25 research outputs found

    Current problems of banking supervision and regulation : a new evidence

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    At present, in the era of globalization, the banking sector failure in one country can cause negative externalities for the financial institutions of other states. The fundamental problem of implementing standards based on Basel II is that these standards contribute to the development of pro-cyclicality of banking regulation. The authors emphasize the need to design such a regulatory system, which should contribute to innovative development and at the same time restrain socially dubious novelties. Therefore, the article substantiates the need to increase the size of the capital “buffer”, which is intended to address the problem of improving the financial situation and increasing the financial viability of the largest banks and banking systems. This reduces risks and increases the capital “safety cushion”, as well as optimizes the impact on the commercial banks behavior caused by the use of counter-cyclical capital regulation requirements. The conducted research supported the hypothesis put forward by the authors that when forming a countercyclical capital buffer it is necessary to focus on indicators of: return on assets of the banking system (ROА) and return on equity (ROE), depending on GDP growth, but this dependence does not become evident immediately, but with a time lag of 1 year. The object of the research is the banking system of Russia.peer-reviewe

    Annual dynamics of parameters of physical development of boys and girls aged 18 and 19

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    The questions concerning the terms of juvenile age body measurement as well as body composition variability remain relevance and academic novelty. Such studies results data are essential for systematic analysis on secular trend of young generation development.Material and methods. Longitudinal study of physical development (length, body weight, muscle and fat component) of boys and girls aged 18 and 19, studying at 1–2 courses of university and living in a dormitory has been applied.Results and discussion. In boys and girls aged 18–19, body length and body weight have increased for 1 year on average by 1.5 and 0.9 cm and by 1.3 and 1.2 kg, respectively. In 22.6 % of boys and 54.8 % of girls body length does not change. The annual changes in the fat component are not reliable, whereas the muscle component increases significantly by 3 % in boys and by 0.8 % in girls. Students living in a dormitory often experience a lack of night sleep, they do not have enough physical activity, consume not enough calories, valuable proteins and fats. Because of this, physical development may deteriorate.Conclusions. The annual variability of the indicators of physical development of students aged 18–19 years indicates the ongoing processes of growth and development, which are more pronounced in boys, in girls there is a tendency to stabilize the length of the body. Knowledge about the sensitivity of the body of first-year students mastering the requirements for studying at a university and independent living in a dormitory is necessary for the organization of work on pedagogical support during the adaptation of first-year students

    The structure of nutrition of Russian students as a risk factor for the development of nutritional diseases

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    The paper analyzes the literature data on the peculiarities of nutrition of students studying in higher educational institutions of various regions of Russia, and the risks of developing food-related diseases. They are largely associated with the adaptation of students to study at a university, the lack of self-organization skills and a lack of  knowledge in matters of rational nutrition. The actual nutrition of  students, on the one hand, is characterized by a lack of macronutrients and micronutrients intake, on the other hand, by excessive consumption of substances that contribute to the development of obesity. The results of numerous studies show a general pattern of unbalanced nutrition of students in terms of the ratio of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, insufficient consumption of dietary fiber, full-fledged proteins, and  excessive intake of simple carbohydrates. Dietary fiber deficiency can  lead to changes in the composition of the microbiocenosis of the digestive tract, a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, and consequently, the imbalance of fatty acid composition of the blood cell membrane. 20–40 % of Russian students show signs of severe hypovitaminosis, especially calciferol, which is caused not only by its deficiency in the diet, but also by physical, geographical, climatic and seasonal factors. The analysis of the content of the main minerals in students shows a sufficient content of calcium in the body, an excess of sodium and a lack of magnesium, potassium and  iron, which is due to both the composition of the food consumed and the peculiarities of the accumulation and excretion of these ions. An analysis of the actual nutrition of students shows the need for counseling young people, especially in the first years of study. The introduction of an educational program on optimal nutrition is possible through the practice of curatorial work during the adaptation of the first-year students to student’s life


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    The aim of this work was the study of indicators characterizing the local immunity in patients with various forms of glomerulonephritis by presence of herpesviral infection. Materials and methods. A quantitative estimation of the content of sIgA and MCP-1 in urine of 47patients with glomerulonephritis and 10 apparently healthy individuals was conducted. Results. The decrease of sIgA level and reliable increase ofMCP-1 level were observed in urine of patients with glomerulonephritis. There was a significant increase in the level of these indices in hormone-resistant patients with nephrotic form of glomerulonephritis; in patients with severe course of the disease and also in the absence of remission. More such changes were found in children with active (reactivated) herpesviral infections. Conclusion. There has been confirmed the importance of the study of immunologic parameters in the urine of patients with glomerulonephritis to characterize immunopathological process in the kidney and prognosis of the disease


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    The aim of this work was the study of indicators characterizing the local immunity in patients with various forms of glomerulonephritis by presence of herpesviral infection. Materials and methods. A quantitative estimation of the content of IL-8 and SLPI in urine of 47 patients with glomerulonephritis and 10 apparently healthy individuals was conducted. Results. A insignificant increase of IL-8 level in urine was showed in patients with glomerulonephritis. The level of urinary SLPI was reliably higher than the control value, at the same time the majority ofpatients (74,0 %) did not exceed the upper limit of the physiological norm. The essential increase ofIL-8 level in urine was observed in 13 sick children, and of SLPI – in 12 patients. The increase of IL-8 and SLPI levels was observed more frequently in patients with hematuric form of glomerulonephritis, with nephrotic steroidoresistant variant of nephrotic form, in the absence of remission, and in the case of IL-8 - with severe course of the disease. More such changes were found in children with active (reactivated) herpesviral infections. Conclusion. There has been confirmed the importance of the study of immunologic parameters in the urine of patients with glomerulonephritis to characterize immunopathological process in the kidney and prognosis of the disease

    Investigation of cascade showers in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD

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    A technique for the reconstruction of cascade profiles by means of Cherenkov radiation in the water of the NEVOD detector is discussed. NEVOD is equipped with a dense spatial lattice of optical modules. The analyzed cascades have been generated either along near-horizontal muons (zenith angles between 85 and 90°), which's tracks are reconstructed by means of the tracking detector DECOR, or by muons with unknown tracks over a wider zenith angle range of 50-90°. Mean cascade profiles and energy spectra of cascades measured during the experimental series of about 7950 hours of 'live time' are presented

    Professional identity of a woman: modern contradictions

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    The article is divided to professional identity of woman. The article analyzes the notion of professional identity in the historical context, social status of a professional related with his or her area; way of professional identity of woman in traditional, industrial and modern society. The result of the research is as follows: professional identity of woman requires to donate not only the traditional role of women in a family, but also to hold opposite values and ideals. As a result it is very difficult for a modern woman to form a complete, non-controversial system of values

    Modern information and mathematical models in construction industry

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    Building information modelling (BIM) – new technology of construction object information maintenance. It allows specifying influence of changes and risks made in it (including geodynamic) at all stages of lifecycle. Objects include products, building equipment, technological platform, the building, engineering, transportation networks and systems of building communication. The model expands possibilities of innovative technologies implementation, allowing creating reasoned economic decisions