337 research outputs found

    EXT-TAURUM P2T: an Extended Secure CAN-FD Architecture for Road Vehicles

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    The automobile industry is no longer relying on pure mechanical systems; instead, it benefits from advanced Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in order to provide new and complex functionalities in the effort to move toward fully connected cars. However, connected cars provide a dangerous playground for hackers. Vehicles are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks as they come equipped with more connected features and control systems. This situation may expose strategic assets in the automotive value chain. In this scenario, the Controller Area Network (CAN) is the most widely used communication protocol in the automotive domain. However, this protocol lacks encryption and authentication. Consequently, any malicious/hijacked node can cause catastrophic accidents and financial loss. Starting from the analysis of the vulnerability connected to the CAN communication protocol in the automotive domain, this paper proposes EXT-TAURUM P2T a new low-cost secure CAN-FD architecture for the automotive domain implementing secure communication among ECUs, a novel key provisioning strategy, intelligent throughput management, and hardware signature mechanisms. The proposed architecture has been implemented, resorting to a commercial Multi-Protocol Vehicle Interface module, and the obtained results experimentally demonstrate the approach’s feasibility

    TAURUM P2T: Advanced secure CAN-FD architecture for road vehicle

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    Interconnected devices are growing very fast in today's automotive market, providing new and complex features that cover very different domains. This vast and continuous requirement for new features brings to impact areas categorized as real-time safety-critical devices, opening the possibility to add potential vulnerabilities. By analyzing the security vulnerabilities within vehicle networks, this paper aims at proposing a new generation of a secure architecture based on Controller Area Network (CAN) called TAURUM P2T. This new architecture looks at mitigating the vulnerabilities found in the current network systems of road vehicles by introducing a low-cost and efficient solution based on the introduction of a Secure CAN network able to implement a novel key provisioning strategy. The proposed architecture has been implemented, resorting to a commercial Multi-Protocol Vehicle Interface module, and the obtained results experimentally demonstrate the approach's feasibility

    A farm-scale pilot plant for biohydrogen and biomethane production by two-stage fermentation

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    Hydrogen is considered one of the possible main energy carriers for the future, thanks to its unique environmental properties. Indeed, its energy content (120 MJ/kg) can be exploited virtually without emitting any exhaust in the atmosphere except for water. Renewable production of hydrogen can be obtained through common biological processes on which relies anaerobic digestion, a well-established technology in use at farm-scale for treating different biomass and residues. Despite two-stage hydrogen and methane producing fermentation is a simple variant of the traditional anaerobic digestion, it is a relatively new approach mainly studied at laboratory scale. It is based on biomass fermentation in two separate, seuqential stages, each maintaining conditions optimized to promote specific bacterial consortia: in the first acidophilic reactorhydrogen is produced production, while volatile fatty acids-rich effluent is sent to the second reactor where traditional methane rich biogas production is accomplished. A two-stage pilot-scale plant was designed, manufactured and installed at the experimental farm of the University of Milano and operated using a biomass mixture of livestock effluents mixed with sugar/starch-rich residues (rotten fruits and potatoes and expired fruit juices), afeedstock mixture based on waste biomasses directly available in the rural area where plant is installed. The hydrogenic and the methanogenic reactors, both CSTR type, had a total volume of 0.7m3 and 3.8 m3 respectively, and were operated in thermophilic conditions (55 2 °C) without any external pH control, and were fully automated. After a brief description of the requirements of the system, this contribution gives a detailed description of its components and of engineering solutions to the problems encountered during the plant realization and start-up. The paper also discusses the results obtained in a first experimental run which lead to production in the range of previous laboratory results, with a typical hydrogen and methane specific productivity of 2.2 and 0.5 Nm3/m3reactor per day, in the first and second stage of the plant respectively. At our best knowledge, this plant is one of the very first prototypes producing biohydrogen at farm scale, and it represents a distributed, small scale demonstration to obtain hydrogen from renewable waste-sources

    Analisi tecnico-economica di cantieri per la difesa delle colture con tecnologie a diverso grado di innovazione

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    Nel presente studio \ue8 stata condotta un\u2019analisi tecnico-economica su tre cantieri a diverso grado di innovazione per la distribuzione di agrofarmaci su colture specializzate, a partire da dati scientifici presenti in letteratura. In particolare, il lavoro si \ue8 concentrato sull\u2019applicazione di fungicidi in vigneto e in meleto nel contesto del centro-sud europeo. L\u2019analisi ha permesso di confrontare i costi totali legati ai trattamenti (ovvero comprendenti costi per macchine e agrofarmaci) tra: a) un cantiere trattore-atomizzatore convenzionale (L0), b) un cantiere con atomizzatore in grado di realizzare una distribuzione on-off in funzione della presenza o meno della parete vegetale (L1), e c) un cantiere con atomizzatore a distribuzione variabile in funzione della densit\ue0 della chioma (L2). Adottando i cantieri L1 e L2 \ue8 stato osservato un risparmio in agrofarmaci compreso tra il 10 e il 35% rispettivamente. In particolare, su vigneto l\u2019adozione del cantiere L1 \ue8 risultata conveniente gi\ue0 per superfici comprese tra 10 e 100 ha mentre, oltre i 100 ha, \ue8 apparso pi\uf9 conveniente il cantiere L2. In meleto, L1 e risultato conveniente per superfici aziendali superiori a 17 ha, mentre la configurazione L2 non \ue8 apparsa mai la soluzione pi\uf9 sostenibile dal punto di vista economico. Infine, in vista di un possibile scenario futuribile, \ue8 stato valutato l\u2019impiego di una piattaforma robotizzata completamente autonoma in grado di effettuare distribuzioni mirate sui focolai di malattia. L\u2019analisi ha dimostrato che il valore a nuovo del robot, stabilito a partire dal risparmio ottenibile grazie alla minore quantit\ue0 di agrofarmaci distribuiti e alla minore richiesta di manodopera necessaria rispetto ai cantieri L0 e L2, non appare ad oggi realistico considerando gli attuali costi di produzione

    The noninvasive diagnosis of esophageal varices and its application in clinical practice

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    Here, we review recent improvements made to different noninvasive tests used for the diagnosis of esophageal varices (EV) in the light of the recent Baveno VI recommendation and with an emphasis on clinical application. Like for fibrosis tests, these noninvasive EV tests can be classified as direct markers when they provide a visualization of EV (including all imaging procedures like endoscopy or radiology) and as indirect markers when they do not (blood markers or elastometry). Clinical descriptors expressed as percentages, especially the spared endoscopy rate and the missed high-risk esophageal varices (HREV) rate, are more eloquent in this setting than classical statistical descriptors like accuracy. Single biomarkers are insufficient, generally due to a missed HREV rate exceeding the acceptable limit of 5% indicated in the Baveno VI consensus. Thus, biomarker combinations are currently garnering the most interest. The Baveno VI recommendation states that in alcoholic and viral cirrhoses, screening endoscopy can be safely set aside for patients with liver stiffness<20kPa and platelets>150G/L. The Baveno rule\u27s mean missed HREV rate is<5% but its spared endoscopy rate is<20%. New combinations or stepwise algorithms show promise but must be validated. Going forward, the Baveno rule provides a simple noninvasive method to rule out HREV in clinical practice but the need for further research continues. The noninvasive diagnosis of HREV will be significantly improved by new, simple and affordable combinations

    On-sky results of the adaptive optics MACAO for the new IR-spectrograph CRIRES at VLT

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    The adaptive optics MACAO has been implemented in 6 focii of the VLT observatory, in three different flavors. We present in this paper the results obtained during the commissioning of the last of these units, MACAO-CRIRES. CRIRES is a high-resolution spectrograph, which efficiency will be improved by a factor two at least for point-sources observations with a NGS brighter than R=15. During the commissioning, Strehl exceeding 60% have been observed with fair seeing conditions, and a general description of the performance of this curvature adaptive optics system is done.Comment: SPIE conference 2006, Advances in adaptive optics, 12 pages, 11 figure

    Factors limiting complete tumor ablation by radiofrequency ablation

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    The purpose of this study was to determine radiological or physical factors to predict the risk of residual mass or local recurrence of primary and secondary hepatic tumors treated by radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Eighty-two patients, with 146 lesions (80 hepatocellular carcinomas, 66 metastases), were treated by RFA. Morphological parameters of the lesions included size, location, number, ultrasound echogenicity, computed tomography density, and magnetic resonance signal intensity were obtained before and after treatment. Parameters of the generator were recorded during radiofrequency application. The recurrence-free group was statistically compared to the recurrence and residual mass groups on all these parameters. Twenty residual masses were detected. Twenty-nine lesions recurred after a mean follow-up of 18 months. Size was a predictive parameter. Patients\u27 sex and age and the echogenicity and density of lesions were significantly different for the recurrence and residual mass groups compared to the recurrence-free group (p < 0.05). The presence of an enhanced ring on the magnetic resonance control was more frequent in the recurrence and residual mass groups. In the group of patients with residual lesions, analysis of physical parameters showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the time necessary for the temperature to rise. In conclusion, this study confirms risk factors of recurrence such as the size of the tumor and emphasizes other factors such as a posttreatment enhanced ring and an increase in the time necessary for the rise in temperature. These factors should be taken into consideration when performing RFA and during follow-up

    Characterization of the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and analysis of the PR1 molecular marker in Vitis vinifera L. inoculated with the nematode Xiphinema index

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    Upon pathogen attack, plants very quickly undergo rather complex physico-chemical changes, such as the production of new chemicals or alterations in membrane and cell wall properties, to reduce disease damages. An underestimated threat is represented by root parasitic nematodes. In Vitis vinifera L., the nematode Xiphinema index is the unique vector of Grapevine fanleaf virus, responsible for fanleaf degeneration, one of the most widespread and economically damaging diseases worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in grapevines attacked by X. index. BVOCs play a role in plant defensive mechanisms and are synthetized in response to biotic damages. In our study, the BVOC profile was altered by the nematode feeding process. We found a decrease in \u3b2-ocimene and limonene monoterpene emissions, as well as an increase in \u3b1-farnesene and \u3b1-bergamotene sesquiterpene emissions in nematode-treated plants. Moreover, we evaluated the PR1 gene expression. The transcript level of PR1 gene was higher in the nematode-wounded roots, while in the leaf tissues it showed a lower expression compared to control grapevines

    Hemodynamic and antifibrotic effects of a selective liver nitric oxide donor V-PYRRO/NO in bile duct ligated rats.

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    AIM: To assess whether a liver specific nitric oxide (NO) donor (V-PYRRO/NO) would prevent the development of portal hypertension and liver fibrosis in rats with bile duct ligation (BDL). METHODS: Treatment (placebo or V-PYRRO/NO 0.53 micromol/kg per hour) was administered i.v. to rats 2 d before BDL (D-2) and maintained until the day of hemodynamic measurement (D26). Intra-hepatic NO level was estimated by measuring liver cGMP level. Effects of V-PYRRO/NO on liver fibrosis and lipid peroxidation were also assessed. RESULTS: Compared to placebo treatment, V-PYRRO/NO improved splanchnic hemodynamics in BDL rats: portal pressure was significantly reduced by 27% (P<0.0001) and collateral circulation development was almost completely blocked (splenorenal shunt blood flow by 74%, P=0.007). Moreover, V-PYRRO/NO significantly prevented liver fibrosis development in BDL rats (by 30% in hepatic hydroxyproline content and 31% in the area of fibrosis, P<0.0001 respectively), this effect being probably due to a decrease in lipid peroxidation by 44% in the hepatic malondialdehyde level (P=0.007). Interestingly, we observed a significant and expected increase in liver cGMP, without any systemic hemodynamic effects (mean arterial pressure, vascular systemic resistance and cardiac output) in both sham-operated and BDL rats treated with V-PYRRO/NO. This result is in accordance with studies on V-PYRRO/NO metabolism showing a specific release of NO in the liver. CONCLUSION: Continuous administrations of V-PYRRO/NO in BDL rats improved liver fibrosis and splanchnic hemodynamics without any noxious systemic hemo-dynamic effects

    Evaluation of borage extracts as potential biostimulant using a phenomic, agronomic, physiological and biochemical approach

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    Biostimulants are substances able to improve water and nutrient use efficiency and counteract stress factors by enhancing primary and secondary metabolism. Premise of the work was to exploit raw extracts from leaves (LE) or flowers (FE) of Borago officinalis L., to enhance yield and quality of Lactuca sativa ‘Longifolia,’ and to set up a protocol to assess their effects. To this aim, an integrated study on agronomic, physiological and biochemical aspects, including also a phenomic approach, has been adopted. Extracts were diluted to 1 or 10 mL L–1, sprayed onto lettuce plants at the middle of the growing cycle and 1 day before harvest. Control plants were treated with water. Non-destructive analyses were conducted to assess the effect of extracts on biomass with an innovative imaging technique, and on leaf photosynthetic efficiency (chlorophyll a fluorescence and leaf gas exchanges). At harvest, the levels of ethylene, photosynthetic pigments, nitrate, and primary (sucrose and total sugars) and secondary (total phenols and flavonoids) metabolites, including the activity and levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) were assessed. Moreover, a preliminary study of the effects during postharvest was performed. Borage extracts enhanced the primary metabolism by increasing leaf pigments and photosynthetic activity. Plant fresh weight increased upon treatments with 10 mL L–1 doses, as correctly estimated by multi-view angles images. Chlorophyll a fluorescence data showed that FEs were able to increase the number of active reaction centers per cross section; a similar trend was observed for the performance index. Ethylene was three-fold lower in FEs treatments. Nitrate and sugar levels did not change in response to the different treatments. Total flavonoids and phenols, as well as the total protein levels, the in vitro PAL specific activity, and the levels of PAL-like polypeptides were increased by all borage extracts, with particular regard to FEs. FEs also proved efficient in preventing degradation and inducing an increase in photosynthetic pigments during storage. In conclusion, borage extracts, with particular regard to the flower ones, appear to indeed exert biostimulant effects on lettuce; future work will be required to further investigate on their efficacy in different conditions and/or species
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