2,437 research outputs found

    Multiple jet study data correlations

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    Correlations are presented which allow determination of penetration and mixing of multiple cold air jets injected normal to a ducted subsonic heated primary air stream. Correlations were obtained over jet-to-primary stream momentum flux ratios of 6 to 60 for locations from 1 to 30 jet diameters downstream of the injection plane. The range of geometric and operating variables makes the correlations relevant to gas turbine combustors. Correlations were obtained for the mixing efficiency between jets and primary stream using an energy exchange parameter. Also jet centerplane velocity and temperature trajectories were correlated and centerplane dimensionless temperature distributions defined. An assumption of a Gaussian vertical temperature distribution at all stations is shown to result in a reasonable temperature field model. Data are presented which allow comparison of predicted and measured values over the range of conditions specified above

    Research in the development of an improved multiplier phototube Final report

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    Counting efficiency, noise factor measurement, dark noise, gain and counting rate, optical enhancemen

    Research in the development of an improved multiplier phototube

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    Performance and response characteristics of smoothing, image intensifier dissector for low light level astronomy and optical detectio

    Research in the development of an improved multiplier phototube

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    Parameters in analog /dc/ and digital /single electron pulse count/ modes of processing data from photomultiplier tube

    Research in the development of an improved multiplier phototube Final report

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    Triggered light sources, after pulsing, and materials for multiplier phototube