19,382 research outputs found

    Star Formation in Violent and Normal Evolutionary Phases

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    Mergers of massive gas-rich galaxies trigger violent starbursts that - over timescales of >100> 100 Myr and regions >10> 10 kpc - form massive and compact star clusters comparable in mass and radii to Galactic globular clusters. The star formation efficiency is higher by 1 - 2 orders of magnitude in these bursts than in undisturbed spirals, irregulars or even BCDs. We ask the question if star formation in these extreme regimes is just a scaled-up version of the normal star formation mode of if the formation of globular clusters reveals fundamentally different conditions.Comment: 4 pages To appear in The Evolution of Galaxies. II. Basic building blocks, eds. M. Sauvage, G. Stasinska, L. Vigroux, D. Schaerer, S. Madde

    Deep Recurrent Music Writer: Memory-enhanced Variational Autoencoder-based Musical Score Composition and an Objective Measure

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    Abstract: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in music generation using machine learning techniques typically used for classification or regression tasks. This is a field still in its infancy, and most attempts are still characterized by the imposition of many restrictions to the music composition process in order to favor the creation of “interesting” outputs. Furthermore, and most importantly, none of the past attempts has focused on developing objective measures to evaluate the music composed, which would allow to evaluate the pieces composed against a predetermined standard as well as permitting to fine-tune models for better “performance” and music composition goals. In this work, we intend to advance state-of-the-art in this area by introducing and evaluating a new metric for an objective assessment of the quality of the generated pieces. We will use this measure to evaluate the outputs of a truly generative model based on Variational Autoencoders that we apply here to automated music composition. Using our metric, we demonstrate that our model can generate music pieces that follow general stylistic characteristics of a given composer or musical genre. Additionally, we use this measure to investigate the impact of various parameters and model architectures on the compositional process and output

    Institutional and resource constraints that inhibit contractor performance in the small-scale sugarcane industry in KwaZulu-Natal

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    This study focuses on identifying constraints that inhibit sugarcane contractor performance in the small-scale sugar industry in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). Information is drawn from a sample survey, conducted with 124 randomly selected contractors from 11 mill group areas of KZN between September 2002 and July 2003 and case studies of contractors, sub-committee members and development officers conducted in eight mill group areas. Results show that contractors face institutional constraints (work allocation limitations, lack of performance incentives and high transaction costs, such as negotiation costs, the risk of a loss in work and contract default risk), cash flow problems, poor physical infrastructure and a lack of labour. It is expected that the promotion of a more competitive small-scale sugarcane contractor sector will alleviate many problems (such as work allocation limitations) faced by small-scale contractors, while providing incentives for their provision of higher quality and cheaper services to small-scale sugarcane growers (SSGs). Government also has a role in strategising the creation of land markets while providing improved rural infrastructure (district roads). Government also needs to ensure unbiased tribal court rulings, review the impacts of minimum wage legislation on contractors sourcing labour, and provide protection for those competing for work. Keywords: institutions; small-scale contractor performance; sugar industry South African Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol. 34(1) 2005: 55-8

    Global Cicada Sound Collection I: Recordings from South Africa and Malawi by B. W. Price & M. H. Villet and harvesting of BioAcoustica data by GBIF

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    The file attached is the published version of the article. © Baker E et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.NHM Repositor

    Successful small bowel allotransplantation in dogs with cyclosporine and prednisone

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    Twelve dogs had transplantation of almost the entire small intestine in the orthotopic location; immunosuppression was with cyclosporine and prednisone. Half the dogs had survival of at least one month, and a third lived for at least four months. Two of the animals are still living after 550 and 555 days. Maintenance of nutrition, and absorption of D-xylose and fat were better than in control animals with an iatrogenic short gut syndrome, but distinctly worse than that of normal dogs. © 1984 by The Williams and Wilkins Co

    Experimental magic state distillation for fault-tolerant quantum computing

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    Any physical quantum device for quantum information processing is subject to errors in implementation. In order to be reliable and efficient, quantum computers will need error correcting or error avoiding methods. Fault-tolerance achieved through quantum error correction will be an integral part of quantum computers. Of the many methods that have been discovered to implement it, a highly successful approach has been to use transversal gates and specific initial states. A critical element for its implementation is the availability of high-fidelity initial states such as |0> and the Magic State. Here we report an experiment, performed in a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum processor, showing sufficient quantum control to improve the fidelity of imperfect initial magic states by distilling five of them into one with higher fidelity

    On variational principles for coherent vortex structures

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    Different approaches are discussed of variational principles characterizing coherent vortex structures in two-dimensional flows. Turbulent flows seem to form ordered structures in the large scales of the motion and the self-organization principle predicts asymptotic states realizing an extremal value of the energy or a minimum of enstrophy. On the other hand the small scales take care of the increase of entropy, and asymptotic results can be obtained by applying the theory of equilibrium statistical mechanics

    Impregnation of bone chips with antibiotics and storage of antibiotics at different temperatures: an in vitro study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Allograft bone used in joint replacement surgery can additionally serve as a carrier for antibiotics and serve as a prophylaxis against infections. However, <it>in vitro </it>dose-response curves for bone chips impregnated with different kinds of antibiotics are not available. In addition, while it would be desirable to add the antibiotics to allograft bone chips before these are stored in a bone bank, the effects of different storage temperatures on antibiotics are unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Five different antibiotics (cefazolin, clindamycin, linezolid, oxacillin, vancomycin) were stored, both as pills and as solutions, at -80°C, -20°C, 4°C, 20°C and 37°C; in addition, bone chips impregnated with cefazolin and vancomycin were stored at -80°C and -20°C. After 1 month, 6 months and 1 year, the activity of the antibiotics against <it>Staphylococcus epidermidis </it>was measured using an inoculated agar. The diameter of the <it>S. epidermidis</it>-free zone was taken as a measure of antibiotic activity.</p> <p>In a separate experiment, <it>in vitro </it>dose-response curves were established for bone chips impregnated with cefazolin and vancomycin solutions at five different concentrations.</p> <p>Finally, the maximum absorbed amounts of cefazolin and vancomycin were established by impregnating 1 g of bone chips with 5 ml of antibiotic solution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A decrease of the <it>S. epidermidis</it>-free zone was seen with oxacillin and cefazolin solutions stored at 37°C for 1 month, with vancomycin stored at 37°C for 6 months and with cefazolin and oxacillin solutions stored at 20°C for 6 months. The activity of the other antibiotic solutions, pills and impregnated bone chips was not affected by storage. The <it>in vitro </it>dose-response curves show that the free-zone diameter increases logarithmically with antibiotic concentration. The absorbed antibiotic amount of one gram bone chips was determined.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Storage of antibiotics in frozen form or storage of antibiotic pills at temperatures up to 37°C for 12 months does not affect their activity. However, storage of antibiotic solutions at temperatures above 20°C does affect the activity of some of the antibiotics investigated. The <it>in vitro </it>dose-response curve can be used to determine the optimal concentration(s) for local application. It provides the opportunity to determine the antibiotic content of bone chips, and thus the amount of antibiotics available locally after application.</p

    Ganglioglioma of the neurohypophysis

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    The normal infundibulum and neurohypophysis consist entirely of neuronal processes, the neuronal cell bodies of which lie within the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and supportive glial cells or pituicytes. The finding of neurons within the neurohypophysis is exceedingly rare, as are ganglion cell tumors at this site. In this paper, we report a ganglion cell tumor of the neurohypophysis found incidentally at autopsy. Despite chronic hypertension and the finding of some vasopressin immunoreactivity in lesional neurons, the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) was excluded on the basis of normal serum sodium levels. The morphologic and immunohistochemical features of the tumor are presented, cytogenetic considerations are discussed, and literature regarding neuronal lesions of the pituitary gland is reviewe

    Physical realization of coupled Hilbert-space mirrors for quantum-state engineering

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    Manipulation of superpositions of discrete quantum states has a mathematical counterpart in the motion of a unit-length statevector in an N-dimensional Hilbert space. Any such statevector motion can be regarded as a succession of two-dimensional rotations. But the desired statevector change can also be treated as a succession of reflections, the generalization of Householder transformations. In multidimensional Hilbert space such reflection sequences offer more efficient procedures for statevector manipulation than do sequences of rotations. We here show how such reflections can be designed for a system with two degenerate levels - a generalization of the traditional two-state atom - that allows the construction of propagators for angular momentum states. We use the Morris-Shore transformation to express the propagator in terms of Morris-Shore basis states and Cayley-Klein parameters, which allows us to connect properties of laser pulses to Hilbert-space motion. Under suitable conditions on the couplings and the common detuning, the propagators within each set of degenerate states represent products of generalized Householder reflections, with orthogonal vectors. We propose physical realizations of this novel geometrical object with resonant, near-resonant and far-off-resonant laser pulses. We give several examples of implementations in real atoms or molecules.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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