199 research outputs found

    Impact of Dysmenorrhea and Health-seeking Behavior Among Female Adolescents

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    Dysmenorrhea is one of common health problems to occur during menstrual period and influences women life quality. The aim of the study is to know the effect of dysmenorrhea and health-seeking behavior to teenage girl. This study belongs to observation analytic using cross sectional design. The sample is girls, which is as many as 188, at the age of 15 to 19. The data are taken through questionnaire containing several questions, such as age of the respondents, age of menarche, effect dysmenorrhea, attitude on dysmenorrhea, and health-seeking behavior. Bivariate analysis is used Chi Square test. The Prevalence of dysmenorrhea is 68.8%. The effect of dysmenorrhea to girls include the absence from school (9.6%), sleep disorders (25%), decreased appetite (25.5%), inability to do exercise (19.7%), and daily activity disruptions (9.6%). There was relationship between the attitude on dysmenorrhea and health-seeking behavior of female adolescents (p=0.029). Adolescents with positive attitude about menstrual problems will develop good health-seeking behavior during menstrual period compared to those who have negative attitude. The needs to design reproduction health program as well as updating the information to create girls awareness on their health management during dysmenorrhea are necessary

    Perancangan Aplikasi Simulasi Toefl Berbasis Android

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    Saat ini, perkembangan teknologi sudah menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan, salah satunya adalah banyaknya bermunculan berbagai aplikasi pada handphone, terutama aplikasi yang ada hubungannya dengan pendidikan atau biasa di sebut dengan aplikasi Mobile Learning. Test Of English Foreign Language (TOEFL) merupakan tolak ukur kemampuan seseorang dalam berbahasa inggris. Namun untuk mengikuti TOEFL tes tidaklah murah untuk sekali testnya, sehingga dibutuhkan persiapan yang matang agar mendapatkan skor sesuai dengan keinginan dan menghemat biaya tes karena tidak perlu mengulang lagi. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sarana aplikasi yang dapat mempermudah seseorang dalam melakukan latihan atau Simulasi TOEFL yang berbasis Android, dengan aplikasi ini dapat mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam berbahasa inggris

    Sumber Informasi Dan Pengetahuan Tentang Menstrual Hygiene Pada Remaja Putri

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    Menstruasi merupakan indikator kematangan seksual pada remaja putri. Menstruasi dihubungkan dengan beberapa kesalahpahaman praktek kebersihan diri selama menstruasi yang dapat merugikan kesehatan bagi remaja. Kesadaran tentang perlunya informasi tentang praktik menstruasi yang sehat sangat penting. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sumber informasi dan pengetahuan tentang menstrual hygiene pada remaja putri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional yang dilakukan tahun 2014. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Kota Yogyakarta. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswi kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Kota Yogyakarta. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah total sampling yaitu 79 orang. Analisis data meliputi univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 93,7% tidak mengetahui penyebab terjadinya menstruasi, 51,9 % mengatakan bahwa darah menstruasi berasal dari Perut, 48,1% mengatakan bahwa lama menstruasi sekitar 3-7 hari, 58,2% tidak mengetahui siklus normal menstruasi. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara sumber informasi dengan pengetahuan dengan nilai p<0,05. Simpulan penelitian, ada hubungan antara sumber informasi dengan pengetahuan tentang menstrual hygiene pada remaja. Menstruation is an indicator of sexual maturity in young girls. Menstruation is associated with several misconceptions practice personal hygiene during menstruation which can be detrimental to the health of adolescents. Awareness of the need for information about the practice of healthy menstruation is very important. The purpose of this study was to determine source information and knowledge about menstrual hygiene among young girl. This study was an observational analytic cross sectional design in 2014. The study was conducted in Muhammadiyah 9th Junior High School Yogyakarta. The study population was the entire eighth grade students at Muhammadiyah 9th Junior High School Yogyakarta City. The sampling technique used in this study is the total sampling is 79 people. Data analysis included univariate and bivariate using chi square. The results showed 93.7% do not know the cause of menstruation, 51.9% said that the menstrual blood from the stomach, 48.1% said that long menstrual about 3-7 days, 58.2% do not know the normal menstrual cycle. Bivariate analysis showed a significant relationship between the knowledge resources with p <0.05. The conclusions, there were relationship between sources information and knowledge about menstrual hygiene in adolescents

    Respon Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Hasil Rimpang Kultur Jaringan Generasi Kedua Terhadap Pemupukan

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    Response of Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)derived from rhizome in vitro of the second generation tofertilizer aplicationThe experiment was conducted to study the response of temulawakderived from rhizome in vitro of the second generation to fertilizerapplication. It was carried out in a farmer field at Sumur Wangi, Bogorfrom October 2002 to September 2003. Plant materials used were obtainedfrom in vitro rhizome of the second generation. Treatments tested werefive level of manure fertilizer and artificial fertilizer : (1) without fertilizer(control), (2) stable manure 1 kg/plant, (3) stable manure 2 kg/plant, (4)stable manure 1 kg/plant + artificial fertilizer i.e urea 2 g/plant, SP-36 1.8g/plant and KCL 2.7 g/plant and (5) stable manure 2 kg/plant + artificialfertilizer i.e urea 2 g/plant, SP-36 1.8 g/plant and KCL 2.7 g/plant. Theexperiment was designed using a randomized block design with threereplications, ten plants per replication. Plant spacing was 60 cm x 60 cm.The parameters observed were growth percentage, number of tillers, plantheight, number of leaves, length and width of leaves, stem coil at fourmonths of age, rhizome weight, length and width, rhizome diameter andnumber of main rhizomes. In addition, quality analysis was also conductedon water, essential, oil and curcumin content, nine months of age. Resultshowed that fertilizer treatment did not significantly increase the numberof tillers, plant height, leaf number, rhizome length and diameter comparedwith without fertilizer, but it significantly increased the leaf width, stemcoil, rhizome weight, length and width and also the number of mainrhizomes. The highest curcumin content was achieved by those withoutfertilizer treatment

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Rimpang Temu Lawak di Polybag yang Benihnya Hasil Kultur In Vitro

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    Growth and Yield of Temoe Lawak in Polybag which Planting Material from In Vitro Culture. The growth and yield of temoe lawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) from in vitro culture was conducted in the green house, Bogor from October 2000 to September 2001. The materials were obtained from temoe lawak plant two months after acclimatizating. The plant were planted in the polybag 60 cm x 60 cm. The treatments were consisted of the mixtures of soil and cattle manure with the proportional of 1 : 1 ; the soil and rice husk (1 : 1) ; the soil, cattle manure and rice husk (1 : 1 : 1). The experiment was designed according to randomized block design with three replicates and ten polybags per replicate .The parameters observed were plant performance, growth percentage at 5 and 10 months, rhizome weight per plant, length and width of primery rhizome, roots and water rhizome weight per plant. The result of experiment showed that the growth percentage of plant were 100% on ten months for all treatments. The growth and rhizome performance were similar with the parent. The best treatment for growth was the mixture of soil and cattle manure on the proportional of 1 : 1, with tiller numbers (3,57) , leaves number (18,2), plant height (140,6 cm) in five moths, rhizomes weight per plant (472,8 g), length and width of primery rhizome each 8,1 cm and 6,3 cm in ten months

    Study on Amount of Radiation Intensity of Sr-90 and Am-241 for Some Commercial Cigarette Filters Using Geiger-Muller Detector

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    Pengukuran intensitas radiasi pada beberapa filter rokok komersial menggunakan detektor Geiger-Muller dengan sumber radiasi Sr-90 dan Am-241 telah dilakukan. Pengukuran ini dilakukan untuk menghitung besarnya koefisien atenuasi dari filter rokok tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, jarak dari filter rokok dengan sumber radiasi divariasikan yakni sebesar 6 cm, 7 cm dan 8 cm. Terdapat dua jenis perlakuan sampel yakni sampel filter yang mendapatkan gaya tekan sebesar 5 ton selama 10 menit dan non-tekan (kondisi normal). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin jauh sumber radiasi terhadap detektor, maka semakin kecil intensitas radiasi yang diperoleh. Daya tembus radiasi dengan sumber Sr-90 lebih besar dibandingkan dengan radiasi Am-241. Oleh karena itu, unsur radioaktif Sr-90 memiliki intensitas yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan unsur radioaktif Am-241. Study on amount of radiation intensity for some commercial cigarette filters using detector Geiger-Muller with radiation source of Sr-90 and Am-241 has been done. The purpose of the measurement is to measure a mass attenuation of the filter. In this research, the distance of the cigarette filters with the source of radiation was varied i.e 6 cm, 7 cm and 8 cm. The sample cigarette filters was treated, i.e press and non-press (normal condition). The cigarette filters are pressed with a force of 5 tons for 10 minutes using hydraulic press. It was founded that the radiation intensity will decrease with the distance. The amount of radiation intensity of Sr-90 is more higher than Am-241

    UJI DAYA HAMBAT EKSTRAK DAN FRAKSI SPONS Aaptos Aaptos TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, dan Candida albicans

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    ABSTRACT Sponge Aaptos aaptos is a marine biota that has great potential, which can be applied, in the pharmaceutical field because of the presence of large compounds in inhibiting microbial growth. This study aims to determine the inhibitory activity of extracts and fractions of sponge Aaptos aaptos on microbial growth of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. The samples were extracted by maceration with 96 % ethanol and fractioned with n-hexane, choloroform and methanol. Testing is done using the Disc Diffusion Agar method. Crude ethanol extract and fraction of sponge Aaptos aaptos showed the greatest antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and categorized as strong, with an average value of 20.32 mm for ethanol extract with strong categories, chloroform fraction 13,28 mm with medium category and methanol fractions 18,48 mm strong category. Keyword: Aaptos aaptos, antimicrobial activity, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans.  ABSTRAK Spons Aaptos aaptos merupakan biota laut yang memiliki potensi sebagai antimikroba yang dapat diterapkan di bidang farmasi dengan kandungan senyawa yang besar dalam menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas daya hambat dari ekstrak dan fraksi spons Aaptos aaptos terhadap pertumbuhan mikroba Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, dan Candida albicans. Sampel diekstraksi secara maserasi dengan etanol dan difraksinasi dengan pelarut n–heksan, kloroform dan metanol. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Disc Diffusion Agar. Ekstrak kasar etanol dan fraksi dari Spons Aaptos aaptos menunjukkan aktivitas antimikroba paling besar terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan dikategorikan kuat, dengan nilai rata – rata 20,32 mm untuk ekstrak etanol dengan kategori kuat, fraksi kloroform 13,28 mm, kategori sedang dan fraksi metanol 18,48 mm kategori kuat.Kata Kunci : Aaptos aaptos, aktivitas antimikroba, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albican