114 research outputs found


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    Published ArticleLesotho introduced tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) for first-line antiretroviral treatment (ART) in 2008. The use of TDF has been associated with renal toxicity. The study utilised an analytical design to compare retrospective creatinine clearance (CrCl) data of 312 antiretroviral treatment naïve adults exposed to TDF and 173 unexposed patients. Impaired renal function was defined as CrCl<50 ml/min calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault equation. In fifty-six patients (17.9%) TDF was found to be contraindicated. The use of TDF was marginally significant factor for renal toxicity (p=0.054) in univariate analysis, but was insignificant (p=0.122) in multivariate logistic analysis. Univariate (p<0.1) and multivariate logistic regression (p<0.05) were performed using STATA® 11. Female gender (p=0.016), hypertension (p=0.009), and age > 60 (p=0.004) were significantly associated with CrCl<50 ml/min outcome. TDF is a weak contributing factor to renal impairment. Routine baseline renal function screening should be adopted to prevent patients with impaired renal function receiving TDF

    Permian trace fossils attributed to tetrapods (Tierberg Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa)

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    The discovery of a paving slab with a number of prints suggestive of footprints of tetrapods led to a reinvestigation of a trace fossil, known from three localities, of which only two photographs had been published, each with only four prints. The slab was traced to a previously unrecorded site, De Puts, near Calvinia, located in the Tierberg Formation of the Ecca Group of the Karoo Supergroup. The prints from all the sites are referred to Broomichnium permianum Kuhn 1958, of which Quadrispinichna parvia of Anderson 1974 is a synonym.Palaeo-Anthropology Scientific Trust; French Embassy in South Africa; Co-operation and Cultural Servic

    Palaeozoic insects of southern Africa: a review

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    Although a substantial number of Triassic insect fossils have been discovered in southern Africa, relatively few insect fossils are known from the Permian deposits of this region. Fossil insects from the Permian period elsewhere, including the extensive entomological fauna from Eastern Europe (including Russia), Brazil and Australia is well-documented. The Irati Formation in the Parana Basin of Brazil, the temporal and lithological correlate of the Permian Whitehill Formation of South Africa, has yielded fossil insects belonging to Homoptera, N europtera, Coleoptera and Mecoptera. Fossil insects from the Whitehill Formation are usually poorly preserved and only seven specimens are mentioned in the literature. An overview is given of the more recent discoveries of Permian fossil insects in South Africa. This includes the discovery of the oldest beetle in Africa, the oldest longhorned grasshopper in the Southern Hemisphere and a survey of the Permian insects from the Beaufort Group of Natal. Reasons for the paucity of Permian insects are briefly discussed.Palaeo-Anthropology Scientific Trust; French Embassy in South Africa; Co-operation and Cultural Servic

    Headaches Among Residents Within the Selebi Phikwe Nickel-Copper Mining Environment, Botswana

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    Headache occurrences among different classes of residents within a nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) mining and smelting environment in Botswana are investigated using questionnaires and statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Interpreted results from respondents indicated that all of the health service providers, 80% of educational institutions, and 70 % of businesses enterprises had patients, learners and workers respectively, and 77 % of individuals, complained of one form of headache or the other. Similar high values were obtained when responses were considered according to study sites, especially for frontal and temple headaches. Females suffered slightly more often from headaches than males. Values for sites close to smelter/concentrator plant and mine were in general higher. Mining activities especially the release of sulphur gases and fumes into the atmosphere, and other climatic factors could possibly be contributory to the rampant occurrence of headaches at Selebi Phikwe

    The diagnosis of bovine mastitis : a critical evaluation of a polyvalent radial immunodiffusion test and other methods

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    A critically comparative investigation was performed on 228 quarter samples from 26 Friesland-type dairy cows respectively to evaluate the diagnostic value of conventional direct and indirect cytological methods and a single radial immunodiffusion test based on a polyvalent antiserum. Data obtained suggest considerable diagnostic inaccuracies for all the methods tested. The lack of an adequate "mastitis standard" prevented a precise determination of the magnitude of the diagnostic inaccuracies.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 300dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Safeguarding maternal and child health in South Africa by starting the Child Support Grant before birth: Design lessons from pregnancy support programmes in 27 countries

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    Background: Deprivation during pregnancy and the neonatal period increases maternal morbidity, reduces birth weight and impairs child development, with lifelong consequences. Many poor countries provide grants to mitigate the impact of poverty during pregnancy. South Africa (SA) offers a post-delivery Child Support Grant (CSG), which could encompass support during pregnancy, informed by lessons learnt from similar grants. Objectives: To review design and operational features of pregnancy support programmes, highlighting features that promote their effectiveness and efficiency, and implications thereof for SA. Methods: Systematic review of programmes providing cash or other support during pregnancy in low- and middle-income countries. Results: Thirty-two programmes were identified, across 27 countries. Programmes aimed to influence health service utilisation, but also longer-term health and social outcomes. Half included conditionalities around service utilisation. Multifaceted support, such as cash and vouchers, necessitated complex parallel administrative procedures. Five included design features to diminish perverse incentives. These and other complex features were often abandoned over time. Operational barriers and administrative costs were lowest in programmes with simplified procedures and that were integrated within child support. Conclusions: Pregnancy support in SA would be feasible and effective if integrated within existing social support programmes and operationally simple. This requires uncomplicated enrolment procedures (e.g. an antenatal card), cash-only support, and few or no conditionalities. To overcome political barriers to implementation, the design might initially need to include features that discourage pregnancy incentives. Support could incentivise service utilisation, without difficult-to-measure conditionalities. Beginning the CSG in pregnancy would be operationally simple and could substantially transform maternal and child health

    Safeguarding maternal and child health in South Africa by starting the Child Support Grant before birth: Design lessons from pregnancy support programmes in 27 countries

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    Background. Deprivation during pregnancy and the neonatal period increases maternal morbidity, reduces birth weight and impairs child development, with lifelong consequences. Many poor countries provide grants to mitigate the impact of poverty during pregnancy. South Africa (SA) offers a post-delivery Child Support Grant (CSG), which could encompass support during pregnancy, informed by lessons learnt from similar grants.Objectives. To review design and operational features of pregnancy support programmes, highlighting features that promote their effectiveness and efficiency, and implications thereof for SA.Methods. Systematic review of programmes providing cash or other support during pregnancy in low- and middle-income countries.Results. Thirty-two programmes were identified, across 27 countries. Programmes aimed to influence health service utilisation, but also longer-term health and social outcomes. Half included conditionalities around service utilisation. Multifaceted support, such as cash and vouchers, necessitated complex parallel administrative procedures. Five included design features to diminish perverse incentives. These and other complex features were often abandoned over time. Operational barriers and administrative costs were lowest in programmes with simplified procedures and that were integrated within child support.Conclusions. Pregnancy support in SA would be feasible and effective if integrated within existing social support programmes and operationally simple. This requires uncomplicated enrolment procedures (e.g. an antenatal card), cash-only support, and few or no conditionalities. To overcome political barriers to implementation, the design might initially need to include features that discourage pregnancy incentives. Support could incentivise service utilisation, without difficult-to-measure conditionalities. Beginning the CSG in pregnancy would be operationally simple and could substantially transform maternal and child health

    A Giant Water Maser Flare in the Galactic Source IRAS 18316-0602

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    The results of long-term monitoring of the Galactic maser source IRAS 18316-0602 (G25.65+1.05) in the water-vapor line at frequency f = 22.235 GHz (6_16-5_23 transitioin) carried out on the 22-m Simeiz, 26-m HartRAO, and 26-m Torun radio telescopes are reported. The source has been episodically observed on the Simeiz telescope since 2000, with more regular observations beginning in 2017. A double flare was observed beginning in September 2017 and continuing to February 2018, which was the most powerful flare registered over the entire history of observations of this object. Most of the monitoring of the flare was carried out in a daily regime. Detailed analysis of the variations of the flux density, which reached a maximum value P ≈ 1.3 × 10^5 Jy, have led to important scientific conclusions about possible mechanisms for the emission in this water line. The exponential growth in the flux density in this double flare testifies that it was associated with a maser that was unsaturated right up to the maximum flux densities observed. An additional argument suggesting the maser was unsaturated is the relatively moderate degree of linear polarization (≈30%), nearly half the value displayed by the Galactic kilomasers in Orion KL. The accurate distance estimate for IRAS 18316-0602 (12.5 kpc) and the flux density at the flare maximum (≈1.3 × 10^5 Jy) makes this the most powerful Galactic kilomaser known. The double form of the flare with exponential rises in flux density rules out the possibility that the flare is the effect of directivity of a radiation beam relative to the observer. The physical nature of the flare is most likely related to internal parameters of the medium in which the maser clumps radiating in the water line are located. A rapid, exponential growth in the flux density of a kilomaser and associated exponential decays requires the presence of an explosive increase in the density of the medium and the photon flux, leading to an increase in the temperature by 10-40 K above the initial base level. A mechanism for the primary energy release in IRAS 18316-0602 is proposed, which is associated with a multiple massive star system located in a stage of evolution preceding its entry onto the main sequence. A flare in this object could initiate gravitational interaction between the central star and a massive companion at its periastron. The resulting powerful gravitational perturbation could lead to the ejection of the envelope of the central supermassive star, which gives rise to an explosive increase in the density and temperature of the associate gas-dust medium when it reaches the disk, where the maser clumps are located
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