2,129 research outputs found

    Biomarkers of the L-arginine / dimethylarginine / nitric oxide pathway in people with chronic airflow obstruction and obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) are common chronic diseases that are associated with chronic and intermittent hypoxemia, respectively. Patients affected by the overlap of COPD and OSA have a particularly unfavourable prognosis. The L-arginine/nitric oxide (NO) pathway plays an important role in regulating pulmonary vascular function. Asymmetric (ADMA) and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) interfere with NO production. Methods: We analysed the serum concentrations of ADMA, SDMA, L-arginine, L-citrulline, and L-ornithine in a large sample of the Icelandic general population together with chronic airflow obstruction (CAO), a key physiological marker of COPD that was assessed by post-bronchodilator spirometry (FEV1/FVC 0.5. SDMA was significantly higher in individuals with CAO (0.518 [0.461–0.616] vs. 0.494 [0.441–0.565] µmol/L; p = 0.005), but ADMA was not. However, ADMA was significantly associated with decreasing FEV1 percent predicted among those with CAO (p = 0.002). ADMA was 0.50 (0.44–0.56) µmol/L in MAP ≤ 0.5 versus 0.52 (0.46–0.58) µmol/L in MAP > 0.5 (p = 0.008). SDMA was 0.49 (0.44–0.56) µmol/L versus 0.51 (0.46–0.60) µmol/L, respectively (p = 0.004). The highest values for ADMA and SDMA were observed in individuals with overlap of CAO and MAP > 0.5, which was accompanied by lower L-citrulline levels. Conclusions: The plasma concentrations of ADMA and SDMA are elevated in COPD patients with concomitant intermittent hypoxaemia. This may account for impaired pulmonary NO production, enhanced pulmonary vasoconstriction, and disease progression

    Poor survival outcomes in HER2 positive breast cancer patients with low grade, node negative tumours

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    We present a retrospective analysis on a cohort of low-grade, node-negative patients showing that human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status significantly affects the survival in this otherwise very good prognostic group. Our results provide support for the use of adjuvant trastuzumab in patients who are typically classified as having very good prognosis, not routinely offered standard chemotherapy, and who as such do not fit current UK prescribing guidelines for trastuzumab

    Improving the teaching skills of residents as tutors/facilitators and addressing the shortage of faculty facilitators for PBL modules

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    BACKGROUND: Residents play an important role in teaching of medical undergraduate students. Despite their importance in teaching undergraduates they are not involved in any formal training in teaching and leadership skills. We aimed to compare the teaching skills of residents with faculty in facilitating small group Problem Based Learning (PBL) sessions. METHODS: This quasi experimental descriptive comparative research involved 5 postgraduate year 4 residents and five senior faculty members. The study was conducted with all phase III (Final year) students rotating in Gastroenterology. The residents and faculty members received brief training of one month in facilitation and core principles of adult education. Different aspects of teaching skills of residents and faculty were evaluated by students on a questionnaire (graded on Likert Scale from 1 to 10) assessing i) Knowledge Base-content Learning (KBL), ii) PBL, iii) Student Centered Learning (SCL) and iv) Group Skills (GS). RESULTS: There were 33 PBL teaching sessions in which 120 evaluation forms were filled; out of these 53% forms were filled for residents and 47% for faculty group. The faculty showed a statistically greater rating in KBL (faculty 8.37 Vs resident 7.94; p-value 0.02), GS (faculty 8.06 vs. residents 7.68; p-value 0.04). Differences in faculty and resident scores in the PBL and SCL were not significant. The overall score of faculty facilitators, however, was statistically significant for resident facilitators. (p = .05). CONCLUSION: 1) Residents are an effective supplement to faculty members for PBL; 2) Additional facilitators for PBL sessions can be identified in an institution by involvement of residents in teacher training workshop

    Terahertz Frequency Combs Exploiting an On-Chip, Solution-Processed, Graphene-Quantum Cascade Laser Coupled-Cavity.

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    The ability to engineer quantum-cascade-lasers (QCLs) with ultrabroad gain spectra, and with a full compensation of the group velocity dispersion, at terahertz (THz) frequencies, is key for devising monolithic and miniaturized optical frequency-comb-synthesizers (FCSs) in the far-infrared. In THz QCLs four-wave mixing, driven by intrinsic third-order susceptibility of the intersubband gain medium, self-locks the optical modes in phase, allowing stable comb operation, albeit over a restricted dynamic range (∼20% of the laser operational range). Here, we engineer miniaturized THz FCSs, comprising a heterogeneous THz QCL, integrated with a tightly coupled, on-chip, solution-processed, graphene saturable-absorber reflector that preserves phase-coherence between lasing modes, even when four-wave mixing no longer provides dispersion compensation. This enables a high-power (8 mW) FCS with over 90 optical modes, through 55% of the laser operational range. We also achieve stable injection-locking, paving the way to a number of key applications, including high-precision tunable broadband-spectroscopy and quantum-metrology

    Electrical detection of 31P spin quantum states

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    In recent years, a variety of solid-state qubits has been realized, including quantum dots, superconducting tunnel junctions and point defects. Due to its potential compatibility with existing microelectronics, the proposal by Kane based on phosphorus donors in Si has also been pursued intensively. A key issue of this concept is the readout of the P quantum state. While electrical measurements of magnetic resonance have been performed on single spins, the statistical nature of these experiments based on random telegraph noise measurements has impeded the readout of single spin states. In this letter, we demonstrate the measurement of the spin state of P donor electrons in silicon and the observation of Rabi flops by purely electric means, accomplished by coherent manipulation of spin-dependent charge carrier recombination between the P donor and paramagnetic localized states at the Si/SiO2 interface via pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance. The electron spin information is shown to be coupled through the hyperfine interaction with the P nucleus, which demonstrates the feasibility of a recombination-based readout of nuclear spins

    Scanning-probe spectroscopy of semiconductor donor molecules

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    Semiconductor devices continue to press into the nanoscale regime, and new applications have emerged for which the quantum properties of dopant atoms act as the functional part of the device, underscoring the necessity to probe the quantum structure of small numbers of dopant atoms in semiconductors[1-3]. Although dopant properties are well-understood with respect to bulk semiconductors, new questions arise in nanosystems. For example, the quantum energy levels of dopants will be affected by the proximity of nanometer-scale electrodes. Moreover, because shallow donors and acceptors are analogous to hydrogen atoms, experiments on small numbers of dopants have the potential to be a testing ground for fundamental questions of atomic and molecular physics, such as the maximum negative ionization of a molecule with a given number of positive ions[4,5]. Electron tunneling spectroscopy through isolated dopants has been observed in transport studies[6,7]. In addition, Geim and coworkers identified resonances due to two closely spaced donors, effectively forming donor molecules[8]. Here we present capacitance spectroscopy measurements of silicon donors in a gallium-arsenide heterostructure using a scanning probe technique[9,10]. In contrast to the work of Geim et al., our data show discernible peaks attributed to successive electrons entering the molecules. Hence this work represents the first addition spectrum measurement of dopant molecules. More generally, to the best of our knowledge, this study is the first example of single-electron capacitance spectroscopy performed directly with a scanning probe tip[9].Comment: In press, Nature Physics. Original manuscript posted here; 16 pages, 3 figures, 5 supplementary figure

    Cross modal perception of body size in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)

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    While the perception of size-related acoustic variation in animal vocalisations is well documented, little attention has been given to how this information might be integrated with corresponding visual information. Using a cross-modal design, we tested the ability of domestic dogs to match growls resynthesised to be typical of either a large or a small dog to size- matched models. Subjects looked at the size-matched model significantly more often and for a significantly longer duration than at the incorrect model, showing that they have the ability to relate information about body size from the acoustic domain to the appropriate visual category. Our study suggests that the perceptual and cognitive mechanisms at the basis of size assessment in mammals have a multisensory nature, and calls for further investigations of the multimodal processing of size information across animal species

    Dispersive charge density wave excitations and temperature dependent commensuration in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta}

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    Experimental evidence on high-Tc cuprates reveals ubiquitous charge density wave (CDW) modulations, which coexist with superconductivity. Although the CDW had been predicted by theory, important questions remain about the extent to which the CDW influences lattice and charge degrees of freedom and its characteristics as functions of doping and temperature. These questions are intimately connected to the origin of the CDW and its relation to the mysterious cuprate pseudogap. Here, we use ultrahigh resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) to reveal new CDW character in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta} (Bi2212). At low temperature, we observe dispersive excitations from an incommensurate CDW that induces anomalously enhanced phonon intensity, unseen using other techniques. Near the pseudogap temperature T*, the CDW persists, but the associated excitations significantly weaken and the CDW wavevector shifts, becoming nearly commensurate with a periodicity of four lattice constants. The dispersive CDW excitations, phonon anomaly, and temperature dependent commensuration provide a comprehensive momentum space picture of complex CDW behavior and point to a closer relationship with the pseudogap state

    Evaluation of the anti-proliferative effect the extracts of Allamanda blanchetti and A-schottii on the growth of leukemic and endothelial cells

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    PURPOSE. To investigate the anti-proliferative effect of A. blanchetti and A. schottii extracts. METHODS. The anti-proliferative effect of A. blanchetti and A. schottii ethanolic extracts on K562 leukemic cells as well as on BMEC and HUVEC were evaluated. Phytochemical analysis to identify the possible active components was carried out. RESULTS. The root extract of A. schottii was the most active of them. At 80 mu g/mL, the root extracts showed a cytostatic effect on K562, whereas at 400 mu g/mL, there was a strong cytotoxic effect. Similar cytostatic and cytotoxic effects were seen in the endothelial cells, but at lower doses. The effect of A. schottii root extract on endothelial cells was seen at concentrations ten times lower (8 mu g/mL) than the effect of the A. blanchetti root extract (80 mu g/mL). Phytochemical investigation of different fractions and parts of the plant led to the isolation of several known compounds, some of which are described for the first time in the genus Allamanda, and with previous evidence of anticancer and antitumoral properties. CONCLUSIONS. Our results suggest that both plants studied exhibit cytostatic and cytotoxic activity, but the most active compounds are located in the roots.9220020

    Advances in the role of sacral nerve neuromodulation in lower urinary tract symptoms

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    Sacral neuromodulation has been developed to treat chronic lower urinary tract symptoms, resistant to classical conservative therapy. The suspected mechanisms of action include afferent stimulation of the central nervous system and modulation of activity at the level of the brain. Typical neuromodulation is indicated both in overactivity and in underactivity of the lower urinary tract. In the majority of patients, a unilateral electrode in a sacral foramen and connected to a pulse generator is sufficient to achieve significant clinical results also on long term. In recent years, other urological indications have been explored
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