637 research outputs found

    Mode transitions in a model reaction-diffusion system driven by domain growth and noise

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    Pattern formation in many biological systems takes place during growth of the underlying domain. We study a specific example of a reaction–diffusion (Turing) model in which peak splitting, driven by domain growth, generates a sequence of patterns. We have previously shown that the pattern sequences which are presented when the domain growth rate is sufficiently rapid exhibit a mode-doubling phenomenon. Such pattern sequences afford reliable selection of certain final patterns, thus addressing the robustness problem inherent of the Turing mechanism. At slower domain growth rates this regular mode doubling breaks down in the presence of small perturbations to the dynamics. In this paper we examine the breaking down of the mode doubling sequence and consider the implications of this behaviour in increasing the range of reliably selectable final patterns

    DNA methylation machinery is involved in development and reproduction in the viviparous pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum)

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    Epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, have been proposed to mediate plastic responses in insects. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum), like the majority of extant aphids, displays cyclical parthenogenesis - the ability of mothers to switch the reproductive mode of their offspring from reproducing parthenogenetically to sexually in response to environmental cues. The pea aphid genome encodes two paralogs of the de novo DNA methyltransferase gene, dnmt3a and dnmt3x. Here we show, using phylogenetic analysis, that this gene duplication event occurred at least 150 million years ago, likely after the divergence of the lineage leading to the Aphidomorpha (phylloxerans, adelgids and true aphids) from that leading to the scale insects (Coccomorpha) and that the two paralogs are maintained in the genomes of all aphids examined. We also show that the mRNA of both dnmt3 paralogs is maternally expressed in the viviparous aphid ovary. During development both paralogs are expressed in the germ cells of embryos beginning at stage 5 and persisting throughout development. Treatment with 5-azactyidine, a chemical that generally inhibits the DNA methylation machinery, leads to defects of oocytes and early-stage embryos and causes a proportion of later stage embryos to be born dead or die soon after birth. These phenotypes suggest a role for DNA methyltransferases in reproduction, consistent with that seen in other insects. Taking the vast evolutionary history of the dnmt3 paralogs, and the localisation of their mRNAs in the ovary, we suggest there is a role for dnmt3a and/or dnmt3x in early development, and a role for DNA methylation machinery in reproduction and development of the viviparous pea aphid

    Nanoscale Processing by Adaptive Laser Pulses

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    We theoretically demonstrate that atomically-precise ``nanoscale processing" can be reproducibly performed by adaptive laser pulses. We present the new approach on the controlled welding of crossed carbon nanotubes, giving various metastable junctions of interest. Adaptive laser pulses could be also used in preparation of other hybrid nanostructures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials Generated by the Geronimus Perturbation of Measures

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    Proceedings of: 14th International Conference Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014). Guimarães, Portugal, June 30 – July 3, 2014This paper deals with monic orthogonal polynomial sequences (MOPS in short) generated by a Geronimus canonical spectral transformation of a positive Borel measure μ, i.e., (x−c) −1dμ(x)+Nδ(x−c), for some free parameter N ∈ IR+ and shift c. We analyze the behavior of the corresponding MOPS. In particular, we obtain such a behavior when the mass N tends to infinity as well as we characterize the precise values of N such the smallest (respectively, the largest) zero of these MOPS is located outside the support of the original measure μ. When μ is semi-classical, we obtain the ladder operators and the second order linear differential equation satisfied by the Geronimus perturbed MOPS, and we also give an electrostatic interpretation of the zero distribution in terms of a logarithmic potential interaction under the action of an external field. We analyze such an equilibrium problem when the mass point of the perturbation c is located outside the support of μ

    Fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a multiple modulated field

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    We investigate the fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a multiple amplitude-modulated field. The driving held is modeled as a polychromatic field composed of a strong central (resonant) component and a large number of symmetrically detuned sideband fields displaced from the central component by integer multiples of a constant detuning. Spectra obtained here differ qualitatively from those observed for a single pair of modulating fields [B. Blind, P.R. Fontana, and P. Thomann, J. Phys. B 13, 2717 (1980)]. In the case of a small number of the modulating fields, a multipeaked spectrum is obtained with the spectral features located at fixed frequencies that are independent of the number of modulating fields and their Rabi frequencies. As the number of the modulating fields increases, the spectrum ultimately evolves to the well-known Mellow triplet with the sidebands shifted from the central component by an effective Rabi frequency whose magnitude depends on the initial relative phases of the components of the driving held. For equal relative phases, the effective Rabi frequency of the driving field can be reduced to zero resulting in the disappearance of fluorescence spectrum, i.e., the atom can stop interacting with the field. When the central component and the modulating fields are 180 degrees out of phase, the spectrum retains its triplet structure with the sidebands located at frequencies equal to the sum of the Rabi frequencies of the component of the driving field. Moreover, we shaw that the frequency of spontaneous emission can be controlled and switched from one frequency to another when the Rabi frequency or initial phase of the modulating fields are varied

    On the constraints violation in forward dynamics of multibody systems

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    It is known that the dynamic equations of motion for constrained mechanical multibody systems are frequently formulated using the Newton-Euler’s approach, which is augmented with the acceleration constraint equations. This formulation results in the establishment of a mixed set of partial differential and algebraic equations, which are solved in order to predict the dynamic behavior of general multibody systems. The classical resolution of the equations of motion is highly prone to constraints violation because the position and velocity constraint equations are not fulfilled. In this work, a general and comprehensive methodology to eliminate the constraints violation at the position and velocity levels is offered. The basic idea of the described approach is to add corrective terms to the position and velocity vectors with the intent to satisfy the corresponding kinematic constraint equations. These corrective terms are evaluated as function of the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the Jacobian matrix and of the kinematic constraint equations. The described methodology is embedded in the standard method to solve the equations of motion based on the technique of Lagrange multipliers. Finally, the effectiveness of the described methodology is demonstrated through the dynamic modeling and simulation of different planar and spatial multibody systems. The outcomes in terms of constraints violation at the position and velocity levels, conservation of the total energy and computational efficiency are analyzed and compared with those obtained with the standard Lagrange multipliers method, the Baumgarte stabilization method, the augmented Lagrangian formulation, the index-1 augmented Lagrangian and the coordinate partitioning method.The first author expresses his gratitude to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through the PhD grant (PD/BD/114154/2016). This work has been supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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