8 research outputs found

    On mixing models

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    The Context-Tree-Weighting algorithm is an example of an computationally efficient way to compute a Bayesian mixture of context-tree models. In this talk I will present several classes of models for which efficient mixing procedures exist. After briefly touching the binary CTW method I will discuss an efficient way to determine the MAP context tree model given an observed data sequence. Then I discuss the way to extend this method to non-binary alphabets. The decision tree problem requires a different model class and I will briefly review a possible method to find these trees using mixtures. Finally I will discuss a problem of Bayesian classification using partially dependent features. This problem cannot be formulated efficiently in a context tree setting and I will discuss another efficient mixture approach

    Estudo da curva de crescimento de animais da raça Guzerá e seus cruzamentos alimentados a pasto, com e sem suplementação: 1. Análise e seleção das funções não-lineares Growth curve analysis of Guzera and their crossbreds fed under grazing with or without supplementation: 1. Analysis and selection of nonlinear functions

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    RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar sete funções não-lineares para descrever o crescimento de machos e fêmeas da raça Guzerá e seus cruzamentos (3/4Guzerá-1/4Pardo Suíço, 1/2Nelore-1/4Pardo Suíço-1/4Guzerá, 1/2Pardo Suíço-1/2Guzerá, 1/2Chianina-1/4Pardo Suíço-1/4Guzerá, 1/2Caracú-1/2Guzerá, 1/2Caracu-1/4Pardo Suíço-1/4Guzerá) submetidos a três níveis de suplementação (sem, durante o período seco e o ano todo), a fim de analisar e selecionar uma função que apresentasse menores desvios de regressão, menor variação residual, maior coeficiente de determinação, menor variação entre os parâmetros dos animais, maior convergência e valor assintótico compatível com o peso adulto observado. A função que melhor se enquadrou nesses parâmetros de seleção foi a função de Gompertz, seguida da função de Von Bertalanffy. A função de Richards apresentou grande dificuldade computacional para o ajuste, resultando em baixa convergência. As funções de Brody apresentaram as maiores estimativas de peso adulto e a função de Gompertz modificada e Logística, as menores.<br>ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to evaluate seven non linear functions to describe Guzera male and female growth curves, and their crossbreds (3/4Guzera-1/4Brown Swiss, 1/2Nellore-1/4Brown Swiss-1/4Guzera, 1/2Guzera-1/2Brown Swiss, 1/2Chianina- 1/4Brown Swiss-1/4Guzera, 1/2Caracu-1/2Guzera, 1/2Caracu-1/4Brown Swiss-1/4Guzera) submitted to three levels of supplementation (without, during the dry period and the whole year), to analize and to select one function which presented lower regression deviation, lower residual sum of squares, higher coefficient of determination, lower variation among animal parameters, higher convergence and assintotic compatible value with the observed mature weight. The function that best express these parameters of selection was the Gompertz, followed by the Von Bertalanffy function. The Richards function showed the high computational difficulty to the adjustment, resulting on lower convergence. Brody functions presented the largest and the modified Gompertz and Logistic functions showed the smallest mature weight

    The Sixth Problem of Generalized Algebraic Regression

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