437 research outputs found


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    The prevalence of the bronchial asthma (BA) and the perennial allergic rhinitis (CAR), according to the questionnaire and medical examination, adolescents living in the industrial center of Irkutsk region, was 68 ± 3,4 per 100 patients. The most informative factors were: a positive skin prick test, detectable by skin testing, frequent respiratory infections in the history of passive smoking and family history

    Preparation of the Sm3+-doped magnetic nanoparticles via microwave-assisted polyol synthesis

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    Sm3+-doped magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared via microwave-assisted polyol synthesis in ethylene glycol, poly(ethylene glycol) and mixed ethylene glycol - poly(ethylene glycol) solutions. In present work, the effects of organic solvent composition on particle size, particle size distribution, extent of agglomeration, and samarium content in prepared NPs were studied. The synthesized NPs were characterized by several techniques as follows: X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetry (TGA) and X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. XRD and TEM results showed formation of ~6.0 - 17.9 nm NPs having different microstructure characteristics (average particle size, particle size distribution, and agglomeration

    Electronic-microscopic estimation of changes in erythrocytes ultrastructure under influence of low-frequency ultrasound

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    The paper presents the estimation of changes of erythrocytes ultra-structure under influence of low-frequency ultrasound using various types of waveguides. It was demonstrated that application of ultrasound contributes to change of erythrocyte form and size, which depend on intensity, duration and type of the waveguide

    The Outburst of the Blazar AO 0235+164 in 2006 December: Shock-in-Jet Interpretation

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    We present the results of polarimetric (RR band) and multicolor photometric (BVRIJHKBVRIJHK) observations of the blazar AO 0235+16 during an outburst in 2006 December. The data reveal a short timescale of variability (several hours), which increases from optical to near-IR wavelengths; even shorter variations are detected in polarization. The flux density correlates with the degree of polarization, and at maximum degree of polarization the electric vector tends to align with the parsec-scale jet direction. We find that a variable component with a steady power-law spectral energy distribution and very high optical polarization (30-50%) is responsible for the variability. We interpret these properties of the blazar withina model of a transverse shock propagating down the jet. In this case a small change in the viewing angle of the jet, by 1o\lesssim 1^o, and a decrease in the shocked plasma compression by a factor of \sim1.5 are sufficient to account for the variability.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted for Ap

    Methodological bases of ecological culture formation of pupils on the basis of eco-development ideas

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    The article describes methodological bases of formation of ecological culture of students as the aim of innovative training for a sustainable future. The authors take into account international and the Russian experience, connected with development of ecological culture as an educational resource of society adaptation to environmental constraints, risks, crises and present-day consolidated actions towards sustainable development of civilization. Methods. The methodological basis of constructing of the model formation of pupils’ ecological culture is developed from the standpoint of the idea of eco-development (noosphere, co-evolution, sustainable development) and a set of axiological, cultural, personal-activity, co-evolutionary, cultural and ecological approaches. Justified methodical basis has allowed to construct educational level of formation of ecological culture of pupils, comprising interconnected unity of the target, substantive, procedural, effectively and appraisal components. Results and scientific novelty. The article presents the results of many years research of authors on environmental education for sustainable development in the framework of the Nizhny Novgorod scientific school. A characteristic of ecological culture of students as the goal of environmental education based on ecodevelopment ideas is given. It is shown that the ecological culture of students directs them to new values in life meanings, methods of ecological-oriented actions and behavior, changing settings of the consumer society and ensuring the development of the younger generation of co-evolutionary, spiritual guidance in a postindustrial society. The authors’ model of the formation of ecological culture of pupils is represented by conjugation philosophical and methodological, theoretical, methodological and pedagogical levels that ensure the integrity and hierarchical pedagogical research on the issue. The article discloses a pedagogical assessment tool of formation of ecological culture. The levels of formation of ecological culture are proposed; and their characteristics are given. Practical significance. The article shows the realization of the conceptual aspects of the formation of ecological culture of pupils and school practice. Presented methodical support of scientific pedagogical ideas of formation of ecological culture of pupils in the form of programs, textbooks, and teaching aids for students and teachers published in the central (Prosveshenie, Drofa, Ventana-Graf) and regional publishing houses in Russia are presented. The proposed model and its methodological support provide a means for the formation of new professional positions of teachers, capable of working in an innovative mode, and implement a new social order of society on education in the field of environment. Цель. В статье раскрываются методологические основы формирования экологической культуры школьников как инновационной подготовки для устойчивого будущего. Авторы учитывают международный и отечественный опыт, связный с опережающим развитием экологической культуры как образовательного ресурса адаптации социума к экологическим ограничениям, рискам, кризисным ситуациям и к современным консолидированным действиям, обеспечивающим устойчивую эволюцию цивилизации. Методология и методика исследования. С позиций идей экоразвития (ноосферы, коэволюции, устойчивого развития) и совокупности аксиологического, культурологического, личностно-деятельностного, коэволюционного, культурно-экологического подходов разработан методологический базис построения модели формирования экологической культуры школьников. Обоснованный методический базис позволил сконструировать педагогическую модель формирования экологической культуры школьников, включающую взаимосвязанные целевой, содержательный, процессуальный, результативно-оценочный компоненты. Результаты и научная новизна. В статье отражены результаты многолетних исследований авторов в области экологического образования. Дана характеристика экологической культуры обучающихся как цели образования, базирующегося на идеях экоразвития. Показано, что обретение такой культуры ориентирует обучающихся на новые ценности, жизненные смыслы, способы эколого-ориентированных действий и поведения, изменяющие установки потребительского общества и обеспечивающие развитие у подрастающего поколения коэволюционных, духовных установок в условиях постиндустриального общества. Представлена авторская модель формирования экологической культуры школьников, в которой сопряжены философско-методологический, теоретико-методологический и педагогический компоненты, что обеспечивает ее иерархичность и целостность. Раскрыт педагогический инструментарий оценки иохарактеризованы уровни сформированности экологической культуры. Практическая значимость. Предложены пути реализации концептуальных аспектов экологического образования в школьной практике. Описано существующее методическое сопровождение формирования экологической культуры школьников: программы, учебники, учебные и методические пособия для учащихся и учителей, изданные в центральных и региональных издательствах России. Разработанная авторская модель и ее методическое сопровождение позволяют педагогам осуществлять свою деятельность в инновационном режиме и реализовать новый социальный заказ на образование в области окружающей сред

    Behavioral Impact of the Regulation of the Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex by Synthetic Phosphonate Analog of 2-Oxoglutarate: Implications into the Role of the Complex in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Decreased activity of the mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC) in brain accompanies neurodegenerative diseases. To reveal molecular mechanisms of this association, we treated rats with a specific inhibitor of OGDHC, succinyl phosphonate, or exposed them to hypoxic stress. In males treated with succinyl phosphonate and in pregnancy-sensitized females experiencing acute hypobaric hypoxia, we revealed upregulation of brain OGDHC (within 24 hours), with the activity increase presumably representing the compensatory response of brain to the OGDHC inhibition. This up-regulation of brain OGDHC was accompanied by an increase in exploratory activity and a decrease in anxiety of the experimental animals. Remarkably, the hypoxia-induced elevation of brain OGDHC and most of the associated behavioral changes were abrogated by succinyl phosphonate. The antagonistic action of hypoxia and succinyl phosphonate demonstrates potential therapeutic significance of the OGDHC regulation by the phosphonate analogs of 2-oxoglutarate