10 research outputs found

    Soja - wp艂yw moczenia i zr贸偶nicowanej obr贸bki termicznej na sk艂ad chemiczny, w艂a艣ciwo艣ci funkcjonalne i wykorzystanie w produktach spo偶ywczych

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    The effect of soaking and thermal treatments of soybeans on chemical composition as well as functional properties were investigated. Soaked and/or roasted soybeans were incorporated in the manufacture of patti beans which were organolepticaly evaluated.Ziarno soi by艂o moczone w wodzie i 2% roztworze NaOH przez 12 i 24 h w temp. ok. 20掳C lub poddane zr贸偶nicowanej obr贸bce termicznej. Moczenie powodowa艂o spadek zawarto艣ci bia艂ka. og贸艂em, azotu niebia艂kowego i cukr贸w redukuj膮cych oraz rozpuszczalno艣ci bia艂ek, przy czym moczenie w roztworze NaCl powodowa艂o tak偶e wzrost zawarto艣ci popio艂u. Obr贸bka termiczna spowodowa艂a natomiast wzrost azotu niebia艂kowego, spadek za warto艣ci bia艂ka og贸艂em i cukr贸w redukuj膮cych, przy braku wp艂ywu na zawarto艣膰 popio艂u. Rozpuszczalno艣膰 bia艂ek pocz膮tko zar贸wno spada艂a, a nast臋pnie ros艂a w miar臋 podnoszenia temperatury lub przed艂u偶ania czasu ogrzewania. Absorpcja t艂uszczu otrzymanej m膮ki sojowej uleg艂a podwy偶szeniu w wyniku moczenia zar贸wno w wodzie, jak i w roztworze NaOH, osi膮gaj膮c maksymaln膮 warto艣膰 po 12 h moczenia. Podobn膮 tendencj臋 wykazywa艂a wodoch艂onno艣膰, przy czym wyra藕niejszy jej wzrost stwierdzono w przypadku moczenia alkalicznego. Zdolno艣膰 emulguj膮ca polepszy艂a si臋 w wyniku moczenia przez 12 h, natomiast uleg艂a pogorszeniu podczas moczenia przez 24 h. Moczenie powodowa艂o spadek zdolno艣ci do tworzenia piany. Obydwa warianty obr贸bki termicznej polepszy艂y zdolno艣膰 absorpcji t艂uszczu i wodoch艂onno艣膰 badanych m膮k, natomiast pogorszy艂y zdolno艣膰 emulguj膮c膮 i zdolno艣膰 tworzenia piany. Wykazano mo偶liwo艣膰 zast膮pienia 20-50% bobu przez soj臋 podczas wyrobu pasztecik贸w. Wy偶szy dodatek by艂 korzystniejszy, szczeg贸lnie gdy ziarno soi przed mieleniem by艂o poddane obr贸bce termicznej na sucho

    Effect of selected fungi on the reduction of gossypol levels and nutritional value during solid substrate fermentation of cottonseed meal

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    The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of six individual strains of fungi on the reduction of gossypol levels and nutritional value during solid substrate fermentation of cottonseed meal (CSM). Six groups of disinfected CSM substrate were incubated for 48 h after inoculation with either of the fungi C. capsuligena ZD-1, C. tropicalis ZD-3, S. cerevisae ZD-5, A. terricola ZD-6, A. oryzae ZD-7, or A. niger ZD-8. One not inoculated group (substrate) was used as a control. Levels of initial and final free gossypol (FG), crude protein (CP), amino acids (AA) and in vitro digestibility were assayed. The experiment was done in triplicate. The experimental results indicated that microbial fermentation could greatly decrease (P<0.05) FG levels in CSM. The detoxification efficiency differed between the species of microorganisms applied. From the perspective of reducing CSM potential toxicity, C. tropicalis ZD-3 was most successful followed by S. cerevisae ZD-5 and A. niger ZD-8. They could reduce FG levels of CSM to 29.8, 63.07 and 81.50 mg/kg based on DM (dry matter), respectively, and their detoxification rates were 94.57%, 88.51% and 85.16%, respectively. If crude protein, amino acids content and their in vitro digestibility were also taken into account, A. niger ZD-8 may be the best choice. The CP content of CSM substrate fermented by C. tropicalis ZD-3 and A. niger ZD-8 were improved by 10.76% and 22.24%; the TAA (total amino acids) contents were increased by 7.06% and 11.46%, and the EAA (essential amino acids) were raised by 7.77% and 12.64%, respectively. Especially, the levels of methionine, lysine and threonine were improved greatly (P<0.05). The in vitro CP digestibility of CSM fermented by C. tropicalis ZD-3 and A. niger ZD-8 was improved by 13.42% and 18.22%, the TAA were increased by 17.75% and 22.88%, and the EAA by 16.61% and 21.01%, respectively. In addition, the in vitro digestibility of methionine, lysine and threonine was also improved greatly (P<0.05)