89 research outputs found

    Homogenization methods and macro-strength of composites

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    A multi-phase periodic composite subjected to inhomogeneous shrinkage or temperature deformation and prescribed mechanical loads is considered. The asymptotic homogenisation is applied for calculation of homogenized macrostresses. A non-local approximate macro-strength condition, defined on homogenised stress-field, is derived from the micro-strength conditions and their convergence to the approximate macro-strength condition, as the structure period tends to zero, is proved

    Проектирование электрической части КЭС мощностью 530 МВт

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    В ходе этой работы необходимо разработать конденсационную силовую установку. Конденсаторная электростанция - тепловая электростанция, которая производит только электроэнергию, название этого типа электростанции получено благодаря принципу работы. Конденсационная электростанция представляет собой сложный энергетический комплекс, состоящий из зданий, сооружений, энергетического и другого оборудования, арматуры, трубопроводов, приборов и автоматики. Целью настоящей работы является проектирование конденсационной электростанции на основе заданных параметров.In the course of this work, it is necessary to develop a condensation power plant. Condenser power plant - a thermal power plant that produces only electricity, the name of this type of power plant is obtained due to the principle of operation. Condensing power plant is a complex energy complex, consisting of buildings, structures, power and other equipment, fittings, pipelines, instruments and automation. The purpose of this paper is to design a condensing power plant based on specified parameters

    Bioclipse: an open source workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics

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    BACKGROUND: There is a need for software applications that provide users with a complete and extensible toolkit for chemo- and bioinformatics accessible from a single workbench. Commercial packages are expensive and closed source, hence they do not allow end users to modify algorithms and add custom functionality. Existing open source projects are more focused on providing a framework for integrating existing, separately installed bioinformatics packages, rather than providing user-friendly interfaces. No open source chemoinformatics workbench has previously been published, and no sucessful attempts have been made to integrate chemo- and bioinformatics into a single framework. RESULTS: Bioclipse is an advanced workbench for resources in chemo- and bioinformatics, such as molecules, proteins, sequences, spectra, and scripts. It provides 2D-editing, 3D-visualization, file format conversion, calculation of chemical properties, and much more; all fully integrated into a user-friendly desktop application. Editing supports standard functions such as cut and paste, drag and drop, and undo/redo. Bioclipse is written in Java and based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform with a state-of-the-art plugin architecture. This gives Bioclipse an advantage over other systems as it can easily be extended with functionality in any desired direction. CONCLUSION: Bioclipse is a powerful workbench for bio- and chemoinformatics as well as an advanced integration platform. The rich functionality, intuitive user interface, and powerful plugin architecture make Bioclipse the most advanced and user-friendly open source workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics. Bioclipse is released under Eclipse Public License (EPL), an open source license which sets no constraints on external plugin licensing; it is totally open for both open source plugins as well as commercial ones. Bioclipse is freely available at

    Computation of flows with vortices

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    Miscellaneous topics

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    Vortical flows in technical applications

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