75 research outputs found

    Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor and LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) receptor in locally advanced breast cancer

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    Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors are overexpressed in most neoplastic cell lines and provide a mechanism for the internalization and concentration of drug-laden nanoemulsions that bind to these receptors. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the administration of standard chemotherapeutic schemes can alter the expression of LDL and LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) receptors in breast carcinoma. Fragments of tumoral and normal breast tissue from 16 consecutive volunteer women with breast cancer in stage II or III were obtained from biopsies before the beginning of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and after chemotherapy, from fragments excised during mastectomy. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for both receptors. Because complete response to treatment was achieved in 4 patients, only the tumors from 12 were analyzed. Before chemotherapy, there was overexpression of LDL receptor in the tumoral tissue compared to normal breast tissue in 8 of these patients. LRP-1 receptor overexpression was observed in tumors of 4 patients. After chemotherapy, expression of both receptors decreased in the tumors of 6 patients, increased in 4 and was unchanged in 2. Nonetheless, even when chemotherapy reduced receptors expression, the expression was still above normal. The fact that chemotherapy does not impair LDL receptors expression supports the use of drug carrier systems that target neoplastic cells by the LDL receptor endocytic pathway in patients on conventional chemotherapy

    Aspectos quantitativos e morfométricos das infrapopulações de platynosomum illiciens (trematoda: dicrocoeliidae) em paroaria dominicana (passeriformes: emberizidae) do estado da Bahia, Brasil

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    During the study of the metazoan parasites of Paroaria dominicana Linnaeus, 1758 (Passeriformes), four infrapopulations of Platynosomum illiciens (Brown, 1901) (Trematoda), parasitic in the liver ducts were collected, with intensity of infection 10, 11, 18 and 36 specimens respectively. Differences between the means of morphometrical values and the total number of eggs were statistically tested. The liver weigh were not significantly correlated with avian total weigh and length, and with the total parasitic abundance. Positive correlations were observed between the size of infrapopulations and the total number of eggs, and between parasite body size and the eggs. size. Negative correlations were observed between parasitic intensity and liver weigh; between the size of infrapopulations and the parasite body size; between total number and the size of eggs and between parasite body size and total number of eggs. These results suggests that host with smaller liver had greater infrapopulations. These greater infrapopulations showed smaller parasite body size and higher size and number of eggs.Durante o estudo dos metazoários parasitos de Paroaria dominicana Linnaeus, 1758 (Passeriformes), quatro infrapopulações de Platynosomum illiciens (Brown, 1901) (Trematoda) foram coletadas nos ductos hepáticos, com intensidades parasitárias de 10, 11, 18 e 36 espécimes respectivamente. Diferenças entre os valores morfométricos médios e o número total de ovos das infrapopulações foram estatisticamente testadas. O peso do fígado não se correlacionou ao peso das aves, ao comprimento do corpo das aves e à abundância parasitária. Foram detectadas correlações positivas entre o tamanho das infrapopulações e o número de ovos produzidos e entre o tamanho do corpo dos parasitos e o tamanho dos ovos. Correlações negativas foram observadas entre a intensidade parasitária e o peso do fígado; entre o tamanho das infrapopulações e o tamanho dos indivíduos dessas infrapopulações; entre o número e o tamanho dos ovos e entre o tamanho do corpo dos parasitos e o número de ovos. Os resultados indicaram que as infrapopulações maiores se estabeleceram em aves com fígados menores e que quanto maiores as infrapopulações foram observados menor tamanho corporal e menor tamanho dos ovos, os que se apresentaram em maior quantidade

    Effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin antioxidants on morphology and activation of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured

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    Os efeitos do α-tocoferol e da ternatina sobre morfologia, ativação e crescimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, foram avaliados. Os fragmentos ovarianos foram imediatamente fixados (controle não-cultivado) ou cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, em Meio Essencial Mínimo (MEM) com ou sem suplementação com α-tocoferol ou ternatina nas concentrações de 5, 10 ou 15M, formando os tratamentos MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, TER15. O percentual de folículos pré-antrais normais no controle não-cultivado foi de 73,2%, depois de cinco dias de cultivo, houve redução desse percentual em todos os tratamentos, quando comparados com o controle não-cultivado (P<0,05). O cultivo por cinco dias aumentou a ativação folicular em todos os tratamentos (P<0,05). A análise ultra-estrutural não mostrou folículos pré-antrais íntegros após cinco dias de cultivo em meio contendo antioxidantes. Concluiu-se que o α -tocoferol e a ternatina podem promover a ativação folicular, no entanto a adição desses antioxidantes nas concentrações testadas reduziu a viabilidade folicular após o cultivo in vitro. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin on the morphology, activation, and growth of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured, for one or five days, were evaluated. Ovarian fragments were immediately fixed (non-cultured control) or in vitro cultured for one or five days in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) with or without α-tocopherol or ternatin supplementation, both at concentrations of 5, 10, or 15M, corresponding to the following treatments: MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, and TER15. The percentages of morphologically normal preantral follicles in non-cultured ovarian tissue (control) was 73.2% and after five days of culture, there was a decrease on these percentages in all treatments (P<0.05) when compared with non-cultured control. Culture of ovarian cortex for five days increased the percentages of follicular activation in all treatments (P<0.05). Ultrastructural analysis did not confirm the integrity of caprine preantral follicles cultured for five days in medium containing antioxidants. This study demonstrated that α-tocopherol and ternatin can promote follicular activation; however, addition of these antioxidants in the tested concentrations reduced the follicular viability after in vitro culture

    Top A_FB at the Tevatron vs. charge asymmetry at the LHC in chiral U(1) flavor models with flavored Higgs doublets

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    We consider the top forward-backward (FB) asymmetry at the Tevatron and top charge asymmetry at the LHC within chiral U(1)^\prime models with flavor-dependent U(1)^\prime charges and flavored Higgs fields, which were introduced in the ref. [65]. The models could enhance not only the top forward-backward asymmetry at Tevatron, but also the top charge asymmetry at LHC, without too large same-sign top pair production rates. We identify parameter spaces for the U(1)^\prime gauge boson and (pseudo)scalar Higgs bosons where all the experimental data could be accommodated, including the case with about 125 GeV Higgs boson, as suggested recently by ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, figures and discussion adde