31 research outputs found

    Fauna used in popular medicine in Northeast Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Animal-based remedies constitute an integral part of Brazilian Traditional Medicine. Due to its long history, zootherapy has in fact become an integral part of folk medicine both in rural and urban areas of the country. In this paper we summarize current knowledge on zootherapeutic practices in Northeast of Brazil, based on information compiled from ethnobiological scientific literature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to examine the diversity of animals used in traditional medicine in Northeast of Brazil, all available references or reports of folk remedies based on animals sources were examined. 34 sources were analyzed. Only taxa that could be identified to species level were included in assessment of medicinal animal species. Scientific names provided in publications were updated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The review revealed that at least 250 animal species (178 vertebrates and 72 invertebrates) are used for medicinal purposes in Northeast of Brazil. The inventoried species comprise 10 taxonomic categories and belong to 141 Families. The groups with the greatest number of species were fishes (n = 58), mammals (n = 47) and reptiles (n = 37). The zootherapeutical products are used for the treatment of different illnesses. The most widely treated condition were asthma, rheumatism and sore throat, conditions, which had a wide variety of animals to treat them with. Many animals were used for the treatment of multiple ailments. Beyond the use for treating human diseases, zootherapeutical resources are also used in ethnoveterinary medicine</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of medicinal species catalogued was quite expressive and demonstrate the importance of zootherapy as alternative therapeutic in Northeast of Brazil. Although widely diffused throughout Brazil, zootherapeutic practices remain virtually unstudied. There is an urgent need to examine the ecological, cultural, social, and public health implications associated with fauna usage, including a full inventory of the animal species used for medicinal purposes and the socio-cultural context associated with their consumption.</p

    Zootherapeutics utilized by residents of the community Poço Dantas, Crato-CE, Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Animals have been used as a source of medicine in Brazil since ancient times, and have played a significant role in healing practices. Specifically in Northeast Brazil, zootherapy is a very common practice, and together with medicinal plants, it plays an important role as a therapeutic alternative. In the state of Ceara, no works have been carried out on rural communities with regard to use of zootherapeutics, even though the practice of zootherapy is common in this region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the use of medicinal animals in a rural community (Poco Dantas) in the municipality of Crato, Ceara, Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The field survey was carried out from October 2008 to January 2009 by conducting interviews using structured questionnaires with 72 people (33 men and 39 women), who provided information on animal species used as remedies, body parts used to prepare the remedies, and ailments for which the remedies were prescribed. We calculated the informant consensus factor (ICF) to determine the consensus over which species are effective for particular ailments, as well as the species use value (UV) to determine the extent of utilization of each species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 29 species, distributed in 17 families were categorized as having some medicinal property. The taxa most represented were: mammals (9), insects (7), reptiles and birds (4). <it>Progne chalybea</it>, a species not previously recorded as being of medicinal use, was cited in the present work, where it is utilized in the treatment of alcoholism. The animals are used in the treatment of 34 diseases or symptoms, where sore throat, inflammations and cough are the ailments with the greatest number of citations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data show that zootherapy represents an important therapeutic alternative for the inhabitants of the community. New studies on medicinal fauna should be conducted with the aim of determining the exploitation level of the species utilized, promoting sustainable development of medicinal species that are eventually threatened, and preserving and disseminating the knowledge developed by traditional individuals of the community.</p

    Blood Meal-Derived Heme Decreases ROS Levels in the Midgut of Aedes aegypti and Allows Proliferation of Intestinal Microbiota

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    The presence of bacteria in the midgut of mosquitoes antagonizes infectious agents, such as Dengue and Plasmodium, acting as a negative factor in the vectorial competence of the mosquito. Therefore, knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of midgut microbiota could help in the development of new tools to reduce transmission. We hypothesized that toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by epithelial cells control bacterial growth in the midgut of Aedes aegypti, the vector of Yellow fever and Dengue viruses. We show that ROS are continuously present in the midgut of sugar-fed (SF) mosquitoes and a blood-meal immediately decreased ROS through a mechanism involving heme-mediated activation of PKC. This event occurred in parallel with an expansion of gut bacteria. Treatment of sugar-fed mosquitoes with increased concentrations of heme led to a dose dependent decrease in ROS levels and a consequent increase in midgut endogenous bacteria. In addition, gene silencing of dual oxidase (Duox) reduced ROS levels and also increased gut flora. Using a model of bacterial oral infection in the gut, we show that the absence of ROS resulted in decreased mosquito resistance to infection, increased midgut epithelial damage, transcriptional modulation of immune-related genes and mortality. As heme is a pro-oxidant molecule released in large amounts upon hemoglobin degradation, oxidative killing of bacteria in the gut would represent a burden to the insect, thereby creating an extra oxidative challenge to the mosquito. We propose that a controlled decrease in ROS levels in the midgut of Aedes aegypti is an adaptation to compensate for the ingestion of heme

    Evolution and pathology in Chagas disease: a review

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    Animal-based folk remedies sold in public markets in Crato and Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human communities consistently develop a detailed knowledge of the therapeutical and medicinal properties of the local flora and fauna, and these folk remedies often substitute medicines produced by the pharmaceutical industry. Animals (and their derived products) are essential ingredients in the preparation of many traditional remedies. The present work prepared an inventory of the animals sold in public markets in the cities of Crato and Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará State, Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Information was obtained through the use of semi-structured questionnaires in interviews held with 27 merchants of medicinal animals (18 in the municipality of Juazeiro do Norte [11 men and 7 women] and 9 people in the municipality of Crato [6 men and 3 women]). We calculated the Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) to determine the consensus over which species are effective for particular ailments, as well as the species Use Value (UV) to determine the extent of utilization of each species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 31 animal species, distributed among 21 families were identified as being used medicinally. The taxa most represented were: insects (8 species), mammals (7), fish (5), reptiles (5) and birds (4). The animals sold in these markets are used to treat a total of 24 ailments, with rheumatism, asthma, and inflammations having the largest numbers of citations. Three species not previously reported as having medicinal use were encountered: <it>Leporinus steindachneri </it>(utilized for treating cholesterol problems), <it>Gryllus assimilis </it>(utilized in treating urinary infections), and <it>Phrynops tuberosus </it>(used to treat asthma, rheumatism and bruises).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The composition of the local fauna, the popular culture, and commercial considerations are factors that maintain and drive the market for therapeutic animal products – and the lack of monitoring and regulation of this commerce is worrisome from a conservationist perspective. A detailed knowledge of the fauna utilized in alternative medicine is fundamental to the conservation and rational use of the Brazilian fauna.</p

    Formas graves de leptospirose: aspectos clínicos, demográficos e ambientais Severe forms of leptospirosis: clinical, demographic and environmental aspects

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    São descritas as características de 1.016 pacientes internados com leptospirose no Hospital Couto Maia, Salvador, BA, entre 1993 e 1997. Aumento na precipitação pluviométrica mostrou relação com aumento do número de internamentos no mês subsequente. Sexo masculino correspondeu a 81,1% (824/1.016); a média da idade foi 35,7±15,4 anos. Quase 94% (778/829) dos 829 com informação sobre raça eram negros ou mulatos. Para idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, quase 93% não cursaram o segundo grau. A média do período de incubação foi estimado em 6,3±3,9 dias. A duração dos sintomas foi em média 6,1±2,4 dias. Episódios hemorrágicos corresponderam a 14,3% (145/1.016). A letalidade entre 1.009 pacientes não transferidos foi de 14,2% (143/1.009). Insuficiência renal foi a causa atribuída de morte em 76,2% (109/143). Os dados indicam que leptospirose é estreitamente relacionada com baixos níveis socioeconômicos e que aumento da precipitação pluviométrica precede surtos epidêmicos.<br>Characteristics of 1,016 patients hospitalized with leptospirosis in the Hospital Couto Maia, Salvador, BA, Brazil, between 1993 and 1997 are described. Higher pluviometric precipitation was related to an increase in the number of hospitalizations during the following month. Males corresponded to 81.1% (824/1,016) of these; mean age was 35.7±15.4 years. Almost 94% (778/829) of the 829 patients with information about race were black or mulatto (mixed race). For ages 18 years or above, almost 93% had not completed high school level. The mean incubation period was estimated as 6.3±3.9 days. Average duration of symptoms was 6.1±2.4 days. Hemorrhagic events corresponded to 14.3% (145/1,016). The case-fatality rate among 1,009 patients that were not transferred was 14.2% (143/1,009). Renal failure was the attributable cause of death in 76.2% (109/143). The data indicate that leptospirosis is closely related to lower socioeconomic levels, and that higher pluviometric precipitation antecedes the outbreaks