262 research outputs found

    On the nature of reconnection at a solar coronal null point above a separatrix dome

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    Three-dimensional magnetic null points are ubiquitous in the solar corona, and in any generic mixed-polarity magnetic field. We consider magnetic reconnection at an isolated coronal null point, whose fan field lines form a dome structure. We demonstrate using analytical and computational models several features of spine-fan reconnection at such a null, including the fact that substantial magnetic flux transfer from one region of field line connectivity to another can occur. The flux transfer occurs across the current sheet that forms around the null point during spine-fan reconnection, and there is no separator present. Also, flipping of magnetic field lines takes place in a manner similar to that observed in quasi-separatrix layer or slip-running reconnection.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Shrinkage of Three Tropical Hardwoods Below and Above the Fiber Saturation Point

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    Two experimental techniques were used to perform moisture sorption tests at 25°C on samples of three tropical hardwood species: tornillo (Cedrelinga cateniformis Ducke), pumaquiro (Aspidosperma macrocarpon Mart.), and huayruro (Ormosia coccinea Jackson) woods. The first technique used saturated salt solutions at a relative humidity from 0% to 90%, and the second one used the pressure membrane method at above 96% relative humidity. These sorption tests were combined with shrinkage measurements. The fiber saturation point (FSP), estimated by interpolation to zero volumetric shrinkage, was 28%, 22.5%, and 21.5% for tornillo, pumaquiro, and huayruro, respectively. Results confirmed that at equilibrium moisture content, radial, tangential, and volumetric shrinkage occur above the actual FSP. This behavior can be explained by the effect of hysteresis at saturation on wood properties. This hysteresis indicates that loss of bound water takes place in the presence of liquid or capillary water, which contradicts the traditional concept of FSP. The initial equilibrium moisture content at which bound water starts to leave cell walls varied largely among the species: 52%, 36%, and 77% for tornillo, pumaquiro, and huayruro, respectively. The liquid water remaining in wood could be principally located in the least permeable flow paths of these wood species

    Inhomogeneous mechanical losses in micro-oscillators with high reflectivity coating

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    We characterize the mechanical quality factor of micro-oscillators covered by a highly reflective coating. We test an approach to the reduction of mechanical losses, that consists in limiting the size of the coated area to reduce the strain and the consequent energy loss in this highly dissipative component. Moreover, a mechanical isolation stage is incorporated in the device. The results are discussed on the basis of an analysis of homogeneous and non-homogeneous losses in the device and validated by a set of Finite-Element models. The contributions of thermoelastic dissipation and coating losses are separated and the measured quality factors are found in agreement with the calculated values, while the absence of unmodeled losses confirms that the isolation element integrated in the device efficiently uncouples the dynamics of the mirror from the support system. Also the resonant frequencies evaluated by Finite-Element models are in good agreement with the experimental data, and allow the estimation of the Young modulus of the coating. The models that we have developed and validated are important for the design of oscillating micro-mirrors with high quality factor and, consequently, low thermal noise. Such devices are useful in general for high sensitivity sensors, and in particular for experiments of quantum opto-mechanics

    Dynamical Relaxation of Coronal Magnetic Fields. III. 3D Spiral Nulls

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    Context: The majority of studies on stressed 3D magnetic null points consider magnetic reconnection driven by an external perturbation, but the formation of a genuine current sheet equilibrium remains poorly understood. This problem has been considered more extensively in two-dimensions, but lacks a generalization into 3D fields. Aims: 3D magnetic nulls are more complex than 2D nulls and the field can take a greater range of magnetic geometries local to the null. Here, we focus on one type and consider the dynamical non-resistive relaxation of 3D spiral nulls with initial spine-aligned current. We aim to provide a valid magnetohydrostatic equilibrium, and describe the electric current accumulations in various cases, involving a finite plasma pressure. Methods: A full MHD code is used, with the resistivity set to zero so that reconnection is not allowed, to run a series of experiments in which a perturbed spiral 3D null point is allowed to relax towards an equilibrium, via real, viscous damping forces. Changes to the initial plasma pressure and other magnetic parameters are investigated systematically. Results: For the axi-symmetric case, the evolution of the field and the plasma is such that it concentrates the current density in two cone-shaped regions along the spine, thus concentrating the twist of the magnetic field around the spine, leaving a radial configuration in the fan plane. The plasma pressure redistributes in order to maintain the current density accumulations. However, it is found that changes in the initial plasma pressure do not modify the final state significantly. In the cases where the initial magnetic field is not axi-symmetric, a infinite-time singularity of current perpendicular to the fan is found at the location of the null

    Detection of weak stochastic force in a parametrically stabilized micro opto-mechanical system

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    Measuring a weak force is an important task for micro-mechanical systems, both when using devices as sensitive detectors and, particularly, in experiments of quantum mechanics. The optimal strategy for resolving a weak stochastic signal force on a huge background (typically given by thermal noise) is a crucial and debated topic, and the stability of the mechanical resonance is a further, related critical issue. We introduce and analyze the parametric control of the optical spring, that allows to stabilize the resonance and provides a phase reference for the oscillator motion, yet conserving a free evolution in one quadrature of the phase space. We also study quantitatively the characteristics of our micro opto-mechanical system as detector of stochastic force for short measurement times (for quick, high resolution monitoring) as well as for the longer term observations that optimize the sensitivity. We compare a simple, naive strategy based on the evaluation of the variance of the displacement (that is a widely used technique) with an optimal Wiener-Kolmogorov data analysis. We show that, thanks to the parametric stabilization of the effective susceptibility, we can more efficiently implement Wiener filtering, and we investigate how this strategy improves the performance of our system. We finally demonstrate the possibility to resolve stochastic force variations well below 1% of the thermal noise

    An ultra-low dissipation micro-oscillator for quantum opto-mechanics

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    Generating non-classical states of light by opto-mechanical coupling depends critically on the mechanical and optical properties of micro-oscillators and on the minimization of thermal noise. We present an oscillating micro-mirror with a mechanical quality factor Q = 2.6x10^6 at cryogenic temperature and a Finesse of 65000, obtained thanks to an innovative approach to the design and the control of mechanical dissipation. Already at 4 K with an input laser power of 2 mW, the radiation-pressure quantum fluctuations become the main noise source, overcoming thermal noise. This feature makes our devices particularly suitable for the production of pondero-motive squeezing.Comment: 21 pages including Supplementary Informatio

    Dynamical two-mode squeezing of thermal fluctuations in a cavity opto-mechanical system

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    We report the experimental observation of two-mode squeezing in the oscillation quadratures of a thermal micro-oscillator. This effect is obtained by parametric modulation of the optical spring in a cavity opto-mechanical system. In addition to stationary variance measurements, we describe the dynamic behavior in the regime of pulsed parametric excitation, showing enhanced squeezing effect surpassing the stationary 3dB limit. While the present experiment is in the classical regime, our technique can be exploited to produce entangled, macroscopic quantum opto-mechanical modes

    Frequency noise cancellation in optomechanical systems for ponderomotive squeezing

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    Ponderomotive squeezing of the output light of an optical cavity has been recently observed in the MHz range in two different cavity optomechanical devices. Quadrature squeezing becomes particularly useful at lower spectral frequencies, for example in gravitational wave interferometers, despite being more sensitive to excess phase and frequency noise. Here we show a phase/frequency noise cancellation mechanism due to destructive interference which can facilitate the production of ponderomotive squeezing in the kHz range and we demonstrate it experimentally in an optomechanical system formed by a Fabry-P\'{e}rot cavity with a micro-mechanical mirror.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Physical explanation expanded. Modified figure

    Control of Recoil Losses in Nanomechanical SiN Membrane Resonators

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    In the context of a recoil damping analysis, we have designed and produced a membrane resonator equipped with a specific on-chip structure working as a "loss shield" for a circular membrane. In this device the vibrations of the membrane, with a quality factor of 10710^7, reach the limit set by the intrinsic dissipation in silicon nitride, for all the modes and regardless of the modal shape, also at low frequency. Guided by our theoretical model of the loss shield, we describe the design rationale of the device, which can be used as effective replacement of commercial membrane resonators in advanced optomechanical setups, also at cryogenic temperatures

    Calibrated quantum thermometry in cavity optomechanics

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    Cavity optomechanics has achieved the major breakthrough of the preparation and observation of macroscopic mechanical oscillators in peculiarly quantum states. The development of reliable indicators of the oscillator properties in these conditions is important also for applications to quantum technologies. We compare two procedures to infer the oscillator occupation number, minimizing the necessity of system calibrations. The former starts from homodyne spectra, the latter is based on the measurement of the motional sidebands asymmetry in heterodyne spectra. Moreover, we describe and discuss a method to control the cavity detuning, that is a crucial parameter for the accuracy of the latter, intrinsically superior procedure