16 research outputs found

    Physiological aspects of the determination of comprehensive arterial inflows in the lower abdomen assessed by Doppler ultrasound

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    Non-invasive measurement of splanchnic hemodynamics has been utilized in the clinical setting for diagnosis of gastro-intestinal disease, and for determining reserve blood flow (BF) distribution. However, previous studies that measured BF in a "single vessel with small size volume", such as the superior mesenteric and coeliac arteries, were concerned solely with the target organ in the gastrointestinal area, and therefore evaluation of alterations in these single arterial BFs under various states was sometimes limited to "small blood volumes", even though there was a relatively large change in flow. BF in the lower abdomen (BFAb) is potentially a useful indicator of the influence of comprehensive BF redistribution in cardiovascular and hepato-gastrointestinal disease, in the postprandial period, and in relation to physical exercise. BFAb can be determined theoretically using Doppler ultrasound by subtracting BF in the bilateral proximal femoral arteries (FAs) from BF in the upper abdominal aorta (Ao) above the coeliac trunk. Prior to acceptance of this method of determining a true BFAb value, it is necessary to obtain validated normal physiological data that represent the hemodynamic relationship between the three arteries. In determining BFAb, relative reliability was acceptably high (range in intra-class correlation coefficient: 0.85-0.97) for three arterial hemodynamic parameters (blood velocity, vessel diameter, and BF) in three repeated measurements obtained over three different days. Bland-Altman analysis of the three repeated measurements revealed that day-to-day physiological variation (potentially including measurement error) was within the acceptable minimum range (95% of confidence interval), calculated as the difference in hemodynamics between two measurements. Mean BF (ml/min) was 2951 ± 767 in Ao, 316 ± 97 in left FA, 313 ± 83 in right FA, and 2323 ± 703 in BFAb, which is in agreement with a previous study that measured the sum of BF in the major part of the coeliac, mesenteric, and renal arteries. This review presents the methodological concept that underlies BFAb, and aspects of its day-to-day relative reliability in terms of the hemodynamics of the three target arteries, relationship with body surface area, respiratory effects, and potential clinical usefulness and application, in relation to data previously reported in original dedicated research

    Subacute toxicity study with extract of soil taken at the farm of Mr. H.J. Peterman at Weerselo

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    Problemen met vee (o.a. sterfte) dat op mogelijk verontreinigde grond had gegraasd waren de aanleiding tot een subacuut toxiciteitsonderzoek waarin een extract van deze grond werd vergeleken met een extract van controlegrond en met een onbehandelde controlegroep. Gedurende 4 weken werd aan 10 mannelijke en 10 vrouwelijke dieren per groep dagelijks een dosis extract toegediend die overeenkwam met 5 g grond per kg lichaamgewicht. Effecten, die aan de toediening van het grondextract zouden kunnen worden toegeschreven, werden niet gevonden op groei, voedselopname, hematologisch onderzoek, biochemisch onderzoek van serum en lever, broom- en thyroxinegehaltes in serum, orgaangewichten en histopathologie van lever, uterus en ovaria. Uit dit onderzoek werden geen aanwijzingen verkregen dat de sterfte van vee op het bedrijf Peterman aan opname van verontreinigde grond is te wijten.VH

    Subacute oral toxicity of benzene in the rat

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    Gedurende 4 weken werd benzeen 5x per week per maagsonde aan ratten toegediend. De doseringen waren 0, 0,05, 0,15, 0,5, 1,5 ml benzeen per kg lichaamsgewicht. Bij de dieren in de twee hoogste dos.groepen trad een vertraagde groei op, terwijl in de hoogste dos.groep een verminderde voedselopname hiermee parallel liep. Door de vrij sterke groeiremming in de hoogste dos.groep waren vrijwel alle absolute orgaangewichten verlaagd. Des te opmerkelijker was de daling in het relatieve gewicht van milt, thymus, uterus, ovarium en prostaat. De atrofie van milt en thymus die in het histopathologisch onderzoek werd waargenomen hield waarschijnlijk verband met lymfocytopenie, die door benzeen wordt veroorzaakt. Bij de vr. dieren werd in de twee hoogste dos.groepen atrofie van de uterus waargenomen, terwijl bij deze dieren de normaal optredende nefrocalcinose achterwege bleef. Bij de vr. dieren werden ook in de laagste dos.groep effecten gevonden zodat geen dosering zonder effect kon worden vastgesteld.RIV

    Effects of oligofructose on glucose and lipid metabolism in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis : results of a pilot study

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    Objective: In experimental animals, recent results suggest that the addition of inulin-type fructans such as oligofructose (OFS) in the diet decreases triacylglycerol accumulation in the liver tissue. Therefore, we have investigated the effect of daily ingestion of OFS in seven patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), confirmed by liver biopsies. Design: They received 16 g/day OFS or maltodextrine (placebo) for 8 weeks in a randomized double-blind crossover design. Energy intake, body composition, liver steatosis and blood parameters were analysed after 4 and 8 weeks of dietary supplementation. Results: Compared to placebo, OFS decreased significantly serum aminotransferases, aspartate aminotransferase after 8 weeks, and insulin level after 4 weeks, but this could not be related to significant effect on plasma lipids. Conclusion: This pilot study supports the putative interest of OFS in the management of liver diseases associated with abnormal lipid accumulation in humans