212 research outputs found

    Polymorphism of gene glutathion-s-transferase pi in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group living in the Irkutsk region

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    Background. Human glutathione-S-transferases play an important role in phase II detoxification process. But polymorphism in the GSTP1 gene has not been studied in certain populations. Aim: to determine the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of GSTP1 gene in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group. Materials and methods. Blood samples were obtained from 55 teenagersfrom Buryat ethnic group. There were 28 males and 27 females with an age of 14.05 ± 0.99 years over the range of 13 to 16. DNA was isolated from blood samples. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify A313G and C341T markers of the GSTP1 gene. Chi-square testing was used to evaluate the significant difference of the GSTP1 genotype frequencies between observed and expected values. Results. Allele and genotype frequencies of A313G and C341T markers GSTP1 were determined in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group. The study showed that the frequencies of A and G alleles at the A313G marker were 0.809 and 0.191 while those of C and T alleles at the C341T marker were 0.973 and 0.027, respectively. The distribution of the genotype frequencies at the A313G marker were consistent with expected in a Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium (χ2 = 0.77; d.f. = 1; p > 0.05). However, the distribution of the genotype frequencies at the C341T marker were not consistent with expected in a Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium (χ2 = 0.043; d.f. = 1; p < 0.05). It was because the homozygous of T allele was not found in the ethnic group of Buryat


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    The results of genotyping of blood samples of russian and buryat children on I/D polymorphism of GSTM1, GSTT1 genes by polymerase chain reaction are given. Absence of ethnic particularities in frequency deletion genotypes of GSTM1, GSTT1 genes is shown in this article

    Features of human papillomavirus infection frequency in different regions of the Russian Federation (literature review)

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    Numerous studies have shown the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in the generation of cervical cancer. The review presents Russian researching data aboutfrequency of the HPV in different regions of the Russian Federation. The regional feature in the frequency of the HPV is observed. The average population frequency of the HPV varies from 13 to 63 % in different region. The frequency of the HPV reaches 82 % in groups of patients with dysplasia of the 3rd degree and cervical cancer. The most oncogenic type 16 the HPV is the most common virus among other papillomavirus in the most Russian regions that corresponds to the global data. This type of virus is the most common in both groups of women and men. Type 16 of HPV with high frequency is detected in different age groups, and among clinically healthy patients and in groups of patients with various gynecological pathologies. Modern methods of molecular diagnostics, in particular, the PCR method, allow to detect and genotype the HPV with high sensitivity and specificity, and to determine the viral load. The PCR method in screening programs can identify risk groups of the urogenital pathology in examined women

    Glutathione S-transferase polymorphism in ethnic groups living in Eastern Siberia

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    The role of glutathione S-transferase for the life of the cell and the entire organism is related to their participation in the processes of detoxification of xenobiotics and antioxidant protection. Genetic variability of glutathione S-transferases appears in the form of different enzymatic activity of the corresponding protein products. In this study, a comparative analysis was conducted on the frequency of genotypes of three genes in the glutathione S-transferases gene superfamily (GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1) from representatives of two ethnic groups, Russian and Buryat. To this end, genetic typing of DNA samples was performed by polymerase chain reaction. Statistically significant differences in the frequency of occurrence of alleles A, B, C of the GSTP1 gene (р = 0.026) were found between the groups of teenagers compared. It was found that the frequency of the allele A, which codes for the active variant enzyme, is significantly higher in the Buryat ethnic group (p = 0.012). The allele B, the product of which is a “slow” version of the enzyme, was significantly more common in the Russian ethnic group (p = 0.014). In the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes, no statistically significant differences in the frequency of occurrence of “zero” and “functional” genotypes between the compared groups of teenagers were found. However, there was a tendency to increase in the frequency of the “zero” genotype of the GSTM1 gene in the Russian ethnic group. In addition, the frequency of the “zero” genotype in two genes GSTM1 and GSTT1 at once was almost two times higher in the Russian ethnic group than in the Buryat ethnic group


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    Background. In the regions of the Russian Federation (RF), papillomavirus infection in women of reproductive age is characterized by different frequency of occurrence from 13 to 68.4 %. Aims: to establish the frequency of detection of human papilloma virus in Irkutsk, according to the data of circulation. Materials and methods. The article presents the results of the medical examination of residents of Irkutsk on the presence DNA of human papilloma virus. We analyzed the results of laboratory studies of patients who from 2014 to 2016 turned to the medical institution for the diagnosis of human papilloma virus. For the period surveyed was 13 090 man, age from 18 to 67 years, including 11 174 women and 1 916 male. The diagnosis of HPV was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results. It was found the frequency of HPV in Irkutsk in the general population is 21.1 %, among women – 21.9 %, among male – 16.4 %. It was shown that the frequency of detection of papillomavirus infection in the sample of women was significantly higher than in the sample of men (p &lt; 0.001).Conclusions: It was shown that the frequency of HPV is 21.1 % the frequency of detection of the pathogen of papillomavirus infection in the sample of women was significantly higher (p &lt; 0.001) than in the sample of male

    Adipokinesand Ghrelin Rolein Regulation of Ovarian Function in Obesity

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    There is a great worldwide trend in the incidence of obesity, which is increasing with each passing year among all populations, including women of reproductive age. Given the impressive list of diseases associated with obesity, as well as the negative inverse correlation of the severity of obesity with fertility, this problem is global not only in the social sphere, but it also becomes demographically significant.Along with other pathogenetic mechanisms leading to persistent anovulation, an imbalance in adipokine production by adipose tissue can also serve as one of the important links in the development of reproductive dysfunction. Despite apparent interest in this topic, a large number of previously discovered adipokines are still not studied. Among adipokines, the effects of adiponectin and leptin on reproductive function are best known. Alterations in adiponectin and leptin levels can affect hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal signaling, folliculogenesis, oogenesis and steroidogenesis. In addition, leptin is involved in the initiation of puberty, regulation of the menstrual cycle, and changes the balance between proliferation and apoptosis in ovarian cells. The leading causes of reduced fertility, infertility, and IVF failure in obese patients are mechanisms that promote the formation of chronic anovulation, delay the maturation of oocytes, reduce their quality, and/or lead to changes in endometrial susceptibility. These effects can be caused by an imbalance in the concentrations of leptin and adiponectin (leptin excess and adiponectin deficiency), lead to endometrial dysfunction, disruption of implantation and early embryogenesis. These changes, in turn, can affect just as the likelihood of spontaneous conception, so the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies and subsequent gestation.Thus, the study of potential pathogenetic pathways of fertility regulation in obesity, one of which is the subject of this review, is an important area for further study

    Сравнительная эффективность внутрисуставного введения препаратов гиалуроновой кислоты с различными физико-химическими свойствами при остеоартрите коленного сустава

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    Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a chronic disease that leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of life and disability. In the treatment of OA, hyaluronic acid (HA) drugs have an important place.Objective: to compare the effectiveness of ROA treatment with different HA drugs with different physicochemical properties and molecular weight.Patients and methods. A 12-week prospective randomized study of the comparative efficacy of a single intra-articular injection of three HA drugs – Armaviscon Forte (AF), Flexotron Cross (FCr) and Flexotron Ultra (FUL) was carried out. The study group consisted of 90 patients with knee osteoarthritis, aged from 43 to 50 years (the majority were women – 63.3%) with an initial severity of pain &gt;40 mm according to the visual analogue scale (VAS). The result of therapy was assessed by the dynamics of pain (VAS), WOMAC index, and subjective assessment of the effect 3 months after intra-articular administration of HA.Results and discussion. Eight patients dropped out of the study: in the AF group – 3, FCr – 4, FUL – 1. After 90 days, the decrease in pain compared to baseline values in the AF group was 30%, in FCr – 46% and in FUL – 57% (p ≤0,05), and the dynamics of the WOMAC index – 27, 36, and 42%, respectively. After 90 days, 85.0, 93.4 and 96.5% of patients noted improvement and significant improvement in the AF, FCr and FUL groups, respectively. No serious adverse events were recorded.Conclusion. All investigated drugs demonstrated high analgesic potential, but the best clinical effect was observed with FUL.Остеоартрит коленного сустава (ОА КС) – хроническое заболевание, приводящее к значительному ухудшению качества жизни и инвалидизации. В лечении ОА важное место занимают препараты гиалуроновой кислоты (ГлК).Цель исследования – сравнительный анализ эффективности лечения ОА КС препаратами ГлК с различными физико-химическими свойствами и молекулярной массой.Пациенты и методы. Проведено 12-недельное проспективное рандомизированное исследование сравнительной эффективности однократного внутрисуставного (в/с) введения трех препаратов ГлК – Армавискона Форте (АФ), Флексотрона Кросс (ФКр) и Флексотрона Ультра (ФУл). Исследуемую группу составили 90 больных ОА КС в возрасте от 43 до 50 лет (большинство женщины – 63,3%) с исходной выраженностью боли &gt;40 мм по визуальной аналоговой шкале (ВАШ). Результат терапии оценивался по динамике боли (ВАШ), индекса WOMAC и субъективной оценке эффекта через 3 мес после в/с введения ГлК.Результаты и обсуждение. Из исследования выбыли 8 пациентов: в группе АФ – 3, ФКр – 4, ФУл – 1. Через 90 дней уменьшение боли по сравнению с исходными значениями в группе АФ составило 30%, ФКр – 46% и ФУл – 57% (р≤0,05), а динамика индекса WOMAC – 27, 36 и 42% соответственно. Через 90 дней улучшение и значительное улучшение в группах АФ, ФКр и ФУл отметили 85,0, 93,4 и 96,5% больных соответственно. Серьезных нежелательных явлений не зафиксировано.Заключение. Все исследуемые препараты продемонстрировали высокий анальгетический потенциал, но наилучший клинический эффект был отмечен при применении ФУл