14 research outputs found

    Биологические свойства грамнегативных бактерий, верифицированных в моче пациенток с рецидивирующей неосложненной инфекцией нижних мочевых путей

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    Uncomplicated infections of the lower urinary tract are more often recorded in women and are characterized by recurrent severe course. The lack of effective approaches to the management of this cohort of patients and the insufficient knowledge of the qualitative characteristics of uropathogens hinder the successful treatment of these infections. The purpose of this project is to study the biological properties of representatives of Gram-negative bacteria isolated from the urine of patients with recurrent uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection at various levels of bacteriuria.We present here the results of the one-stage cohort study of 62 patients 20-50 years old with recurrent uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection. The level of bacteriuria, genes of virulence factors, hemolytic, adhesive and anti-lysozyme activities were determined for the Gram-negative bacteria isolated from the urine of patients.Representatives of Gram-negative microorganisms (62 strains) were isolated from the urine of all patients. Their bacteriuria levels ranged from 102 to 108 CFU/ml. A wide range of the virulence factor genes with the prevalence of papGII, feoB, fyuA, were found in all strains regardless of the degree of bacteriuria. Twenty significant (p<0.05) coefficients of mutual contingency between different pairs of genes were found. We found that the hemolytic activity of Enterobacteriaceae is statistically significantly associated with papA, feoB, fyuA, kpsMII, and usp, while the anti-lysozyme activity is associated with papA, afa, and usp.The detection of genotypic and some phenotypic traits expressed in various variations in all Gram-negative bacteria regardless of their bacteriuria levels creates a potential risk for recurrent of the lower urinary tract infection. Consequently, even the minimal levels of bacteriuria become clinically significant. Therefore, in bacteriological diagnostics it is necessary to determine all levels of bacteriuria, including the minimum level (102 CFU/ml), since isolated microorganisms at this level have not only adhesive and anti-lysozyme activities, but also contain genes encoding the virulence factors. Неосложненные инфекции нижних мочевых путей чаще регистрируются у женщин и характеризуются рецидивирующим тяжелым течением. Отсутствие эффективных подходов по ведению данной когорты пациенток и недостаточная изученность качественных характеристик уропатогенов препятствуют успешному лечению этих инфекций. Цель настоящего исследования — изучить биологические свойства представителей грамнегативной микробиоты, выделенной из мочи паци­енток с рецидивирующей неосложненной инфекцией нижних мочевых путей, при различных уровнях бактериурии.Проведено когортное одномоментное исследование 62 пациенток в возрасте 20–50 лет с рецидивирующей неосложнен­ной инфекцией нижних мочевых путей. У грамнегативных бактерий, выделенных из мочи пациенток, определяли уровень бактериурии, гены факторов вирулентности, гемолитическую, адгезивную и антилизоцимную активности.У всех пациенток из мочи выделены представители грамнегативных микроорганизмов (62 штамма). Уровни бактери­урии колебались от 102 до 108 КОЕ/мл. У всех штаммов обнаружены гены факторов вирулентности в широком диапазоне с превалированием papGII, feoB, fyuA независимо от степени бактериурии. Обнаружено 20 достоверных (p<0.05) коэффи­циентов взаимной сопряженности между различными парами генов. Гемолитическая активность энтеробактерий значимо связана с papA, feoB, fyuA, kpsMII и usp, антилизоцимная – с papA, afa и usp.Таким образом, наличие генотипических и некоторых фенотипических признаков в различных вариациях экспрессии у всех представителей грамнегативных бактерий при всех уровнях бактериурии создает потенциальный риск развития очередного рецидива инфекции нижних мочевых путей. Поэтому даже минимальные уровни бактериурии являются кли­нически значимыми. Таким образом, при бактериологической диагностике необходимо определять все уровни бактери­урии, включая минимальный (102 КОЕ/мл), так как выделенные микроорганизмы при данном уровне обладают не только адгезивной и антилизоцимной активностями, но и имеют гены факторов вирулентности

    [Internal optic urethrotomy in urethral strictures complicates subsequent reconstructive surgery].

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    The results of open reconstructive operations performed in 86 patients with traumatic urethral stricture show that the efficacy of these operations and frequency of complications are lower in using urethroplasty as a primary treatment while primary internal optic urethrotomy significantly reduces possibility of effective surgery without complications


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    Abstract. Analysis of urine culture in 72 patients with acute obstructive pyelonephritis within 6 months. When hospitalization was performed urine culture before and after the elimination of the upper urinary tract obstruction (VMP). Over the next 5 days the patients received empirical antibiotic therapy until the results of the microbiological examination of urine, after which all patients were divided into two groups. 1 group of patients consisted of 38 people who received antibiotic therapy based on antibiotic susceptibility obschedokazannyh pathogens (E.coli, Proteus sp., Klebsiella sp., Enterococcus sp., Etc.), The 2 group of patients included 34 men treated with antibacterial treatment based antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms isolated from urine. After the completion of antibiotic therapy, all patients underwent clinical and laboratory and bacteriological monitoring of urine through the 1,3 and 6 months follow-up


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    Studied involvement of nonclostridial anaerobic bacteria in the etiology of acute obstructive pyelonephritis using the example of the pathology in animals. In experiment animals (rabbits) were divided into 4 groups and infected common pathogen (E.coli), and 3 types of anaerobic bacteria (Peptococcus niger, Eubacterium saburreum, Propionibacterium acnes). Results of research suggest that nonclostridial anaerobic organisms cause identical morphological changes in the kidney parenchyma, as the all-proved pathogen, however the severity of clinical symptoms, the severity of the toxic syndrome depend on the type of nonclostridial anaerobic bacteria

    Is there a relationship between the urine, vagina, and gut microbiota in patients with an infection of the upper urinary tract?

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    Introduction. Urinary tract infections of any localization are rarely considered in the context of the endogenous relationship of patient's urine microbiota and the microbiota of nearby biotopes. Nowadays, there are attempts to study the microbial interrelationships of the urinary system with nearby biotope to find fundamentally new solutions in the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases, but now this problem remains almost unexplored.Purpose of the study. Analysis of the correlations between various taxa of the microbiota isolated from urine, vagina and intestines in patients with upper urinary tract infection.Materials and methods. According to the inclusion criteria, bacteriological examination of cystic urine, feces and posterior vaginal fornix discharge was performed on 60 women (18-65 years old) with acute obstructive pyelonephritis. The material was taken, transported and examined by standard methods, but with some modifications of nutrient media. Statistical calculations were performed in R "R ver 3.2" ("R Foundation for Statistical Computing", Vienna, Austria) with generally accepted significance coefficients.Results. 26 significant correlation coefficients were found in the urinary tract and the vagina when conducting a comparative correlation analysis between the microbiota taxa, and 21 in the urinary tract and intestine. Significant correlations between the general taxa were direct and a large proportion of them were in optional anaerobic microbiota. 28 significant correlation coefficients were found in most cases between aerobic and anaerobic taxa of microorganisms in the vagina and intestines.Conclusion. The obtained significant correlation coefficients between various microbiota taxa in the three studied biotopes are evidence of the relationship of these loci. However, further research is needed on the phylotyping and genotyping of the microbiota taxa of the urinary tract, vagina and intestines of patients with urinary tract infection

    Long-term monitoring of leukocyturia and bacteriuria after acute obstructive pyelonephritis

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    The generally accepted standard of antibiotic therapy aimed at causative agent does not exclude the risk of acute obstructive pyelonephritis (AOP) to become chronic after the end of antibiotic therapy, resulting in a high incidence of relapses. To assess the outcomes of the AOP, we undertook a prospective clinical trial. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study comprised 51 consistently selected patients (12 men and 39 women) with AOP occurred as a result of unilateral ureteric calculus obstruction. Inclusion criteria for the study were as follows: no history of urological diseases, including urinary stones; the first presentation to the urologist with AOP; the level of the bladder bacteriuria before the drainage of the obstructed kidney more or equal 103 CFU/ml. Bladder urine samples were collected for bacteriological examination by catheterization. At one, 3 and 6 months after completion of the treatment of AOP, the patients underwent a general clinical examination, and midstream specimens of urine were collected from the patients for bacteriological analysis to control leukocyturia and bacteriuria. RESULTS: Eradication of causative uropathogens from urine occurred within 6 months in 96.1% of patients, and at that point, leukocyturia persisted in 23.5% of the patients. The decrease in detecting uropathogens in the urine was accompanied by an increase in the frequency of the presence in the urine of other aerobes and anaerobes, i.e., no sterile urine cultures were obtained from any patient. The rates of eradication of uropathogens were associated with the patients age, the duration of the pre-hospital stage of AOP, and the complicated course of AOP

    Is bacteriological testing of bladder urine informative in acute obstructive pyelo- nephritis?

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    The problem of the etiology and pathogenesis of acute obstructive pyelonephritis (OOP) remains one of the challenging issues of modern urology. Etiological agents of pyelonephritis can be both gram-negative and gram-positive opportunistic bacteria mostly belonging to the normal flora in humans. The generally accepted diagnostic work-up involves a bacteriological testing of not pelvic urine, but of bladder urine collected by a transurethral catheter or midstream specimens of urine collected from the patients. The aim of our study was to compare the microbiota of bladder and pelvic urine in patients with OOP.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study comprised 72 sequentially selected patients (12 men and 60 women) with OOP associated with ureteral stones. Mean age of patients was 53.7+/-0.5 years. All patients underwent bacteriological examination of the bladder urine collected by a transurethral catheter and pelvic urine obtained after relieving stone-related ureteral obstruction. Urinary diversion was performed using j-j stent and PCN in 64 and 8 patients, respectively. Preoperative prophylactic antibiotics were administered routinely. Bacteriological testing of urine was carried out using an extended set (9-10) of culture media. Empirical antibiotic therapy was initiated only after the restoration of urine outflow from the kidney and continued for 5-6 days until the availability of bacteriological testing results.RESULTS: Levels of bacteriuria with Enterobacteria, gram-positive pathogens and NAB in two urine samples did not differ significantly (p\u3e0.05). There was a wide range of bacteriuria from 101 to 106 CFU/ml of most microorganisms except @Proteus spp., S. aureus. In bladder urine, the rates of bacteriuria of more or equal 104 CFU/ml for E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. were 90.9%, 72.7% and 100.0%, respectively. For the remaining microorganisms, predominant bacteriuria was less or equal 103 CFU/ml. In pelvic urine, the rates of bacteriuria of more or equal 104 CFU/ml for E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. was 71.8%, 40.0% and 66.7%, respectively. Other uropathogens in the pelvic urine mainly had a bacterial count of less or equal 103 CFU/ml. Only the concentration of Corynebacterium spp. in the pelvic urine significantly (p=0.023) differed from that of the bladder urine. There were no significant differences between microbiota of bladder and pelvic urine depending on duration of OOP except higher rates of Corynebacterium spp. in the bladder urine