28 research outputs found

    Pediatric meningiomas in The Netherlands 1974–2010: a descriptive epidemiological case study

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    The purpose of this study was to review the epidemiology and the clinical, radiological, pathological, and follow-up data of all surgically treated pediatric meningiomas during the last 35 years in The Netherlands. Patients were identified in the Pathological and Anatomical Nationwide Computerized Archive database, the nationwide network and registry of histopathology and cytopathology in The Netherlands. Pediatric patients of 18 years or younger at first operation in 1974-2009 with the diagnosis meningioma were included. Clinical records, follow-up data, radiological findings, operative reports, and pathological examinations were reviewed. In total, 72 patients (39 boys) were identified. The incidence of operated meningiomas in the Dutch pediatric population is 1:1,767,715 children per year. Median age at diagnosis was 13 years (range 0-18 years). Raised intracranial pressure and seizures were the most frequent signs at presentation. Thirteen (18 %) patients had neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). Fifty-three (74 %) patients had a meningioma World Health Organization grade I. Total resection was achieved in 35 of 64 patients. Fifteen patients received radiotherapy postoperatively. Mean follow-up was 4.8 years (range 0-27.8 years). Three patients died as a direct result of their meningioma within 3 years. Four patients with NF2 died as a result of multiple tumors. Nineteen patients had disease progression, requiring additional treatment. Meningiomas are extremely rare in the pediatric population; 25 % of all described meningiomas show biological aggressive behavior in terms of disease progression, requiring additional treatment. The 5-year survival is 83.9 %, suggesting that the biological behavior of pediatric menigiomas is more aggressive than that of its adult counterpart

    Natural history of gallstones in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - A prospective 5-year follow-up

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    This prospective study was undertaken to assess the natural history of gallstones in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Four hundred forty outpatients with diabetes mellitus were studied; 81 of these had gallstones diagnosed by ultrasound. On the basis of the information they gave, they were divided into two groups: A, asymptomatic; and B, symptomatic (previous episode(s) of biliary pain) at recruitment. Five years after diagnosis, the patients were recalled and questioned about their symptoms. Three of 81 could not be traced and eight had died from diseases not related to gallstones. Seventy were finally evaluated, 47 belonging to group A, 23 to group B. The cumulative percentage of initially asymptomatic patients who presented with biliary pain or complications during the follow-up was 14.9% (4.2% for complications). Of group A patients, 17% underwent cholecystectomy (one prophylactic, six elective and two emergency). One patient (2.1%) died after operation of obstructive jaundice. Of group B patients, 47.8% had biliary symptoms or complications (8.7% cholecystitis); 21.7% were operated (17.4% elective, 4.3% emergency cholecystectomy). Since few patients with asymptomatic gallstones and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus develop pain or complications over time, prophylactic cholecystectomy is probably not advisable. © 1994 Plenum Publishing Corporation