9 research outputs found

    Emerging ecosystems change the spatial distribution of top carnivores even in poorly populated areas.

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    Humans affect biological diversity and species distribution patterns by modifying resource availability and generating novel environments where generalist species benefit and specialist species are rare. In particular, cities create local homogenization while roads fragment habitat, although both processes can increase food availability for some species that may be able to take advantage of this new source. We studied space use by birds of prey in relation to human construction, hypothesizing that these birds would be affected even in poorly populated areas. We worked in Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina, which is experiencing a high population growth, but still having very large unpopulated areas. We related the presence of raptors with different sources of human disturbance and found that both the abundance and richness of these birds were positively associated with anthropogenic environments. These results are driven mostly by a strong association between the medium-sized generalist species and these novel environments (mainly roads and cities). This may create an imbalance in intra-guild competitive abilities, modifying the normal structures of top carnivore hierarchies. Indeed, the structure of raptor communities seems to be changing, even in poorly populated areas, with anthropogenic constructions seemingly producing changes in wild areas more promptly than thought, a cause for concern in ecosystems conservation issues

    The elusive case of human intraepithelial T cells in gut homeostasis and inflammation

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    The epithelial barrier of the gastrointestinal tract is home to numerous intraepithelial T cells (IETs). IETs are functionally adapted to the mucosal environment and are among the first adaptive immune cells to encounter microbial and dietary antigens. They possess hallmark features of tissue-resident T cells: they are long-lived nonmigratory cells capable of rapidly responding to antigen challenges independent of T cell recruitment from the periphery. Gut-resident T cells have been implicated in the relapsing and remitting course and persisting low-grade inflammation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, including IBD and coeliac disease. So far, most data IETs have been derived from experimental animal models; however, IETs and the environmental makeup differ between mice and humans. With advances in techniques, the number of human studies has grown exponentially in the past 5 years. Here, we review the literature on the involvement of human IETs in gut homeostasis and inflammation, and how these cells are influenced by the microbiota and dietary antigens. Finally, targeting of IETs in therapeutic interventions is discussed. Broad insight into the function and role of human IETs in gut homeostasis and inflammation is essential to identify future diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic strategies

    The elusive case of human intraepithelial T cells in gut homeostasis and inflammation

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