573 research outputs found

    Synaptic transmission as a cooperative phenomenon in confined systems

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    In this review paper, the theory of synaptic transmission (ST) was developed and discussed. We used the hypothesis of isomorphism between: (a) the cooperative behavior of mediators --- acetylcholine molecules (ACh) and cholinoreceptors in a synaptic cleft with binding into mediator-receptor (AChR) complexes, (b) the critical phenomena in confined binary liquid mixtures. The systems of two (or three) nonlinear differential equations were proposed to find the change of concentrations of ACh, AChR complexes, and ferment acetylcholinesterase. The main findings of our study: the linear size of the activation zone was evaluated; the process of postsynaptic membrane activation was described as a cooperative process; different approximations of ACh synchronous release were examined; stationary states and types of singular points were studied for the proposed models of ST; the nonlinear kinetic model with three order parameters demonstrated a strange-attractor behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Methodology for comparative analysis of university rankings, with the Mediterranean and Black sea region countries taken as an example

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    The article develops quantitative methodology of comparative analysis of global university rankings for the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. In its frameworks three analytical procedures are proposed. They are used to build university and country matricesyesBelgorod State Universit

    О возможности дистанционной диагностики дыхательной системы человека методом аускультации

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    Development of technical base, software, accumulated information on the diagnosis of the respiratory system provided the prerequisites for creating remote diagnostics of the human respiratory system through auscultation. The known methods do not solve the problem of determining auscultation points at patent´s housing without a diagnostic specialist. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for remote diagnostics of the respiratory system which provides ability to determine the points of auscultation without presence of a diagnostic specialist. The definition of auscultation points is provided using a computer program that allows to calculate the points´ coordinates based on the coordinates of points that determine the anatomical structure of the patient's torso. The patient or his assistant places the recording device at the auscultation points combining their images on the display with the image of the location of the recording device. The signal recorded at the auscultation point is remotely transmitted to a specialist for direct analysis and/or computer processing. The diagnostic module consists of two main units. The first unit contains a stethoscope, microphone, and amplifier connected to a mobile phone or other similar device containing an accelerometer. The patient or his assistant at the housing uses the unit. The second unit is a mobile phone with a mechanical marker or a computer with the ability to access the network in conjunction with the necessary software and is used remotely by a diagnostic specialist. The layout of the unit for recording and transmitting breath sounds was made. To avoid discrepancies in the diagnostic results the technical characteristics of the module elements must be normalized. Unified software is required for the module to function. The organizational tasks that need to be solved for the implementation of diagnostics are formulated. Use of the method of remote diagnostics of the respiratory system, providing the ability to determine points of auscultation without the direct presence of a diagnostic specialist and the module will allow increasing efficiency of treatment of pulmonary diseases reduce infection risks and economic costs

    The interrelation of students’ competitiveness and their activity in student government

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    This article is about the problem of students’ competitiveness and its formation. It turned out that there is a positive effect on the students’ participation in extracurricular activities, including their work in student government on the development of their competitivenessРассматривается проблема формирования конкурентоспособности студентов как будущих специалистов в сфере профессионального обучения. Выявляется положительное влияние на развитие конкурентоспособности студентов их включенности во внеучебную деятельность, в том числе в работу органов студенческого самоуправлени

    Impact of student government bodies on students’ professional development

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    The relevance of the problem under study is due to the fact that the introduction of student government models in the professional development of students is one of the most effective mechanisms for developing the competence of the future graduates, which may significantly increase the demand for them in the labour market in future. The purpose of the article is to develop a model for setting up a functioning student government body, to present the results of implementing the given structural-functional model, to study the positive effect of the student government body on the professional development of students, as well as on the integration of formal and non-formal education. The article describes a model for setting up a functioning student government body, presents the results of implementing the structural-functional model of the student government body, specifies the basic conditions for effective work of the student government body, examines the positive impact of the student government body on the professional development of students, investigates the influence of the student government body on the integration of formal and non-formal education. The model is aimed at increasing the impact of student government on the effectiveness of professional development at the university; it is also oriented towards the development of non-formal education environment of the university. © 2016 Dorozhkin, Zaitseva & Tatarskikh

    Laws and regularities of vocational pedagogy

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    The issue under study is relevant, since a modern pedagogical science needs to establish adialectical relationship between the theory and practice of vocational education, becauseresearch in this area as well as in vocational pedagogy has lagged behind the implementedpractical transformations and reforms in recent years.The aim of the paper is to justify the definition of “vocational pedagogy” and to find out whether it is right to use the terms “law” and “regularity” with respect to an independent field of a pedagogical science – vocational pedagogy. The leading approach to studying the above issue is the method of modelling, which enables to reveal the peculiarities of the effect of formulated regularities of vocational pedagogy at the modern stage of society development, to extrapolate their effect on the nearest future of vocational education development and to provide a science-based forecast of its evolution. The results of the research: we revealed the regularities of vocational pedagogy and vocational education, gave a definition of vocational pedagogy as a methodological basis forvocational education, and defined the perspectives of their development. The materials of the paper may be useful for specialists in regulatory, theoretical and practical activities in education for developing and improving educational and professional standards as well as for developing a model for creating future competitive employees in the system of vocational education taking into account the established regularities in the development of the theory and practice of vocational education.Keywords: laws, regularities, creative thinking, vocational education, vocational pedagogy,standards

    Intuition in business: Empirical base

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    In this article, the authors propose economic projection of the views of Daniel Kahneman on intuition. The authors believe intuition to act as an operative category in entrepreneurship. The results of given statistical experiment prove viability of the phenomenon of intuition when making investment decisions. Two independent mechanisms for investment decisions are being defined - the «rational» and the «intuitive» ones. The research leads to conclusion that entrepreneurs’ intuitive decisions possess a relatively high level of efficiency. © 2016 Fomin et al

    Class II fusion protein of alphaviruses drives membrane fusion through the same pathway as class I proteins

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    Viral fusion proteins of classes I and II differ radically in their initial structures but refold toward similar conformations upon activation. Do fusion pathways mediated by alphavirus E1 and influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) that exemplify classes II and I differ to reflect the difference in their initial conformations, or concur to reflect the similarity in the final conformations? Here, we dissected the pathway of low pH–triggered E1-mediated cell–cell fusion by reducing the numbers of activated E1 proteins and by blocking different fusion stages with specific inhibitors. The discovered progression from transient hemifusion to small, and then expanding, fusion pores upon an increase in the number of activated fusion proteins parallels that established for HA-mediated fusion. We conclude that proteins as different as E1 and HA drive fusion through strikingly similar membrane intermediates, with the most energy-intensive stages following rather than preceding hemifusion. We propose that fusion reactions catalyzed by all proteins of both classes follow a similar pathway

    Pedagogical conditions of primary drug abuse prevention among students of a higher education institution

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that being one of the least adapted and socially unprotected groups, young people bear the impress of general social uncertainty, lack of confidence and uneasiness, as a result of it, drug addiction problems among young people are pushed into the forefront among social-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical problems. The purpose of the presented article consists in theoretical reasons, development experimental and research check of a complex of the pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of primary prevention of drug addiction among students of a higher education institution. The leading method to a research of this problem is the modeling method that enables to consider this problem as a purposeful and organized process of creation of the pedagogical conditions necessary for effective primary prevention of drug addiction among students of a higher education institution. The complex of the pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of process of primary drug abuse prevention is presented in the article. It consists of the pedagogical analysis of the reasons of a drug abuse, detection of specifics of a drug abuse of youthful age, the choice and use of the methods and agents of primary prophylaxis of a youth drug abuse, development of a special course for training of specialists which are carrying out activities for prophylaxis of the drug habit at educational organizations. The complex of pedagogical conditions is focused on the process organization of drug abuse prevention among students and focused on development of methodical ensuring process of training of the teachers who are carrying out activities for drug abuse prevention in educational organizations. The materials of article can be useful to teachers of higher education institutions and colleges participating in the organization and carrying out preventive measures of a drug addiction, and also to the listeners, graduates of military academies, and practical staffof Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation who are interested in drug addiction problems. © Authors