1,059 research outputs found

    Ensambles de arqueas y bacterias en la Zona de Mínimo Oxígeno del ecosistema de surgencia de Chile central determinados mediante biomarcadores orgánicos

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Organic biomarkers were used to investigate the influence of seasonal changes in oxygenation and water chemistry on the distribution of archaea and bacteria in the water column and surface sediments of the continental shelf off central Chile (ca. 36°S), an area influenced by seasonal upwelling and the development of an oxygen minimum zone. We were interested in establishing if occurrence of archaea and bacteria responds to oxygenation and water chemistry for which we analyzed archaeal isoprenoid (i) and bacterial branched (br) glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs). Our results combined with molecular data from a year round observational program at the same sampling site and depths indicatives the occurrence and dominance of the marine pelagic group Thaumarchaeota. Changes in the distribution of iGDGTs might be explained by (i) the presence of archaeal populations in sub-oxic waters, phylogenetically different from those in surface water, (ii) changes in the relative contribution of Euryarchaeota with depth, and (iii) a relationship between Thaumarchaeota and environmental factors other than temperature. Branched GDGTs were more abundant in the upper, oxic layer during the non-upwelling season, may be a result of higher river runoff, whereas their diversity was higher within sub-oxic waters. Our results indicate a vertical segregation of iGDGTs and brGDGTs, with predominance of archaeal biomarkers during the low productivity season.Se utilizaron biomarcadores orgánicos en para investigar la influencia de cambios estacionales en los niveles de oxigenación y la química del agua sobre la distribución de arqueas y bacterias en la columna de agua y los sedimentos superficiales de la plataforma continental frente a Chile central, un área influenciada por surgencia estacional asociada al desarrollo de una zona de mínimo oxígeno. Nuestro interés es establecer si la ocurrencia de arquea y bacteria responde a la oxigenación y química del agua para lo cual analizamos gliceroles dialquil gliceroles tetra-éteres (GDGTs) isoprenoides arqueanos (i) y ramificados bacterianos (r). Nuestros resultados, combinados con datos moleculares de observaciones durante un año en el mismo lugar y profundidades del sitio de estudio indican la presencia y dominancia del grupo arqueano marino- pelágico Thaumarchaeota. Los cambios observados en la distribución de iGDGTs podrían explicarse por (i) la presencia de poblaciones de arqueas marinas en la capa de agua sub-óxica, filogenéticamente diferentes a las de aguas superficiales, (ii) cambio en la contribución relativa de Euryarchaeota con profundidad, y (iii) una relación entre Thaumarchaeota y factores ambientales distintos a la temperatura. Los GDGTs ramificados fueron más abundantes en la capa óxica superior durante el periodo de no-surgencia, tal vez influenciado por la alta descarga de ríos, mientras que su diversidad fue más alta en el agua sub-óxica. Nuestros resultados indican una segregación vertical de los GDGTs isoprenoides y ramificados, con el predominio de biomarcadores arqueanos durante el periodo de baja productividad.http://ref.scielo.org/vq5y7

    Comparación de métodos de muestreo para estimar la población del gorgojo del pimiento

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    Five sampling methods were evaluated simultaneously for their efficiency in estimating pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii Cano) populations. The use of yellow sticky traps was assessed superior to other methods when correlated with direct weevil counts. Comparison between sticky traps of eight different colors indicated that yellow and white traps are significantly more attractive to pepper weevils than light green, red, dark green, gray, blue or black. Commercially available Pherocon AM traps were tested for efficiency. Weevil catch in these traps was positively correlated with population density, but relationship was weak and weekly catch erratic. Factors affecting trap efficiency are mentioned.Una evaluación de cinco métodos de muestreo indicó la superioridad de trampas pegajosas amarillas en la estimación de los niveles de densidad del picudo del pimiento, Anthonomus eugenii Cano. Una comparación entre trampas pegajosas en ocho colores resultó en la determinación de que los colores amarillo y blanco atraen significativamente más adultos que otros colores. Además, se evaluó la utilidad y eficacia de las trampas comerciales Pherocon AM. Se encontró que la captura en éstas podía correlacionarse con los niveles de densidad del picudo del pimiento observados en el campo. Sin embargo, esta correlación resultó débil y errática debido en la mayoría de los casos a deficiencias en su diseño, con respecto a este picudo y su hábitat

    Image Stream Similarity Search in GPU Clusters

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    Images are an important part of today’s society. They are everywhere on the internet and computing, from news articles to diverse areas such as medicine, autonomous vehicles and social media. This enormous amount of images requires massive amounts of processing power to process, upload, download and search for images. The ability to search an image, and find similar images in a library of millions of others empowers users with great advantages. Different fields have different constraints, but all benefit from the quick processing that can be achieved. Problems arise when creating a solution for this. The similarity calculation between several images, performing thousands of comparisons every second, is a challenge. The results of such computations are very large, and pose a challenge when attempting to process. Solutions for these problems often take advantage of graphs in order to index images and their similarity. The graph can then be used for the querying process. Creating and processing such a graph in an acceptable time frame poses yet another challenge. In order to tackle these challenges, we take advantage of a cluster of machines equipped with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), enabling us to parallelize the process of describing an image visually and finding other images similar to it in an acceptable time frame. GPUs are incredibly efficient at processing data such as images and graphs, through algorithms that are heavily parallelizable. We propose a scalable and modular system that takes advantage of GPUs, distributed computing and fine-grained parallellism to detect image features, index images in a graph and allow users to search for similar images. The solution we propose is able to compare up to 5000 images every second. It is also able to query a graph with thousands of nodes and millions of edges in a matter of milliseconds, achieving a very efficient query speed. The modularity of our solution allows the interchangeability of algorithms and different steps in the solution, which provides great adaptability to any needs


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    Nonlinear models are commonly used in plant disease epidemiology to model temporal changes in the proportion of diseased plants (disease index). Most of the times they are fit using linearizing transformations or nonlinear least squares. These approaches assume that the disease index has a normal distribution, that they are independent and that they have constant variance. None of these assumptions can be justified in disease indices. In this paper we apply different strategies to model the progress of papaya ring spot virus in papaya. Using the logistic model we compare different strategies using the SAS® System. Marginal (population average) and subjectspecific interpretations of the models are discussed