10 research outputs found

    D-brane Solitons in Supersymmetric Sigma-Models

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    Massive D=4 N=2 supersymmetric sigma models typically admit domain wall (Q-kink) solutions and string (Q-lump) solutions, both preserving 1/2 supersymmetry. We exhibit a new static 1/4 supersymmetric `kink-lump' solution in which a string ends on a wall, and show that it has an effective realization as a BIon of the D=4 super DBI-action. It is also shown to have a time-dependent Q-kink-lump generalization which reduces to the Q-lump in a limit corresponding to infinite BI magnetic field. All these 1/4 supersymmetric sigma-model solitons are shown to be realized in M-theory as calibrated, or `Q-calibrated', M5-branes in an M-monopole background.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, Late

    Supersymmetric Intersecting Domain Walls in Massive Hyper-Kahler Sigma Models

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    The general scalar potential of D-dimensional massive sigma-models with eight supersymmetries is found for D=3,4D=3,4. These sigma models typically admit 1/2 supersymmetric domain wall solutions and we find, for a particular hyper-K\"ahler target, exact 1/4 supersymmetric static solutions representing a non-trivial intersection of two domain walls. We also show that the intersecting domain walls can carry Noether charge while preserving 1/4 supersymmetry. We briefly discuss an application to the D1-D5 brane system.Comment: 14 pages, Latex. Various changes including the inclusion of an exact intersecting domain wall solutio

    Domain Wall Junction in N=2 Supersymmetric QED in four dimensions

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    An exact solution of domain wall junction is obtained in N=2 supersymmetric (SUSY) QED with three massive hypermultiplets. The junction preserves two out of eight SUSY. Both a (magnetic) Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term and complex masses for hypermultiplets are needed to obtain the junction solution. There are zero modes corresponding to spontaneously broken translation, SUSY, and U(1). All broken and unbroken SUSY charges are explicitly worked out in the Wess-Zumino gauge in N=1 superfields as well as in components. The relation to models in five dimensions is also clarified.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, comments on zero modes added, a few references adde

    BPS Domain Wall Junctions in Infinitely Large Extra Dimensions

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    We consider models of scalar fields coupled to gravity which are higher-dimensional generalizations of four dimensional supergravity. We use these models to describe domain wall junctions in an anti-de Sitter background. We derive Bogomolnyi equations for the scalar fields from which the walls are constructed and for the metric. From these equations a BPS-like formula for the junction energy can be derived. We demonstrate that such junctions localize gravity in the presence of more than one uncompactified extra dimension.Comment: 17 pages, uses RevTeX, new references adde

    BPS-Saturated Walls in Supersymmetric Theories

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    Domain-wall solutions in four-dimensional supersymmetric field theories with distinct discrete vacuum states lead to the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry, either completely or partially. We consider in detail the case when the domain walls are the BPS-saturated states, and 1/2 of supersymmetry is preserved. Several useful criteria that relate the preservation of 1/2 of supersymmetry on the domain walls to the central extension appearing in the N=1 superalgebras are established. We explain how the central extension can appear in N=1 supersymmetry and explicitly obtain the central charge in various models: the generalized Wess-Zumino models, and supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with or without matter. The BPS-saturated domain walls satisfy the first-order differential equations which we call the creek equations, since they formally coincide with the (complexified) equations of motion of an analog high-viscosity fluid on a profile which is given by the superpotential of the original problem. Some possible applications are considered.Comment: Several equations are corrected, the discussion of the two-dimensional soliton in Section 6 is modified, references are updated and expande

    D0-D4 brane tachyon condensation to a BPS state and its excitation spectrum in noncommutative super Yang-Mills theory

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    We investigate the D0-D4-brane system for different B-field backgrounds including the small instanton singularity in noncommutative SYM theory. We discuss the excitation spectrum of the unstable state as well as for the BPS D0-D4 bound state. We compute the tachyon potential which reproduces the complete mass defect. The relevant degrees of freedom are the massless (4,4) strings. Both results are in contrast with existing string field theory calculations. The excitation spectrum of the small instanton is found to be equal to the excitation spectrum of the fluxon solution on R^2_theta x R which we trace back to T-duality. For the effective theory of the (0,0) string excitations we obtain a BFSS matrix model. The number of states in the instanton background changes significantly when the B-field becomes self-dual. This leads us to the proposal of the existence of a phase transition or cross over at self-dual B-field.Comment: a4 11pt Latex2e 40 pages; v2: typos fixed, refined comments on renormalisation, refs added, v3: ref added, version publishe

    A Note on Domain Walls and the Parameter Space of N=1 Gauge Theories

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    We study the spectrum of BPS domain walls within the parameter space of N=1 U(N) gauge theories with adjoint matter and a cubic superpotential. Using a low energy description obtained by compactifying the theory on R^3 x S^1, we examine the wall spectrum by combining direct calculations at special points in the parameter space with insight drawn from the leading order potential between minimal walls, i.e those interpolating between adjacent vacua. We show that the multiplicity of composite BPS walls -- as characterised by the CFIV index -- exhibits discontinuities on marginal stability curves within the parameter space of the maximally confining branch. The structure of these marginal stability curves for large N appears tied to certain singularities within the matrix model description of the confining vacua.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, 6 eps figures; v2: references adde

    Gravity localization with a domain wall junction in six dimensions

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    We study gravity localization in the context of a six-dimensional gravity model coupled with complex scalar fields. With a supergravity-motivated scalar potential, we show that the domain wall junction solutions localize a four-dimensional massless graviton under an assumption on the wall profile. We find that unlike the global supersymmetric model, contributions to the junction tension cancel locally with gravitational contributions. The wall tension vanishes due to the metric suppression.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, a paragraph and references added, typos correcte