10 research outputs found

    The Identification of Pats1, a Novel Gene Locus Required for Cytokinesis in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Here, we describe the identification and characterization of the cytokinesis-deficient mutant cell line 17HG5, which was generated in a restriction enzyme–mediated integration mutagenesis screen designed to isolate genes required for cytokinesis in Dictyostelium discoideum. Phenotypic characterization of the 17HG5 cell line revealed no apparent defects in the global functionality of the actomyosin cytoskeleton except for the observed cytokinesis defect when grown in suspension culture. Plasmid rescue was used to identify the disrupted gene locus (pats1; protein associated with the transduction of signal 1) that caused the cytokinesis defect. Disruption of the pats1 locus was recreated through homologous recombination in several independent cell lines, each recapitulating the cytokinesis-defective phenotype and thereby confirming that this gene locus is important for proper cytokinesis. Sequence data obtained by analysis of the genomic region flanking the inserted restriction enzyme–mediated integration plasmid revealed an 8892-bp genomic open reading frame encoding a 2964-amino-acid protein. The putative pats1 protein contains 3 regulatory domains (RI-phosphatase, RII-GTP–binding, R-III protein kinase), 13 leucine-rich repeats, and 8 WD-40 repeats. These regulatory domains coupled with the protein–protein interacting domains suggest that pats1 is involved in signal transduction during cytokinesis in Dictyostelium

    High-Resolution Dissection of Phagosome Maturation Reveals Distinct Membrane Trafficking Phases

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    Molecular mechanisms of endocytosis in the genetically and biochemically tractable professional phagocyte Dictyostelium discoideum reveal a striking degree of similarity to higher eukaryotic cells. Pulse-chase feeding with latex beads allowed purification of phagosomes at different stages of maturation. Gentle ATP stripping of an actin meshwork entrapping contaminating organelles resulted in a 10-fold increase in yield and purity, as confirmed by electron microscopy. Temporal profiling of signaling, cytoskeletal, and trafficking proteins resulted in a complex molecular fingerprint of phagosome biogenesis and maturation. First, nascent phagosomes were associated with coronin and rapidly received a lysosomal glycoprotein, LmpB. Second, at least two phases of delivery of lysosomal hydrolases (cathepsin D [CatD] and cysteine protease [CPp34]) were accompanied by removal of plasma membrane components (PM4C4 and biotinylated surface proteins). Third, a phase of late maturation, preparing for final exocytosis of undigested material, included quantitative recycling of hydrolases and association with vacuolin. Also, lysosomal glycoproteins of the Lmp family showed distinct trafficking kinetics. The delivery and recycling of CatD was directly visualized by confocal microscopy. This heavy membrane traffic of cargos was precisely accompanied by regulatory proteins such as the Rab7 GTPases and the endosomal SNAREs Vti1 and VAMP7. This initial molecular description of phagocytosis demonstrates the feasibility of a comprehensive analysis of phagosomal lipids and proteins in genetically modified strains

    Direct Evidence for a Critical Role of Myosin II in Budding Yeast Cytokinesis and the Evolvability of New Cytokinetic Mechanisms in the Absence of Myosin II

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    In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an actomyosin-based contractile ring is present during cytokinesis, as occurs in animal cells. However, the precise requirement for this structure during budding yeast cytokinesis has been controversial. Here we show that deletion of MYO1, the single myosin II gene, is lethal in a commonly used strain background. The terminal phenotype of myo1Δ is interconnected chains of cells, suggestive of a cytokinesis defect. To further investigate the role of Myo1p in cytokinesis, we conditionally disrupted Myo1 function by using either a dominant negative Myo1p construct or a strain where expression of Myo1p can be shut-off. Both ways of disruption of Myo1 function result in a failure in cytokinesis. Additionally, we show that a myo1Δ strain previously reported to grow nearly as well as the wild type contains a single genetic suppressor that alleviates the severe cytokinesis defects of myo1Δ. Using fluorescence time-lapse imaging and electron microscopy techniques, we show that cytokinesis in this strain is achieved through formation of multiple aberrant septa. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that the actomyosin ring is crucial for successful cytokinesis in budding yeast, but new cytokinetic mechanisms can evolve through genetic changes when myosin II function is impaired

    Responses to Deficiencies in Macronutrients

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