32 research outputs found

    Orthogonality conditions and asymptotic stability in the Stefan problem with surface tension

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    We prove nonlinear asymptotic stability of steady spheres in the two-phase Stefan problem with surface tension. Our method relies on the introduction of appropriate orthogonality conditions in conjunction with a high-order energy method.Comment: 25 pages, important references added, two remarks added, typos correcte

    Results from phase III clinical trials with radachlorine for photodynamic therapy of pre-cancer and early cancer of cervix

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    The results of clinical study for efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with radachlorine in patients with pre-cancer and cancer of cervix are represented. The study enrolled 30 patients including 4 patients with cervical erosion, 5 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II, 13 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III, 4 patients with carcinoma in situ and 4 patients with cervical cancer stage Ia. Radachlorine was administrated as single 30 minute intravenous injection at dose of 1,0 mg/kg of body weight 3 h before irradiation (wavelength of 662 nm, light dose of 300-350 J/cm2). The results of treatment in 26 (86,7%) patients was assessed as complete tumor regression and in 4 (13,3%) patients - as partial regression. In cervical erosion, intraepithelial neoplasia II and carcinoma in situ groups total regression was in all cases. In the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III group total regression after first course of PDT was achieved in 77% of patients, in cervical cancer stage Ia group - in 75% of patients. From 3 to 6 months after first course of treatment all patients with partial tumor regression underwent the second course of PDT with complete regression. There were no side-effects due to radachorine or PDT in the course of treatment and during follow-up. Thus, PDT with Russian photosensitizer radachlorine showed high efficiency for treatment of pre-cancer and cancer of cervix

    Capabilities of intraoperative photodynamic therapy for treatment of locally advanced breast cancer

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    The original method of intraoperative photodynamic therapy for multimodality treatment of primary and recurrent breast cancer for devitalization of malifnant cells at wound surface and for prevention of further cancer dissemination was developed in P.A. Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute. The developed method was approved in 79 patients with locally advanced breast cancer stage IIB and IIIA,B,C with poor prognostic factors. For photodynamic therapy the photosensitizer photosens (30 min intravenous infusion at dose of 0.3 mg/kg of body weight 2 h before surgery) was used in 56 patients; alasens (solution in 100 ml of still drinking water, orally at dose of 30 mg/kg of body weight 2 h before general anesthesia) - in 23 patients. The surgical field was irradiated on a single occasion: the dose of laser irradiation on the bed of removed primary or recurrent tumor was 20-30 J/cm2, in the removed regional lymph nodes area - 50 J/cm2. Long-term results of the treatment were assessed in 34 patients: there were no disease progression in 50% of patients, 14.7% of patients had locoregional recurrence, distant metastases were in 35.3% of patients. The level of photosensitizer accumulation in tissue was additionally analyzed in 26 patients by fluorescence intensity in tumor and in normal breast tissue. After injection of alasens the increase in level of alasensinduced protoporphyrin IX fluorescence was recorded in tumor (the average diagnostic parameter was 6.5 a.u.) and in intact breast tissue (an average of 0.47 a.u.), tumor/normal tissue fluorescence contrast varied from 3 to 33. The level of protoporphyrin IX accumulation was noticed to be lower in tumors with pathomorphological response after neoadjuvant therapy. For photosens value of the average diagnostic parameter in normal breast tissue was 5.6 a.u., in tumor - 34.3 a.u., tumor/normal tissue fluorescence contrast - from 2 to 9


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    Cellular redox homeostasis, determined by a combination of redox processes and an activity of systems controlling their balance, is an important factor ensuring cell viability. The redox-dependent regulation of cellular processes can be considered as a multi-level system including not only proteins and enzyme complexes but also non-coding RNA, among which microRNA plays a significant role. The review focuses on the role of microRNA in the redox-dependent regulation of both ROS generation enzymes and antioxidant protection enzymes. Particular attention is paid to effects of microRNA on redox-dependent processes in a tumor cell. The effect of ROS on microRNA expression and the role of the ROS-microRNA feedback system in regulation of cellular redox state are discussed.Клеточный редокс-гомеостаз, определяемый совокупностью окислительно-восстановительных процессов и активностью систем, контролирующих их баланс, является важным фактором, обеспечивающим жизнеспособность клетки. Редокс-зависимая регуляция клеточных процессов может рассматриваться как многоуровневая система, включающая в себя не только белки и комплексы ферментов, но и некодирующие РНК, среди которых значительная роль принадлежит микроРНК. В обзоре рассматривается роль микроРНК в редокс-зависимой регуляции как ферментов генерации АФК, так и ферментов антиоксидантной защиты в клетках человека и животных. Особое внимание уделено влиянию микроРНК на редокс-зависимые процессы в опухолевой клетке. Обсуждается действие АФК на экспрессию микроРНК и роль системы с обратной связью «АФК-микроРНК» в регуляции клеточного редокс-статуса

    Photodynamic therapy for facial skin cancer developed in the zone of previous radiotherapy (clinical case) [ФОТОдИНАМИчЕСКАя ТЕРАПИя ПРИ РАКЕ КОЖИ ЛИЦА, РАЗВИВШЕГОСя В ЗОНЕ ПРЕдШЕСТВУюЩЕЙ ЛУчЕВОЙ ТЕРАПИИ (КЛИНИчЕСКОЕ НАбЛюдЕНИЕ)]

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    The results of a 13-year clinical observation of a patient after treatment for basal cell carcinoma of the skin of the right cheek Ist cT1N0M0 are presented. The history of the course of the disease is associated with the fact that the patient underwent radiation therapy in early childhood for hemangioma of the lower eyelid of the right eye and right cheek. In 2008, against the background of post-radiation changes in the area of the right cheek, basal cell carcinoma was diagnosed at the Moscow Oncological Research Institute. P.A. Herzen. At the Center for Laser and Photodynamic Diagnostics and Tumor Therapy, the patient underwent organ-preserving PDT treatment. A course of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with 5-aminolevulic acid was carried out. Subsequently, the patient was followed up until 2021 without relapse in the PDT area. In 2016, the patient was diagnosed with a relapse of the disease in the form of a new focus of basal cell carcinoma of the upper eyelid skin on the right Iast cT1N0M0. The patient underwent a course of PDT with a chlorin e6-based photosensitizer. Complete regression of the tumor was achieved, the period of relapse-free follow-up was 5 years. © 2021 Russian Photodynamic Association. All rights reserved

    Role of MicroRNAs in the Regulation of Redox-Dependent Processes

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    Cellular redox homeostasis involves a combination of redox processes and corresponding regulatory systems and represents an important factor ensuring cell viability. Redox-dependent regulation of cellular processes is a multi-level system including not only proteins and enzyme complexes, but also non-coding RNAs, among which an important role belongs to microRNAs. The review focuses on the involvement of miRNAs in the redox-dependent regulation of both ROS (reactive oxygen species)-generating enzymes and antioxidant enzymes with special emphasis on the effects of miRNAs on redox-dependent processes in tumor cells. The impact of ROS on the miRNA expression and the role of the ROS/miRNA feedback regulation in the cell redox state are discussed. © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Results from phase III clinical trials with radachlorine for photodynamic therapy of pre-cancer and early cancer of cervix

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    The results of clinical study for efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with radachlorine in patients with pre-cancer and cancer of cervix are represented. The study enrolled 30 patients including 4 patients with cervical erosion, 5 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II, 13 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III, 4 patients with carcinoma in situ and 4 patients with cervical cancer stage Ia. Radachlorine was administrated as single 30 minute intravenous injection at dose of 1,0 mg/kg of body weight 3 h before irradiation (wavelength of 662 nm, light dose of 300-350 J/cm2). The results of treatment in 26 (86,7%) patients was assessed as complete tumor regression and in 4 (13,3%) patients - as partial regression. In cervical erosion, intraepithelial neoplasia II and carcinoma in situ groups total regression was in all cases. In the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III group total regression after first course of PDT was achieved in 77% of patients, in cervical cancer stage Ia group - in 75% of patients. From 3 to 6 months after first course of treatment all patients with partial tumor regression underwent the second course of PDT with complete regression. There were no side-effects due to radachorine or PDT in the course of treatment and during follow-up. Thus, PDT with Russian photosensitizer radachlorine showed high efficiency for treatment of pre-cancer and cancer of cervix

    Capabilities of intraoperative photodynamic therapy for treatment of locally advanced breast cancer

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    The original method of intraoperative photodynamic therapy for multimodality treatment of primary and recurrent breast cancer for devitalization of malifnant cells at wound surface and for prevention of further cancer dissemination was developed in P.A. Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute. The developed method was approved in 79 patients with locally advanced breast cancer stage IIB and IIIA,B,C with poor prognostic factors. For photodynamic therapy the photosensitizer photosens (30 min intravenous infusion at dose of 0.3 mg/kg of body weight 2 h before surgery) was used in 56 patients; alasens (solution in 100 ml of still drinking water, orally at dose of 30 mg/kg of body weight 2 h before general anesthesia) - in 23 patients. The surgical field was irradiated on a single occasion: the dose of laser irradiation on the bed of removed primary or recurrent tumor was 20-30 J/cm2, in the removed regional lymph nodes area - 50 J/cm2. Long-term results of the treatment were assessed in 34 patients: there were no disease progression in 50% of patients, 14.7% of patients had locoregional recurrence, distant metastases were in 35.3% of patients. The level of photosensitizer accumulation in tissue was additionally analyzed in 26 patients by fluorescence intensity in tumor and in normal breast tissue. After injection of alasens the increase in level of alasensinduced protoporphyrin IX fluorescence was recorded in tumor (the average diagnostic parameter was 6.5 a.u.) and in intact breast tissue (an average of 0.47 a.u.), tumor/normal tissue fluorescence contrast varied from 3 to 33. The level of protoporphyrin IX accumulation was noticed to be lower in tumors with pathomorphological response after neoadjuvant therapy. For photosens value of the average diagnostic parameter in normal breast tissue was 5.6 a.u., in tumor - 34.3 a.u., tumor/normal tissue fluorescence contrast - from 2 to 9


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    The article presents a clinical observation. The patient, 72 years old, applied to the MNII them. P.A. Herzen with complaints about the presence of an ulcerated tumor of the left ear. After further examination, a diagnosis was made - basal cell carcinoma of the ear skin with spread to the skin of the parotid region T3N0M0. On July 9, 2021, the patient underwent a course of photodynamic therapy (PDT) using a photosensitizer based on chlorin e6 and a diode laser with a wavelength of 662 nm. After one course of PDT, complete regression of the tumor was recorded. © 2021 Russian Photodynamic Association. All rights reserved