277 research outputs found

    Stellar kinematics of X-ray bright massive elliptical galaxies

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    We discuss a simple and fast method for estimating masses of early-type galaxies from optical data and compare the results with X-ray derived masses. The optical method relies only on the most basic observables such as the surface brightness I(R)I(R) and the line-of-sight velocity dispersion σp(R)\sigma_p(R) profiles and provides an anisotropy-independent estimate of the galaxy circular speed VcV_c. The mass-anisotropy degeneracy is effectively overcome by evaluating VcV_c at a characteristic radius RsweetR_{\rm sweet} defined from {\it local} properties of observed profiles. The sweet radius RsweetR_{\rm sweet} is expected to lie close to R2R_2, where I(R)R2I(R) \propto R^{-2}, and not far from the effective radius ReffR_{\rm eff}. We apply the method to a sample of five X-ray bright elliptical galaxies observed with the 6-m telescope BTA-6 in Russia. We then compare the optical VcV_c-estimate with the X-ray derived value, and discuss possible constraints on the non-thermal pressure in the hot gas and configuration of stellar orbits. We find that the average ratio of the optical VcV_c-estimate to the X-ray one is equal to 0.98\approx 0.98 with 11%11 \% scatter, i.e. there is no evidence for the large non-thermal pressure contribution in the gas at Rsweet\sim R_{\rm sweet}. From analysis of the Lick indices Hβ\beta, Mgb, Fe5270 and Fe5335, we calculate the mass of the stellar component within the sweet radius. We conclude that a typical dark matter fraction inside RsweetR_{\rm sweet} in the sample galaxies is 60%\sim 60\% for the Salpeter IMF and 75%\sim 75 \% for the Kroupa IMF.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Retrospective analysis of reports on psychopharmaceuticals drugs safety to identify cases of off-label

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    The article presents the retrospective analysis of reports on psychopharmaceuticals drugs safety to identify cases of off-label

    Russian-speaking immigrants in contemporary France: problems of formation of Cultural identity

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    В статье дается анализ культурной идентичности русскоязычных эмигрантов в современной Франции. Особое внимание авторы уделяют вопросам о том, в какой степени и какими способами эмигранты достигают соответствия (совместимости) с новой для них культурной средой, принимая или отвергая ее, насколько они способны приобрести новую культурную идентичность или сохранить старую.The article considers cultural identity of Russian – Speaking immigrants in contemporary France. Much space is devoted to the problems of integration immigrants to the French culture. How do they accept it or reject it? Do they keep their cultural identity or form the new one

    Testing a simple recipe for estimating galaxy masses from minimal observational data

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    The accuracy and robustness of a simple method to estimate the total mass profile of a galaxy is tested using a sample of 65 cosmological zoom-simulations of individual galaxies. The method only requires information on the optical surface brightness and the projected velocity dispersion profiles and therefore can be applied even in case of poor observational data. In the simulated sample massive galaxies (σ200400\sigma \simeq 200-400 \kms) at redshift z=0z=0 have almost isothermal rotation curves for broad range of radii (RMS 5\simeq 5% for the circular speed deviations from a constant value over 0.5Reff<r<3Reff0.5R_{\rm eff} < r < 3R_{\rm eff}). For such galaxies the method recovers the unbiased value of the circular speed. The sample averaged deviation from the true circular speed is less than 1\sim 1% with the scatter of 58\simeq 5-8% (RMS) up to R5ReffR \simeq 5R_{\rm eff}. Circular speed estimates of massive non-rotating simulated galaxies at higher redshifts (z=1z=1 and z=2z=2) are also almost unbiased and with the same scatter. For the least massive galaxies in the sample (σ<150\sigma < 150 \kms) at z=0z=0 the RMS deviation is 79\simeq 7-9% and the mean deviation is biased low by about 121-2%. We also derive the circular velocity profile from the hydrostatic equilibrium (HE) equation for hot gas in the simulated galaxies. The accuracy of this estimate is about RMS 45\simeq 4-5% for massive objects (M>6.5×1012MM > 6.5\times 10^{12} M_\odot) and the HE estimate is biased low by 34\simeq 3-4%, which can be traced to the presence of gas motions. This implies that the simple mass estimate can be used to determine the mass of observed massive elliptical galaxies to an accuracy of 585-8 % and can be very useful for galaxy surveys.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Analysis of Noncompliances with Legislative Requirements in Pharmacovigilance Materials of Registration Dossiers

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    Since 1 January 2021 the authorisation of medicines in the Russian Federation has to be performed according to the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) procedure. The Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) is the main document describing the pharmacovigilance system of the marketing authorisation holder (MAH) or its authorised representative.  The aim of the study was to analyse noncompliances with the EAEU requirements, which were revealed during PSMF assessment.Materials and methods: the authors analysed 687 pharmacovigilance documents included in registration dossiers that were submitted for assessment from 1 January to 30 June, 2021.  Results: the authors identified and systematised the main noncompliances with the EAEU requirements in terms of presentation, content, completeness of each PSMF section. They analysed the frequency of noncompliances in PSMFs and identified the most frequent flaws of MAHs’ pharmacovigilance systems.Conclusions: the authors give recommendations for elimination of significant noncompliances identified during PSMF assessment, which may include: timely updating, maintenance, and revision of the documents in accordance with changes in legislation and any other significant changes, regular training of pharmacovigilance staff, etc. The results of this review will be useful for MAHs as the main participants of the marketing authorisation process who are directly involved in the pharmacovigilance system management at the pre- and post-authorisation stages, and will help them prevent potential mistakes when drawing up pharmacovigilance system documents

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of RT4Al8 (R = Sc, Y, La, Lu; T = Fe, Mn, Cr) compounds. Hydrostatic pressure effects

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    We present results of theoretical and experimental studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of RFe4Al8, RMn4Al8, and RCr4Al8 compounds with nonmagnetic elements R = Sc, Y, La, and Lu. The electron spectrum and field induced magnetic moment, as well as their dependences on the unit cell volume, are calculated for the paramagnetic phase of the RT4Al8 systems. The calculations are supplemented by measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of representative RT4Al8 compounds as a function of temperature and hydrostatic pressure

    Pharmacovigilance System Master File: An Overview of Changes in the EAEU Good Pharmacovigilance Practice

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    The development of international regulatory practices and the accumulation of new experience in pharmacovigi­lance prompted the need to amend the Rules of Good Pharmacovigilance Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU GVP Guideline), first adopted in 2016.The aim of the study was to review, from a regulatory expert’s perspective, the changes to the structure and presentation of the pharmacovigilance system master file (PSMF) introduced with the amendment of the EAEU GVP Guideline effective since December 6, 2022.The authors compared the requirements for the PSMF outlined in the new edition of the EAEU GVP Guideline adopted by Decision No.81 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of 19.06.2022 “On Amendments to the Rules of Good Pharmacovigilance Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union” with the requirements described in the previous version of this document.The structure and content of Module III, Pharmacovigilance System Master File, have been significantly amended in the new version of the EAEU GVP Guideline; this will require marketing authorisation holders (MAHs) to revise the PSMFs describing pharmacovigilance system data. The most significant editorial changes have been made to the paragraphs concerning the PSMF format, the pharmacovigilance quality system, and the presentation of information in the Annexes. The amendment has strengthened the control of records and documentation related to the pharmacovigilance system. Electronic PSMFs are acceptable; electronic book-marking and searchable text make working with the PSMF more convenient for representatives of MAHs and experts of regulatory authorities. Aligning of the PSMF with the requirements of the new edition of the EAEU GVP Guideline will contribute to improving the pharmacovigilance system operation and performance


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    ABSTRAKBerkembangnya pariwisata di tengah masyarakat membawa pengaruh terhadap kehidupan sosial budaya. Pariwisata selalu mempertemukan dua atau lebih kebudayaan yang akan menghasilkan berbagai proses perubahan seperti akulturasi, dominasi, asimilasi, adopsi, adaptasi dan sebagainya. Wisatawan mancanegara yang berkunjung ke Lhoknga telah membawa pengaruh terhadap masyarakat lokal di daerah sekitar objek wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pariwisata terhadap perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat dan mengetahui bentuk perubahan sosial budaya yang terjadi pada masyarakat Lhoknga akibat perkembangan pariwisata di Mukim Lhoknga. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model studi deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya perubahan sosial budaya pada masyarakat lokal di Mukim Lhoknga, Kecamatan Lhoknga Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Namun perubahan yang dimaksud masih dikategorikan perubahan secara mikro, karena tidak membawa pengaruh yang mendalam pada kehidupan masyarakat lokal. Dampak pariwisata terhadap perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat dapat dipilah menjadi dua yaitu dampak positif dan dampak negatif. Dampak positifnya yaitu dengan adanya pariwisata telah membuka lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat lokal yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi, mampu menguasai bahasa asing, seperti bahasa Inggris, Jepang. Terbukanya akses bagi masyarakat lokal ke jaringan yang lebih luas, memperlihatkan keindahan alam dan budaya yang tak lepas dari rasa untuk meningkatkan persaudaraan dalam lingkungan nasional dan internasional Sedangkan dampak negatif yaitu, lunturnya budaya lokal (tradisional) akibat masuknya budaya luar (modern). Adapun bentuk-bentuk perubahan dapat dilihat dari dua segi yaitu perubahan segi sosial dan perubahan dari segi budaya. Bentuk perubahan dari segi sosial yaitu terjadinya perubahan struktur sosial masyarakat lokal dengan beralihnya sektor pekerjaan dari petani atau nelayan ke sektor industri, Meningkatnya keinginan untuk berpendidikan tinggi, sedangkan perubahan dari segi budaya yaitu terjadinya perkawinan dari dua unsur budaya yang berbeda, perubahan pada penggunaan bahasa, perubahan cara berpakaian dan perubahan perilaku dalam keluarga.Kata Kunci : Pariwisata, Wisatawan Asing, Perubahan Sosial, Perubahan Budaya.Banda Ace