662 research outputs found

    Laws of nanosize molybdenum (VI) oxide layers optical properties change as a result of heat treatment

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    The spectrophotometric method determines two absorption and reflection spectral areas of nanosize MoO3 layers - short-wave ?330 nanometers. It is stated by spectrophotometric, gravimetric and microscopic methods that in atmospheric conditions MoO3 layers transformation degree (d=10...130 nm) grows at time (1...140 minutes) and heat treatment temperatures (Т=373...600 К) (at constant layer thickness) increasing as well as at reduction of layers thickness. The reduction of absorption maxima at ?=350 nm and increase at ?=870 nanometers at heat treatment of MoO3 layers is revealed. The colour centers formation model is offered. It includes the center formation - anionic vacancy with one seized electron ([(Vа) ++ е]) during preparation of MoO3 layer, thermal electron transition from a valent zone on a level of the center, the second electron capture by the center ([(е Vа) ++ е])

    Thermal transformations of aluminium-aluminium oxide systems in nanosize layers

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    Aluminium film of more than 2 nm thick indicates, but less than 2 nm do not indicate characteristic absorption and reflection bands for aluminium in range ?=190...1100 nm. By spectrophotometric, gravimetric and microscopic methods it is stated that thickness, mass and absorption, reflection spectrum of aluminium films (d=2...200 nm) undergo considerable transformations as a result of heat treatment in an interval of temperatures 373...600 K during 1...140 min in atmospheric conditions. Kinetic curve of transformation degrees, change of thickness and weights of samples are shown to be satisfactorily described in the context of the logarithmic law. It is established that changes of absorption spectra, thickness and weights of aluminium films are connected with the formation of aluminium oxide on their surface

    Evidence for the production of Ar2_2^{*-} metastable negative molecular ions in two-phase argon detectors for dark matter searches

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    The recent studies of electroluminescence (EL) properties in two-phase argon detectors for dark matter searches have revealed the presence of unusual delayed pulses in the EL signal in the form of two slow components with time constants of about 5 and 50 μ\mus. These components were shown to be present in the charge signal itself, which clearly indicates that drifting electrons are temporarily trapped on two states of metastable negative argon ions which have never been observed before. In this work, using the pressure dependence of the ratio of slow component contributions measured in experiment, it is shown that these states are those of two types of metastable negative molecular ions, Ar2(b 4Σu)\mathrm{Ar}_2^{*-}(b \ ^4\Sigma_u^-) and $\mathrm{Ar}_2^{*-}(a \ ^4\Sigma_g^+)$ for the higher and lower energy level respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Problems of confirmation of compliance of imitation leather in Russia

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    При подтверждении соответствия искусственной кожи в России возникают различные проблемы, которые связаны с непроработанными требованиями, изложенными в техническом регламенте Таможенного союза 017/2011 на искусственную кожу.At confirmation of imitation leather, compliance in Russia we are various problems that are connecting with not worked requirements stated in technical regulations of the Customs union 017/2011 on imitation leather


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    Abstract. Vaccination against mumps is conducted in Russian Federation since 1981. This made it possible to decrease mumps incidence more than 600 times in compare with pre-vaccination period. Moreover disease became milder and mortality was eliminated. Population of Russia is immunized by locally-produced mono- and bivalent vaccines on the base of L3 strain. Vaccination and revaccination against mumps is safe and highly effective

    Chemical analysis of bioactive substances in seven siberian Saussurea species

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    Main groups of biologically active substances of seven siberian Saussurea species (S. controversa DC., S. latifolia Ledeb., S. parviflora (Poir.) DC., S. frolowii Ledeb, S. amara (L.) DC., S. salicifolia (L.) DC. and S. daurica Adams) have been studied using paper, thin-layer, performance liquid chromatography, IR spectroscopy, spectrophotometry and mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. Siberian Saussurea species have a rich elemental composition and contain a variety of phenolic compounds, amino acids, polysaccharides. The majority of polysaccharides are accumulated by S. controversa, S. salicifolia and S. frolowii. These plants contain a significant amount of calcium that may be a species characteristic. All plants contain quercetin and its glycosides, in some species luteolin, kaempferol, glycosides of apigenin and myricetin were revealed. Phenolic acids with predominant content of caffeic, chlorogenic and cinnamic acids were found in all the species. The maximum amount of phenolic acids and flavonoids was determined in the grass of S. latifolia, S. controversa and S. daurica. Characteristic absorption bands of lactone carbonyl of sesquiterpenoids in IR spectrum found in S. latifolia, S. controversa, S. daurica, S. amara and S. salicifolia. HPLC / UV analysis showed that peaks with absorption maxima of 242-246 nm due to the presence of α,β-unsaturated ketone group in the structure of ecdysteroids were found in S. salicifolia, S. controversa, S. daurica and S. latifolia

    Структура и биологическое действие аналогов и производных биогенных полиаминов

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    Objectives. Biogenic polyamines are widely present in nature. They are characteristic of both protozoan cells and multicellular organisms. These compounds have a wide range of biological functions and are necessary for normal growth and development of cells. Violation of polyamine homeostasis can cause significant abnormalities in cell functioning, provoking various pathological processes, including oncological and neuropsychiatric diseases. The impact on the “polyamine pathway” is an attractive basis for the creation of many pharmacological agents with a diverse spectrum of action. The purpose of this review is to summarize the results of the studies devoted to understanding the biological activity of compounds of the polyamine series, comparing their biological action with action on certain molecular targets. Due to the structural diversity of this group of substances, it is impossible to fully reflect the currently available data in one review. Therefore, in this work, the main attention is paid to the derivatives, acyclic saturated polyamines.Results. The following aspects are considered: biological functionality, biosynthesis and catabolism, cell transport, and localization of biogenic polyamines in the living systems. Structural analogs and derivatives of biogenic polyamines with antitumor, neuroprotective, antiarrhythmic, antiparasitic, antibacterial, and other biological activities are represented; the relationship between biological activity and the target of exposure is reflected. It was found that the nature of the substituent, the number of cationic centers, and the length of the polyamine chain have a great influence on the nature of the effect.Conclusions. At present, the use of polyamine structures is restrained by cytotoxicity and nonspecific toxic effects on the central nervous system. Further research in the field of biochemistry, cell transport, and a deeper understanding of receptor interaction mechanisms will help making polyamines as the basis for potential drug formulation.Цели. Биогенные полиамины широко представлены в живой природе. Они характерны как для клеток простейших, так и для многоклеточных организмов. Данные соединения обладают широким спектром биологической активности и необходимы для нормального роста и развития клеток. Нарушение гомеостаза полиаминов может вызывать существенные отклонения в функционировании клетки, провоцируя протекание патологических процессов различного рода, включая онкологические и психоневрологические заболевания. Воздействие на «полиаминовый путь» является привлекательным базисом для создания ряда фармакологически активных веществ с различным спектром действия. Целью данного обзора является обобщение результатов исследований, посвященных изучению биологической активности соединений полиаминового ряда; сопоставление биологического действия с воздействием на определенные молекулярные мишени. В виду структурного многообразия данной группы веществ невозможно в полной мере отразить имеющиеся на сегодняшний момент данные в одном обзоре. Поэтому в настоящей работе основное внимание уделено производным насыщенных полиаминов ациклического строения.Результаты. В общем виде рассмотрены следующие аспекты: биологическая активность, биосинтез и катаболизм, клеточный транспорт и локализация биогенных полиаминов в живых системах. Представлены структурные аналоги и производные биогенных полиаминов, обладающие противоопухолевой, нейропротекторной, антиаритмической, противопаразитарной, антибактериальной и некоторыми другими видам биологической активности; отражена взаимосвязь между биологической активностью и мишенями воздействия. Установлено, что на характер воздействия большое влияние оказывает природа заместителя, количество катионных центров, а также длина полиаминовой цепи.Выводы. В настоящее время применение структур полиаминового ряда сдерживается наличием цитотоксичности, а также неспецифического токсического воздействия на ЦНС. Дальнейшие исследования в области биохимии, клеточного транспорта, а также более глубокое понимание механизмов рецепторного взаимодействия позволят использовать полиамины в качестве основы для создания потенциальных лекарственных препаратов

    Two-dimensional mathematical modeling of 2013 and 2020 Amur River floods

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    Predicting river flooding of the territory where people live and engage in economic activities is urgent. The most problematic area in the Russian Far East is the territory through which the Amur River and its tributaries flow. The article considers the calculations of two Amur River floods: 2013 – catastrophic flood and 2020 – low flood. The simulation was carried out using a system of two-dimensional Saint-Venant equations using the Stream 2D CUDA program. The solution of the system of equations by numerical methods is based on the original author’s methodology. Channel depth maps and WordDEMTM (Airbus Defense and Space, Intelligence) data at 24 m resolution were used as a digital elevation model. Calculations of river floods in 2013 and 2020 were performed on a built-in and calibrated mathematical model, which matches the observational data well