266 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Possession of Take Home Naloxone Kits Among Street-Involved Youth in a Canadian Setting

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    BACKGROUND: The distribution of take-home naloxone (THN) kits has been an important strategy in reducing overdose fatalities among people who use drugs. However, little is known about the use of THN among youth who are street-involved. The present study explores knowledge and possession of THN among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting

    3-Phenyl Derivatives of Trans-2-(Aryl/Pyridinyl)Vinyl-3H-Quinazolin-4-ones: Synthesis and Fluorescent Properties

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    This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 18-03-00112)

    Effects of α-amylase, endo-xylanase and exoprotease combination on dough properties and bread quality

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    Received: January 31st, 2021 ; Accepted: May 2nd, 2021 ; Published: May 6th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] enzymes composition is an actual alternative to chemicals to improve functional properties of flours and to generate changes in the structure of the dough and bread quality. The objective of this study was to analyze the individual and synergistic effects of enzymes preparation (α-amylase, endo-xylanase and exoprotease), newly produced in Russia, on dough properties and bread quality made from wheat flour with different amylolytic activity. Reofermentometric results revealed decreases in gas-forming capacity of dough by 10.0–13.9% when single α-amylase preparates were used. The α-amylase addition had significant effect on gas retention coefficient in flour possessed low amylolytic activity. The effect of endo-xylanase and exoprotease on hydration and amount of wheat gluten was established. The fractional composition of gluten proteins in the dough made with combination of endo-xylanase and exoprotease was established using Lowry method immediately after kneading and after fermentation. It was found that mainly water-soluble, alcohol-soluble and alkaline-soluble proteins were undergone by transformation. The bread with enzymes had a higher specific volume, porosity and aldehyde content and lower shape stability indicator than the control bread made without enzymes. Bread with enzymes was characterized by tenderer and not crumbly crumb with developed thin-walled uniform porosity compared to the control. The crusts were more brightly colored. The combined usage of α-amylase and endo-xylanase and exoprotease retarded bread staling during 5-day storage period. New enzyme composition may be a potentially strong candidate for future applications in the bread-making industry

    The Simplest Model of the Turning Movement of a Car with its Possible Sideslip

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    The simplest model of the turning movement of a car with its possiple sideslip is considered. To this end, a nonholonomic problem with nonretaining constraints is solved. The four possible types of the car motion are studied


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    Many synthetic benzothiazines play an important role in the treatment of various diseases. Some 2-amino substituted 1, 3-benzothiazin-4-ones (2-amino-1, 3-benzothiazinones) represent a promising new class of antitubercular agents. Recently we have reported the synthesis of novel fluorinated 2-cycloalkylaminosubstituted 1, 3-benzothiazin-4-ones through the addition of N-nucleophiles to ortho-fluorobenzoylisothiocyanates and subsequent cyclization of fluorobenzoyl-thioureas, and 5-fluoro-2-(4-ethoxycarbonylpiperazin-1-yl)-1, 3-benzothiazin-4-one was chosen as leading compound.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation (project № FEUZ-2020-0058 (Н687.42Б.223/20)) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant # 18-03-00112)


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    A set of analytical parameters for GC-MS identification of (RO)3P phosphorous acid tri­al­kyl esters has been determined. It included standard electron ionization mass spectra, statistically processed ion series spectrum of homologous series, gas chromatographic retention indices of semi-standard non-polar sta­tionary RTX-5 phase, and homologous incre­ments of retention indices. Tri­alkyl phos­phites have been discovered directly in the reaction mix­tu­res of aliphatic alcohols with phosphorous trichloride and without preparative isolation that required the iden­tification of all the constituents of these mixtures. In order to prevent the formation of corresponding (RO)2PHO dialkyl phosphonates in the results of Michaelis-Arbuzov rearrangement, the process was carried out by controlling the pH of the reaction mixture with N,N-dimethyl aniline additives. Using joint GC-MS parameters as homologous increments of retention indices (iRI) allowed distinguishing the trialkyl phosphates and the isobaric dialkyl phosphonates (both series belong to the same homologous group y = 12). Besides that, despite the absence of the signals of molecular ions in mass spectra of trialkyl phosphites, the estimation of their molecular masses became possible. The comparison of the average iRI values as a criterion of chromatographic polarity indicated that trialkyl phosphites are less polar than dialkyl phosphonates. iRI values for homologues of these series without branches in alkyl substituents were 29 ± 9 and -235 ± 52, respectively.Keywords: Trialkyl phosphites, revealing in reaction mixtures, EI mass spectra, gas chromatographic retention indices, homologous increments of retention indices.(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.006Igor G. Zenkevich, Vlada E. NosovaSt. Petersburg State University, Institute of ChemistryUniversitetskii prosp., 26, St. Petersburg 198504, Russian FederationОпределены аналитические параметры триал­ки­ло­вых эфи­ров фосфористой кислоты (RO)3P, необходимые для их хроматомасс-спектрометрической идентификации и до настоящего времени недостаточно подроб­но представленные в существующих базах справочных данных. Они включают стандартные масс-спектры ионизации электронами (ИЭ),  статистически об­работанный масс-спектр ионных серий гомологическо­го ряда, газохроматографические индексы удерживания на неполярной непод­виж­ной фазе RTX-5 и их гомологические инкременты. Триалкил­фос­фиты обнаружены не­по­с­ред­ственно в составе реакционных смесей алифатических спиртов с трихлоридом фосфора без предвари­те­ль­ного препара­тив­но­го вы­деления, что потребовало идентификации всех содержа­щих­ся в них компонен­тов. Для предотвращения образования соответствующих диалкилфосфонатов в результате перегруппировки Михаэлиса-Арбузова реакцию проводили в присутствии N,N-диметиланилина для поддержания рН на уровне ~5. Использование таких объединенных хро­мато­-масс-спектрометрических па­ра­мет­ров как гомологические инкременты инде­к­сов уде­р­живания (iRI) позволяет отли­чать три­алкилфосфиты (RO)3P от изобарных диалкилфос­фо­натов (RO)2PHO (соединения обоих рядов отно­сятся к одной и той же гомологической группе у = 12). Кроме того, не­смотря на отсутствие в масс-спектрах ИЭ триалкилфосфитов сигналов молекуляр­ных ионов, воз­можно определение их моле­ку­лярных мас­с. Сравнение средних значений iRI как критерия хроматографической по­лярности соединений разных классов показывает, что по сравнению с диалкил­фо­с­фонатами триалкил­фос­фиты значительно менее полярны. При отсутствии разветвлений в составе алкильных заместителей значения iRI для этих рядов составляют 29 ± 9 и -235 ± 52, соответственно.Ключевые слова: Триалкилфосфиты, обнаружение в составе реакционных сме­сей, масс-спектры ИЭ, газохроматографические индексы удерживания, гомологичес­кие инкременты индексов удерживанияDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.00


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    Dialkyl esters of inorganic phosphoric acid (RO)2PO-OH contain only one active hydrogen atom. Hence, in accordance with the contemporary viewings, there are no theoretical limitations on the possibilities of their gas chromatographic separation. Comparison of the physicochemical properties of dialkyl- and trialkyl (characterized in more detailed extent) phosphates confirms this proposition. The evaluation of di- and trialkyl phosphates polarity by comparing the so called indices of the molecular mass, normal boiling point, and molar refraction indicates that both esters are rather low polar compounds. Nevertheless, the analyses of three reaction mixtures of phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) with excesses of 1-propanol, 2-propanol, and 1-butanol indicate the absence of dialkyl phosphates among the constituents being detected. At the same time, the impu­­ri­ti­es of the corresponding trialkyl phosphates are revealed in all cases. This can be ex­p­lai­ned by the impossibility of the gas chromatographic separation of dialkyl esters due to the following reasons:– dialkyl phosphates are rather strong acids (рКа 1.3 – 1.7);– formation of inner molecular hydrogen bonds improves the chromatogra­­phic “properties” of analytes. However, the probability of its formation in dial­kyl phos­pha­tes seems to be less than those in monoalkyl esters of organic dicarbo­xylic acids;– esters of the phosphoric acid (including trialkyl esters) are known as the active alky­lation reagents even at the elevated temperatures. This can decrease their stability du­ring the chro­ma­tographic separation due to the possible interaction with the stationary pha­se of the chro­ma­tographic column.Every single factor from the ones mentioned above cannot be the principal reason of the inapplicability of the gas chromatography for the separation of dialkyl phosphates by itself. The joint acti­on of all of them seems to be more reasonable.Keywords:  Dialkyl phosphates, polarity criteria, impossibility of gas chroma­to­graphic separationDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.4.007 Igor G. Zenkevich, Vlada E. NosovaSt. Petersburg State University, Universitetskii prosp., 26, St. Petersburg 198504, Russian Federation Диалкиловые эфиры неорганической трехосновной фосфорной кислоты (RO)2PO-OH содержат только один активный атом водорода. Следовательно, по современным представлениям теоретически не существует ограничений на возможности их газохроматографического разделения. Сравнение физико-хи­мических свойств диалкил- и более подробно охарактеризованных триалкил­­фос­­фатов соответствует такому предположению. Оценка полярности ди- и триалкиловых эфиров фосфорной кислоты путем сравнения индексов моле­ку­ляр­ных масс, нормальных температур кипения и молярных рефракций по­ка­зывает, что и те и другие эфиры относятся к достаточно слабополярным со­единениям. Тем не менее, в результате анализа трех реакционных смесей, получен­ных взаимодействием фосфорного ангидрида (Р2О5) с избытками 1-пропано­ла, 2-пропанола и 1-бутанола установлено, что диалкилфосфаты отсутствуют среди детектируемых компонентов, хотя во всех случаях обнаружены следы соответствующих триалкилфосфатов. Это обусловлено невозможностью га­зо­хроматографического разделения диалкиловых эфиров, что может быть свя­зано со следующими причинами:– диалкилфосфаты являются достаточно сильными кислотами (рКа = 1.3-1.7);– вероятность образования внутримолекулярных водородных связей, «улучшающих» хроматографические свойства аналитов, в ди­алкилфосфатах, в отли­чие от моноалкиловых эфиров органических дикарбоновых кислот, пре­дстав­ляется маловероятной;– эфиры фосфор­ной кислоты (в том числе триалки­ло­вые) даже при низких темпера­ту­рах являются активными алкилирующими агентами, что сни­жа­ет их стабильность в процессе раз­деле­ния за счет возможного взаимодей­ст­вия с неподвижной фазой колонки.Каждый из указанных факторов по отдельности не может служить причи­ной невозможности использования газовой хроматографии для разделения диалкилфосфа­тов; наиболее вероятным представляется их совместное дейст­вие.Ключевые слова:  Диалкиловые эфиры фосфор­ной кислоты, критерии полярности, невозможность газохроматографического разделения DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.4.007

    Fluorinated 2-Carbonylpiperazino-1,3-Benzothazin-4-ones as Perspective Antitubercular Agents

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    This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 15-13-00077)


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    This research was funded by Russian Scientific Foundation (grant number No. 23-73-01147)

    (E)-2-(hydroxystyryl)-3-phenylquinazolin-4(3H)-ones: Synthesis, photochemical and luminescent properties

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    The new (E)-2-(hydroxyarilethenyl)-3-phenylquinazolin-4(3H)-ones with various substituents in phenyl fragment were synthesized. The effect of electron donor and acceptor substituents (±M) in quinazolinones on luminescence intensity and dual emission in 550-650-nm wavelength range was shown. The fact of the reversible photo/thermal E-Z isomerization for several substances was established. The (E)-2-(5-chloro-2-hydroxystyryl)-3-phenylquinazolin-4(3H)-one had shown the best combination of photochemical (E-Z isomerization) and photophysical properties. The (E)-2-(2-hydroxy-5-morpholinostyryl)-3-phenylquinazolin-4(3H)-one had revealed the best ESIPT-luminescence (Φrel = 5.3 %). © Arkat. All Rights Reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18-03-00112This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 18-03-00112). Analytical studies were carried out using equipment of the Center for Joint Use SSpectroscopy and ?nalysis of Organic Compounds ? at the Postosvky Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch)