587 research outputs found

    Polaron and bipolaron dispersion curves in one dimension for intermediate coupling

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    Bipolaron energies are calculated as a function of wave vector by a variational method of Gurari appropriate for weak or intermediate coupling strengths, for a model with electron-phonon interactions independent of phonon wave vectors and a short-ranged Coulomb repulsion. It is assumed that the bare electrons have a constant effective mass. A two-parameter trial function is taken for the relative motion of the two electrons in the bipolaron. Energies of bipolarons are compared with those of two single polarons as a function of wave vector for various parameter values. Results for effective masses at the zone center are also obtained. Comparison is made with data of other authors for bipolarons in the Hubbard-Holstein model, which differs mainly from the present model in that it has a tight-binding band structure for the bare electrons.Comment: 11 pages including six figures. Physical Review B, to be publishe

    Optical conductivity of polaronic charge carriers

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    The optical conductivity of charge carriers coupled to quantum phonons is studied in the framework of the one-dimensional spinless Holstein model. For one electron, variational diagonalisation yields exact results in the thermodynamic limit, whereas at finite carrier density analytical approximations based on previous work on single-particle spectral functions are obtained. Particular emphasis is put on deviations from weak-coupling, small-polaron or one-electron theories occurring at intermediate coupling and/or finite carrier density. The analytical results are in surprisingly good agreement with exact data, and exhibit the characteristic polaronic excitations observed in experiments on manganites.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Mobile small polaron

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    Extending the Froehlich polaron problem to a discrete ionic lattice we study a polaronic state with a small radius of the wave function but a large size of the lattice distortion. We calculate the energy dispersion and the effective mass of the polaron with the 1/\lambda perturbation theory and with the exact Monte Carlo method in the nonadiabatic and adiabatic regimes, respectively. The ``small'' Froehlich polaron is found to be lighter than the small Holstein polaron by one or more orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Signatures of Superfluidity in Dilute Fermi Gases near a Feshbach Resonance

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    We present a brief account of the most salient properties of vortices in dilute atomic Fermi superfluids near a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, and jltp.cls. Several typos and a couple of inaccuracies have been correcte

    Many-body large polaron optical conductivity in SrTi1x_{1-x}Nbx_xO3_3

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    Recent experimental data on the optical conductivity of niobium doped SrTiO3_{3} are interpreted in terms of a gas of large polarons with effective coupling constant αeff2\alpha_{eff}\approx2. The {theoretical approach takes into account} many-body effects, the electron-phonon interaction with multiple LO-phonon branches, and the degeneracy and the anisotropy of the Ti t2g_{2g} conduction band. {Based on the Fr\"{o}hlich interaction, the many-body large-polaron theory} provides an interpretation for the essential characteristics, except -- interestingly -- for the unexpectedly large intensity of a peak at 130\sim130 meV, of the observed optical conductivity spectra of SrTi1x_{1-x}Nbx_{x}O3_{3} \textit{without} any adjustment of material parameters.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Signatures of polaronic excitations in quasi-one-dimensional LaTiO3.41_{3.41}

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    The optical properties of quasi-one-dimensional metallic LaTiO3.41_{3.41} are studied for the polarization along the aa and bb axes. With decreasing temperature modes appear along both directions suggestive for a phase transition. The broadness of these modes along the conducting axis might be due to the coupling of the phonons to low-energy electronic excitations across an energy gap. We observe a pronounced midinfrared band with a temperature dependence consistent with (interacting) polaron models. The polaronic picture is corroborated by the presence of strong electron-phonon coupling and the temperature dependence of the dc conductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Non-interacting Cooper pairs inside a pseudogap

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    I present a simple analytical model describing the normal state of a superconductor with a pseudogap in the density of states, such as in underdoped cuprates. In nearly two-dimensional systems, where the superconducting transition temperature is reduced from the mean-field BCS value, Cooper pairs may be present as slow fluctuations of the BCS pairing field. Using the self-consistent T-matrix (fluctuation exchange) approach I find that the fermion spectral weight exhibits two BCS-like peaks, broadened by fluctuations of the pairing field amplitude. The density of states becomes suppressed near the Fermi energy, which allows for long-lived low-energy Cooper pairs that propagate as a sound-like mode with a mass. A self-consistency requirement, linking the width of the pseudogap to the intensity of the pairing field, determines the pair condensation temperature. In nearly two-dimensional systems, it is proportional to the degeneracy temperature of the fermions, with a small prefactor that vanishes in two dimensions.Comment: LaTeX (prbbib.sty included), 24 pages, 4 PostScript figures To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Variational Monte Carlo Study of Spin-Gapped Normal State and BCS-BEC Crossover in Two-Dimensional Attractive Hubbard Model

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    We study properties of normal, superconducting (SC) and CDW states for an attractive Hubbard model on the square lattice, using a variational Monte Carlo method. In trial wave functions, we introduce an interspinon binding factor, indispensable to induce a spin-gap transition in the normal state, in addition to the onsite attractive and intersite repulsive factors. It is found that, in the normal state, as the interaction strength U/t|U|/t increases, a first-order spin-gap transition arises at UcW|U_{\rm c}|\sim W (WW: band width) from a Fermi liquid to a spin-gapped state, which is conductive through hopping of doublons. In the SC state, we confirm by analysis of various quantities that the mechanism of superconductivity undergoes a smooth crossover at around |U_{\ma{co}}|\sim |U_{\rm c}| from a BCS type to a Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) type, as U/t|U|/t increases. For |U|<|U_{\ma{co}}|, quantities such as the condensation energy, a SC correlation function and the condensate fraction of onsite pairs exhibit behavior of exp(t/U)\sim \exp(-t/|U|), as expected from the BCS theory. For |U|>|U_{\ma{co}}|, quantities such as the energy gain in the SC transition and superfluid stiffness, which is related to the cost of phase coherence, behave as t2/UTc\sim t^2/|U|\propto T_{\rm c}, as expected in a bosonic scheme. In this regime, the SC transition is induced by a gain in kinetic energy, in contrast with the BCS theory. We refer to the relevance to the pseudogap in cuprate superconductors.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figures, submitted to Journal of the Physical Society of Japa