64 research outputs found

    Certain features of using modified collagen-containing raw materials with prolonged shelf life in food technology

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    In the current circumstances, trends in nutrition of a person striving to lead a healthy life-style require intake of meat products with the reduced energy value, minimal amounts of fat, increased protein mass fraction, presence of substances improving homeostasis of the body. The synergism of the modern nutrition science and meat industry enables creating food products that satisfy consumers’ demand. Today, in the Russian Federation, a theoretical and practical base of the technology development has been collected to the full extent in the field of rational processing of secondary raw materials in the food industry, optimal use of animal secondary raw materials, study of the protein ingredients of animal and plant origin and their deep scientifically substantiated processing, improvement of technological processes and equipment, and correspondently, product range extension. The paper broadens the information about the modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen), examines physico-chemical characteristics of the collagen-containing raw material and its changes in the process of freeze-drying with a special attention paid to the study of changes in the histological structure. The presence of the relatively uniform fibrillar structure was determined, which facilitated discovering the functional potential of proteinoids that form the fibrillar matrix in the composition of products from different groups. Analysis of IR-spectra revealed several significant absorption bands linked with the state of peptide bonds. The character of bands is linked with the complex of valence and deformation vibrations of the N- and С- types. It is believed that IR-spectra reflect conformations in the protein secondary structure, which suggests preserving properties of the tropocollagen particle or collagen molecule. Freeze-dried modified collagen-containing cattle rumen was tested by the example of jellies. The obtained databank broadens information about physico-chemical properties of modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen).In the current circumstances, trends in nutrition of a person striving to lead a healthy life-style require intake of meat products with the reduced energy value, minimal amounts of fat, increased protein mass fraction, presence of substances improving homeostasis of the body. The synergism of the modern nutrition science and meat industry enables creating food products that satisfy consumers’ demand. Today, in the Russian Federation, a theoretical and practical base of the technology development has been collected to the full extent in the field of rational processing of secondary raw materials in the food industry, optimal use of animal secondary raw materials, study of the protein ingredients of animal and plant origin and their deep scientifically substantiated processing, improvement of technological processes and equipment, and correspondently, product range extension. The paper broadens the information about the modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen), examines physico-chemical characteristics of the collagen-containing raw material and its changes in the process of freeze-drying with a special attention paid to the study of changes in the histological structure. The presence of the relatively uniform fibrillar structure was determined, which facilitated discovering the functional potential of proteinoids that form the fibrillar matrix in the composition of products from different groups. Analysis of IR-spectra revealed several significant absorption bands linked with the state of peptide bonds. The character of bands is linked with the complex of valence and deformation vibrations of the N- and С- types. It is believed that IR-spectra reflect conformations in the protein secondary structure, which suggests preserving properties of the tropocollagen particle or collagen molecule. Freeze-dried modified collagen-containing cattle rumen was tested by the example of jellies. The obtained databank broadens information about physico-chemical properties of modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen)

    Актуальность разработки специализированных словарей в современных условиях ограничений на примере нефтегазовой отрасли

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    В работе представлен анализ актуальности разработки специализированных англо-русских и русско-английских словарей с учетом текущей ситуации в нефтегазовой отрасли России, действующих ограничений поставки импортного оборудования и продажи нефтепродуктов.The paper presents an analysis of the relevance of the compiling of specialized English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries, considering the current situation in the Russian oil and gas industry and restrictions on the supply of imported equipment and the sale of petroleum products

    The foreign cadet’s adaptation problem during studying in Russian universities

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    В статье автором рассматривается проблема адаптации иностранных курсантов при обучении в российских вузах на краткосрочных программах повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки. Автор предлагает разобрать проблему на примере военнослужащих Вьетнама, противопоставляет индивидуалистические культуры коллективистским, полихромные — монохромным, высокочастотные — низкочастотным. Дает описание — портрет вьетнамского курсанта, дает характеристику субъекта работы для российского преподавателя. Преподаватель играет одну из ведущих ролей в процессе культурной адаптации. Авторы статьи подчеркивают, что именно преподаватель и тьюторы должны учитывать особенности прибывших на обучение курсантов, кроме того ответственность за адаптацию ложится на самого военнослужащего. Сравнительный анализ культур, проведенный в статье, позволяет учитывать особенности обучающихся и особенным образом выстраивать процесс обучения и освоения материала.In the article, the author considers the adaptation problem of foreign cadets during studying in Russian universities on short-term programs for advanced training and professional retraining. The author proposes to analyze the problem on the example of Vietnamese military personnel. The author opposes individualistic cultures to collectivist cultures, polychrome cultures to monochrome cultures, high-context cultures to low-context cultures. The authors gave a portrait of a Vietnamese cadet and a description of the subject of work for a Russian teacher. The teacher plays one of the leading roles in the process of cultural adaptation. The authors of the article emphasize that the teachers and tutors should take into account the cadets’ peculiarities who have arrived for training, in addition, the responsibility for adaptation falls on the serviceman himself. The comparative analysis of cultures carried out in the article allows us to take into account the peculiarities of students and build the learning process in a special way

    Comparative Analysis of Clinical, Hormonal and Morphological Studies in Patients with Neuroendocrine ACTH-Producing Tumours

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    This paper highlights the problem of neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) with clinical symptoms of hypercorticism caused by hypersecretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by tumour cells. In most cases (85%), the tumours were localized in the pituitary gland (Cushing's disease); 15% of the patients had an extrapituitary tumour that manifest as an ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS). Comparative analysis of clinical, hormonal, histological, and immunohistochemical characteristics of pituitary and extrapituitary ACTH-secreting NET was performed. It included 46 patients with CD and 38 ones exhibiting ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS). Results of the study suggest differences between CD and EAS in terms of the severity of clinical manifestations and duration of the disease. Hormonal studies showed that EAS unlike CD was associated with high plasma ACTH and cortisol levels, late-evening salivary cortisol and daily urinary free cortisol, the absence of a 60% or greater reduction of cortisol in the HDDST test, and the presence of a low (less than 2) ACTH gradient in response to desmopressin administration with catheterization of cavernous sinuses. The study of morphofunctional characteristics of the removed NET demonstrated the ability of both pituitary and extrapituitary NETs to express ACTH as well as GH, PRL, LH, and FSH. The angiogenic markers (CD31 and VEGF) were detected with equal frequency regardless of the NET localization. The histological structure of all corticotropinomas suggested their benign origin, but extrapituitary NETs were represented by different morphological types with varying malignancy, invasiveness, and metastatic properties. A higher cell proliferation potential (Ki-67) was documented for NET in patients presenting with an ectopic ACTH secretion compared to those having corticotropinomas

    Hydrometeorological dataset of West Siberian boreal peatland: a 10-year record from the Mukhrino field station

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    Northern peatlands represent one of the largest carbon pools in the biosphere, but the carbon they store is increasingly vulnerable to perturbations from climate and land-use change. Meteorological observations taken directly at peatland areas in Siberia are unique and rare, while peatlands are characterized by a specific local climate. This paper presents a hydrological and meteorological dataset collected at the Mukhrino peatland, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Russia, over the period of 8 May 2010 to 31 December 2019. Hydrometeorological data were collected from stations located at a small pine–shrub–Sphagnum ridge and Scheuchzeria–Sphagnum hollow at ridge–hollow complexes of ombrotrophic peatland. The monitored meteorological variables include air temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, incoming and reflected photosynthetically active radiation, net radiation, soil heat flux, precipitation (rain), and snow depth. A gap-filling procedure based on the Gaussian process regression model with an exponential kernel was developed to obtain continuous time series. For the record from 2010 to 2019, the average mean annual air temperature at the site was −1.0 ∘C, with the mean monthly temperature of the warmest month (July) recorded as 17.4 ∘C and for the coldest month (January) −21.5 ∘C. The average net radiation was about 35.0 W m−2, and the soil heat flux was 2.4 and 1.2 W m−2 for the hollow and the ridge sites, respectively. The presented data are freely available through Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4323024, Dyukarev et al., 2020), last access: 15 December 2020) and can be used in coordination with other hydrological and meteorological datasets to examine the spatiotemporal effects of meteorological conditions on local hydrological responses across cold regions.</p

    System-dynamic modeling of the development of universities in the conditions of informatization

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    The work is devoted to the selection of key performance indicators (KPI) of universities, as well as the development of the concept of using these indicators in assessing the effectiveness of universities in the scientific and innovative sector of Russia. The study used a combination of descriptive and deductive methods, as well as experiment. There were analyzed the data on financing, the number of publications indexed in the Web of Science, as well as the number of employees of 14 Russian universities that have been participating since 2013 in the state program "Project 5-100". This program is aimed at the adaptation of Russian universities to international standards and incorporating them into international education environment. A system-dynamic model is constructed that allows, on the basis of the key performance indicators, to find new approaches and ways to achieve the goals set and to build an effective university development strategy in the transition to a digital economy. © 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved

    Ferutinin Induces Membrane Depolarization, Permeability Transition Pore Formation, and Respiration Uncoupling in Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria by Stimulation of  Ca 2+ -Permeability

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    It is well known that the terpenoid ferutinin (4-oxy-6-(4-oxybenzoyloxy) dauc-8,9-en), isolated from the plant Ferula tenuisecta, considerably increases the permeability of artificial and cellular membranes to Ca2+-ions and produces apoptotic cell death in different cell lines in a mitochondria-dependent manner. The present study was designed for further evaluation of the mechanism(s) of mitochondrial effects of ferutinin using isolated rat liver mitochondria. Our findings provide evidence for ferutinin at concentrations of 5–27 µM to decrease state 3 respiration and the acceptor control ratio in the case of glutamate/malate as substrates. Ferutinin alone (10–60 µM) also dose-dependently dissipated membrane potential. In the presence of Ca2+-ions, ferutinin (10–60 µM) induced considerable depolarization of the inner mitochondrial membrane, which was partially inhibited by EGTA, and permeability transition pore formation, which was diminished partly by cyclosporin A, and did not influence markedly the effect of Ca2+ on mitochondrial respiration. Ruthenium Red, a specific inhibitor of mitochondrial calcium uniporter, completely inhibited Ca2+ -induced mitochondria swelling and membrane depolarization, but did not affect markedly the stimulation of these Ca2+-dependent processes by ferutinin. We concluded that the mitochondrial effects of ferutinin might be primarily induced by stimulation of mitochondrial membrane Ca2+-permeability, but other mechanisms, such as driving of univalent cations, might be involved

    Новые виды и наиболее интересные находки для флоры Урала и прилегающих территорий

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    The article provides information about rare and newly described species for the flora of the Urals and adjacent territories, namely: Astragalus saphronovae Kulikov, Atraphaxis decipiens Jaub. et Spach., Carex amgunensis F. Schmidt, Galium densiflorum Ledeb., Jovibarba globifera (L.) J. Parn., Najas minor All., Potamogeton nodosus Poir., Pseudorchis albida (L.) Á. Löve et D. Löve, Salix myrsinites L., Veronica agrestis L. Essays include the information on the species ecology and short taxonomic notes. © 2021 Altai State University. All rights reserved.The work was supported by the state assignments: АААА-А19-119031290052-1 “Sosudistye rasteniia Evrazii: sistematika, flora, rastitelʹnye resursy” [“Vascular plants of Eurasia: systematics, flora, plant resources”], АААА-А18-118011990151-7 “Izucheniye, sokhraneniye i rasshireniye bioraznoobraziya rasteniy v prirode i pri introduktsii na Yuzh nom Urale i Priuralye” [“Study, conservation and expansion of plant biodiversity in nature and during introduction in the Southern Urals and the Cis- and Trans-Urals region”], AAAA-A17-117050400146-5 “Otsenka prostranstvennovremennoy izmenchivosti bioraznoobraziya i usloviy yego formirovaniya na Severe Zapadnoy Sibiri v svyazi s izmeneniyem klimata i osvoyeniyem neftegazovykh resursov” [“Assessment of the spatio-temporal variability of biodiversity and the conditions for its formation in the north of Western Siberia in connection with climate change and the development of oil and gas resources”], and by “Programmoy povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti Uralskogo federalnogo universiteta” [“The program for improving the competitiveness of the Ural Federal University”] (the decree no. 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract no. 02.A03.21.0006)

    Efficacy and tolerability of adalimumab (humira) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of adalimumab alone and in combination with basic anti-inflammatory drugs (BAIDs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), by taking into account the specific features of the course of the disease. Subjects and methods. The study enrolled 30 patients with a verified diagnosis of RA, its high activity by DAS 28, and ineffective previous therapy with standard BAIDs. At the beginning of the study, 20 (66.7%) patients continued taking BAIDs. According to therapy, the patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) 10 (33.3%) patients received subcutaneous adalimumab injections only; 2) 12 (40%) took adalimumab+methotrexate (MT); 3) 8 (26.7%) had adalimumab+leflunomide. The patient groups were matched for age, the duration and activity of RA (by DAS 28), its X-ray stage and seropositivity. Nine (37.5%) patients took oral glucocorticoids (GCs) and 25 (83.3%) received non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Two (8.3%) patients had previously been prescribed biological therapies. Adalimumab was subcutaneously injected every 2 weeks for 24 weeks. The quantitative parameters of articular syndrome and blood and urine biochemical and clinical analyses were used to evaluate therapeutic effectiveness. The effect of therapy was evaluated by the ACR and EULAR (DAS 28) criteria. The efficiency of therapy was evaluated 12 and 24 weeks after therapy. Results. The clinical and laboratory effect of adalimumab was noted in 29 (96.7%) of the 30 patients. All the assessed parameters of articular syndrome became significantly lower (p&lt;0.001) by week 12 of therapy and to a greater extent by week 24. Evaluation of the efficiency of adalimumab therapy by the ACR criteria showed that following 12-week therapy, the parameters were decreased by 20% in 87% of the patients and 50% in 16.7%; after 24 weeks, 23.3, 70 and 96.7% achieved very good (ACR 70), good (ACR 50), and satisfactory (ACR 20) effects. Estimation of the time course of changes in the disease activity index (DAS 28) revealed that adalimumab significantly reduced disease activity. Therapeutic effectiveness was also shown as reduced needs for NSAIDs and GCs. Positive clinical and laboratory changes during adalimumab+ MT combination therapy were also demonstrated to be significantly higher than those during adalimumab monotherapy or adalimumab + leflunomide combination therapy. Conclusion. Adalimumab is an effective disease-modifying biological agent. Its benefits may include the rapid development (on days 4-5 on average) and long retention (for 6 months or more) of an effect, a good safety profile (adverse reactions occurred only in 16.7% of the patients), and easiness-to-use

    A case report of surgical treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis in a patient with multiple organ failure

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    Amiodarone is a drug used in the treatment of life-threatening arrhythmias, which can lead to the development of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. In most cases this pathology can be treated by conservative methods; surgical treatment is resorted to in cases of thyrotoxicosis refractory to medical treatment. This case report describes surgical treatment of a patient with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, progressive heart failure, neurological pathology, bilateral pneumonia, functioning tracheostomy, systemic infectious process, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, who was treated in the intensive care unit. Due to the lack of response to therapy with antithyroid drugs (thiamazole, lithium preparations and pulse therapy with prednisolone) and a progressive deterioration of the condition in a short period of time, according to vital indicators, the patient underwent thyroidectomy. In the postoperative period, there was a decrease in the occurrence of chronic heart failure symptoms. Medical control of cardiac arrhythmias was achieved. Surgical stage proceeded without complications in the period of 30-days. The patient was discharged for outpatient rehabilitation treatment