28 research outputs found

    Accelerating Cardiac Bidomain Simulations Using Graphics Processing Units

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    Anatomically realistic and biophysically detailed multiscale computer models of the heart are playing an increasingly important role in advancing our understanding of integrated cardiac function in health and disease. Such detailed simulations, however, are computationally vastly demanding, which is a limiting factor for a wider adoption of in-silico modeling. While current trends in high-performance computing (HPC) hardware promise to alleviate this problem, exploiting the potential of such architectures remains challenging since strongly scalable algorithms are necessitated to reduce execution times. Alternatively, acceleration technologies such as graphics processing units (GPUs) are being considered. While the potential of GPUs has been demonstrated in various applications, benefits in the context of bidomain simulations where large sparse linear systems have to be solved in parallel with advanced numerical techniques are less clear. In this study, the feasibility of multi-GPU bidomain simulations is demonstrated by running strong scalability benchmarks using a state-of-the-art model of rabbit ventricles. The model is spatially discretized using the finite element methods (FEM) on fully unstructured grids. The GPU code is directly derived from a large pre-existing code, the Cardiac Arrhythmia Research Package (CARP), with very minor perturbation of the code base. Overall, bidomain simulations were sped up by a factor of 11.8 to 16.3 in benchmarks running on 6-20 GPUs compared to the same number of CPU cores. To match the fastest GPU simulation which engaged 20 GPUs, 476 CPU cores were required on a national supercomputing facility


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    Solving the Coupled System Improves Computational Efficiency of the Bidomain Equations

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    The bidomain equations are frequently used to model the propagation of cardiac action potentials across cardiac tissue. At the whole organ level the size of the computational mesh required makes their solution a significant computational challenge. As the accuracy of the numerical solution cannot be compromised, efficiency of the solution technique is important to ensure that the results of the simulation can be obtained in a reasonable time whilst still encapsulating the complexities of the system. In an attempt to increase efficiency of the solver, the bidomain equations are often decoupled into one parabolic equation that is computationally very cheap to solve and an elliptic equation that is much more expensive to solve. In this study the performance of this uncoupled solution method is compared with an alternative strategy in which the bidomain equations are solved as a coupled system. This seems counter-intuitive as the alternative method requires the solution of a much larger linear system at each time step. However, in tests on two 3-D rabbit ventricle benchmarks it is shown that the coupled method is up to 80% faster than the conventional uncoupled method — and that parallel performance is better for the larger coupled problem

    A computationally efficient physiologically comprehensive 3D-0D closed-loop model of the heart and circulation

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    Computer models of cardiac electro-mechanics (EM) show promise as an effective means for the quantitative analysis of clinical data and, potentially, for predicting therapeutic responses. To realize such advanced applications methodological key challenges must be addressed. Enhanced computational efficiency and robustness is crucial to facilitate, within tractable time frames, model personalization, the simulation of prolonged observation periods under a broad range of conditions, and physiological completeness encompassing therapy-relevant mechanisms is needed to endow models with predictive capabilities beyond the mere replication of observations. Here, we introduce a universal feature-complete cardiac EM modeling framework that builds on a flexible method for coupling a 3D model of bi-ventricular EM to the physiologically comprehensive 0D CircAdapt model representing atrial mechanics and closed-loop circulation. A detailed mathematical description is given and efficiency, robustness, and accuracy of numerical scheme and solver implementation are evaluated. After parameterization and stabilization of the coupled 3D–0D model to a limit cycle under baseline conditions, the model’s ability to replicate physiological behaviors is demonstrated, by simulating the transient response to alterations in loading conditions and contractility, as induced by experimental protocols used for assessing systolic and diastolic ventricular properties. Mechanistic completeness and computational efficiency of this novel model render advanced applications geared towards predicting acute outcomes of EM therapies feasible

    High performance computer simulations of cardiac electrical function based on high resolution MRI datasets

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    In this paper, we present a set of applications that allow performance of electrophysiological simulations on individualized models generated using high-resolution MRI data of rabbit hearts. For this purpose, we propose a pipeline consisting of: extraction of significant structures from the images, generation of meshes, and application of an electrophysiological solver. In order to make it as useful as possible, we impose several requirements on the development of the pipeline. It has to be fast, aiming towards real time in the future. As much as possible, it must use non-commercial, freely available software (mostly open source). In order to verify the methodology, a set of high resolution MRI images of a rabbit heart is investigated and tested; results are presented in this work. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg