011. Infection Rate (IR), Vector Competence (VC) and Disseminated Infection Rate (DIR) were determined. Methods: Aedes aegypti eggs from each region were collected and reared separately in an insectary. Adult females were experimentally infected with DENV-2 and the virus was detected by qPCR in body and head samples. Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 17. Results: IR varied from 40.0% to 82.5% in 2009 and 60.0% to 100.0% in 2011. VC ranged from 25.0% to 77.5% in 2009 and 25.0% to 80.0% in 2011. DIR oscillated from 68.7% to 100.0% in 2009 and 38.4% to 86.8 in 2011. When the results were evaluated by a logistic model using IR as covariate, North, Barreiro, South-Central and Venda Nova showed the strongest association in 2009. In 2011, a similar association was observed for South-Central, Venda Nova, West and Northeast regions. Using VC as covariate, South-Central and Venda Nova showed the most relevant association in 2009. In 2011, South-Central, Venda Nova and Barreiro presented the greatest revelation associations. When DIR data were analyzed by logistic regression models, Pampulha, South-Central, Venda Nova, West, Northeast and East (2009) as well as South-Central, Venda Nova and West (2011) were the districts showing the strongest associations. Conclusions: We conclude that Ae. aegypti populations from Belo Horizonte exhibit wide variation in vector competence to transmit dengue. Therefore, vector control strategies should be adapted to the available data for each region. Further analysis should be conducted to better understand the reasons for this large variability in vector competence and how these parameters correlate with epidemiological findings in subsequent years

    Expression of histone methyltransferases as novel biomarkers for renal cell tumor diagnosis and prognostication

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    Renal cell tumors (RCTs) are the most lethal of the common urological cancers. The widespread use of imaging entailed an increased detection of small renal masses, emphasizing the need for accurate distinction between benign and malignant RCTs, which is critical for adequate therapeutic management. Histone methylation has been implicated in renal tumorigenesis, but its potential clinical value as RCT biomarker remains mostly unexplored. Hence, the main goal of this study was to identify differentially expressed histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and histone demethylases (HDMs) that might prove useful for RCT diagnosis and prognostication, emphasizing the discrimination between oncocytoma (a benign tumor) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC), especially the chromophobe subtype (chRCC). We found that the expression levels of three genes-SMYD2, SETD3, and NO66-was significantly altered in a set of RCTs, which was further validated in a large independent cohort. Higher expression levels were found in RCTs compared to normal renal tissues (RNTs) and in chRCCs comparatively to oncocytomas. SMYD2 and SETD3 mRNA levels correlated with protein expression assessed by immunohistochemistry. SMYD2 transcript levels discriminated RCTs from RNT, with 82.1% sensitivity and 100% specificity (AUC=0.959), and distinguished chRCCs from oncocytomas, with 71.0% sensitivity and 73.3% specificity (AUC: 0.784). Low expression levels of SMYD2, SETD3, and NO66 were significantly associated with shorter disease-specific and disease-free survival, especially in patients with non-organ confined tumors. We conclude that expression of selected HMTs and HDMs might constitute novel biomarkers to assist in RCT diagnosis and assessment of tumor aggressiveness.This study was funded by research grants from Research Center of Portuguese Oncology Institute – Porto (CI-IPOP 4-2012) and European Community’s Seventh Framework Program – Grant number FP7-HEALTH-F5-2009-241783. ASP-L and FQV are and were supported by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grants (SFRH/SINTD/94217/2013 and SFRH/ BD/70564/2010, respectively)

    Practices in primary health care oriented toward the harmful consumption of drugs

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    Objective To analyze the practices of primary care focused on the harmful consumption of drugs. Method This is a qualitative study, developed with a dialectical-critical approach. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 10 employees of a basic health unit (UBS). Results The demands are not accepted, and if they go beyond the barriers shaped by the historical absence of health care practices for drug users and moralistic and preconceived ideologies, they are not reinterpreted as health needs; practices that meet these demands and go beyond the barriers are poor; the functionalist approach, which explains drug use as a disease and considers drug users as deviants, supports the few existing practices. Conclusion primary health care is mistakenly focused on addiction; it lacks structural elements of the production process in health and internal dynamics of the working processes that would foster the development of collective practices

    Trabalho educativo do enfermeiro na Estratégia Saúde da Família: dificuldades e perspectivas de mudanças

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    Este estudo objetivou conhecer as dificuldades e perspectivas de mudanças que os enfermeiros identificam no desenvolvimento das ações educativas na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritivo-exploratória. Os dados foram coletados junto a 20 enfermeiros que atuam na ESF, no âmbito da 10ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, no mês de abril de 2010, as quais foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstraram que os enfermeiros enfrentam dificuldades no desenvolvimento da educação em saúde junto aos usuários, à equipe, aos gestores e quanto à falta de recursos físicos, materiais e financeiros. Mas, a partir das dificuldades sentidas, buscam alternativas diversificadas para superá-las e sugerem modificações visando à melhoria na atenção primária à saúde da população, principalmente, no que tange ao trabalho educativo