460 research outputs found

    Geoecological Characteristics and Comprehensive Assessment of the Effectiveness of Urban Improvement Management in a Large Siberian City

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    Introduction. The issues of creating, preserving and improving the quality of green areas are relevant not only for the municipality — the city of Barnaul, but also for each urban settlement of the Russian Federation, village and settlement.Methodology. To identify numerous shortcomings in the management, a statistical analysis of the main indicators of the development of the improvement sector, the main opinions of «experts», was carried out. In order to find ways out to ensure the comfort of living for each resident of the city, a theoretical generalization is used.Results. The main geoecological characteristics of the municipality — the city of Barnaul – are described. It reflects not only the achievements of local governments in this area, but also highlights the main problem-the lack of a unified concept of landscaping. To predict the development of the city and the formation of a unified approach to landscaping, the main measures are proposed that will allow creating an up-to-date, and most importantly, allowing each resident to comfortably exist, a model for managing the field of landscaping.Analysis and discussion. The forecast estimate for the municipality — the city of Barnaul from the proposed measures for rational use of natural resources is given.Conclusions. The application of these results is not only possible, but it is also necessary to take into account the local self-government bodies when managing the geoecological processes of each city of the Russian Federation in order to achieve an optimal standard of living for the population

    Problems and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Ireland

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    The paper presents the research on the development of ecological tourism in Ireland. The basic directions and problems of development of ecotourism. Income from ecotourism in the country was analyzed in the article, as well as the model for the attraction of tourists to Irelan

    The infrastructure of public catering in the context of tourist city space development

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    To assess the impact of environmental factors on the activities of catering enterprises of the Belgorod region and the quality of customer service, the authors proposed a method using STEP-analysis and SWOT-analysis. The analysis of environmental factors was carried out on the basis of the expert evaluation results conducted in two stage

    Sociological diagnostics of crowdsourcing technology in the practice of regional management

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    The article proposes a methodology for identifying and analyzing the technology of crowdsourcing, examines the main stages of the formation, and analyzes the implementation of crowdsourcing technology into the practice of regional managemen

    Hunting for origins of migraine pain: cluster analysis of spontaneous and capsaicin-induced firing in meningeal trigeminal nerve fibers

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    International audienceTrigeminal nerves in meninges are implicated in generation of nociceptive firing underlying migraine pain. However, the neurochemical mechanisms of nociceptive firing in meningeal trigeminal nerves are little understood. In this study, using suction electrode recordings from peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve in isolated rat meninges, we analyzed spontaneous and capsaicin-induced orthodromic spiking activity. In control, biphasic single spikes with variable amplitude and shapes were observed. Application of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) agonist capsaicin to meninges dramatically increased firing whereas the amplitudes and shapes of spikes remained essentially unchanged. This effect was antagonized by the specific TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine. Using the clustering approach, several groups of uniform spikes (clusters) were identified. The clustering approach combined with capsaicin application allowed us to detect and to distinguish "responder" (65%) from "non responder" clusters (35%). Notably, responders fired spikes at frequencies exceeding 10 Hz, high enough to provide postsynaptic temporal summation of excitation at brainstem and spinal cord level. Almost all spikes were suppressed by tetrodotoxin (TTX) suggesting an involvement of the I I X-sensitive sodium channels in nociceptive signaling at the peripheral branches of trigeminal neurons. Our analysis also identified transient (desensitizing) and long-lasting (slowly desensitizing) responses to the continuous application of capsaicin. Thus, the persistent activation of nociceptors in capsaicin-sensitive nerve fibers shown here may be involved in trigeminal pain signaling and plasticity along with the release of migraine-related neuropeptides from TRPV1 positive neurons. Furthermore, cluster analysis could be widely used to characterize the temporal and neurochemical profiles of other pain transducers likely implicated in migraine

    О деятельности Комитета по стандартным образцам Международной организации по стандартизации (ИСО/РЕМКО) и проведении 39-го заседания ИСО/РЕМКО в Российской Федерации

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    The article deals with the results of 39th ISO/REMCO Committee on reference materials meeting (14-16 June 2016, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation). The meeting was moderated by Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart) and Ural Research Institute for Metrology (UNIIM). 37 representatives from 19 countries took part in the meeting (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Korea, Netherlands, Russia, USA, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Republic of South Africa, Japan) including representatives of national authorities on metrology and national institutes for metrology which cooperate with ISO/REMCO organizations (EDQM, ILAC, CITAC, OIML, UILI) and other ISO technical committees. The meeting dealt with the following issues: final version development of ISO 17034 "General requirements for the competence of reference material producers" (instead of ISO Guide 34-2009) (ISO/CASCO/JWG 43); final version development of ISO Guide 35 "Reference materials - Guidance for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability" (instead of ISO Guide 35:2006) (WG 16); particularities of the characterization of pure materials (AHG4); recent advancements in the assessment of homogeneity and stability for reference materials (AHG5); development of the technical report for development of nominal properties reference materials; informational support of ISO/REMCO activities. Finally the resolutions were adopted to accomplish till the next ISO/REMCO meetingВ статье приведены сведения о результатах проведения 39-го заседания Комитета по стандартным образцам Международной организации по стандартизации (14-16 июня 2016 г., г. Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация). Модераторами заседания выступили Госстандарт и ФГУП «УНИИМ». В заседании приняли участие 37 представителей из 19 стран (Австралия, Бельгия, Бразилия, Великобритания, Германия, Израиль, Казахстан, Канада, Китай, Корея, Нидерланды, Россия, США, Украина, Франция, Чешская Республика, Швейцария, ЮАР, Япония), в том числе представители национальных органов по метрологии, национальных метрологических институтов, сотрудничающих с ИСО/РЕМКО организаций (EDQM, ILAC, CITAC, OIML, UILI), других технических комитетов ИСО. На заседании состоялось обсуждение вопросов о разработке окончательной редакции ISO 17034 «Общие требования к компетентности изготовителей стандартных образцов» (взамен ISO Guide 34-2009) (ISO/CASCO/JWG 43); о разработке окончательной редакции ISO Guide 35 «Стандартные образцы. Руководство по характеризации, оцениванию однородности и стабильности стандартных образцов» (взамен ISO Guide 35:2006) (WG 16); об особенностях характеризации стандартных образцов (СО) чистых веществ (AHG4); о последних достижениях в области исследования однородности и стабильности стандартных образцов (AHG5); о разработке технического отчета по разработке СО номинальных свойств; об информационном обеспечении деятельности ИСО/ РЕМКО. По результатам приняты резолюции для их выполнения до следующего заседания ИСО/РЕМКО

    Gradients of Taxonomic Diversity among Local Floras in the Russian Arctic

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    Latitudinal and longitudinal changes in taxonomic variables were analyzed in 319 local floras in the Russian Arctic. Within the studied segment of latitudinal gradient, most changes can be described in terms of linear regression with negative coefficients (a number of species, genera and families), or positive coefficients (a proportion of the leading families and genera). However, the mean number of species in a family or genus almost does not change with increasing latitude, although it slightly increases as one moves eastward. The proportion of monocots does not correlate with latitude, but slightly decreases as one moves eastward. Proportions of various families change asynchronously. Although correlation with longitude was less pronounced, mean species richness was specific to many subprovinces, even within a certain subzone. These differences reflect both the diversity of landscapes and the history of flora formation. Keywords: the Arctic, local floras, latitudinal and longitudinal gradient, floristic subprovince

    Molecular epidemiology of serogroup a meningitis in Moscow, 1969 to 1997.

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    Molecular analysis of 103 serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis strains isolated in Moscow from 1969 to 1997 showed that four independent clonal groupings were responsible for successive waves of meningococcal disease. An epidemic from 1969 to the mid-1970s was caused by genocloud 2 of subgroup III, possibly imported from China. Subsequent endemic disease through the early 1990s was caused by subgroup X and then by subgroup VI, which has also caused endemic disease elsewhere in eastern Europe. A 1996 epidemic was part of the pandemic spread from Asia of genocloud 8 of subgroup III. Recent genocloud 8 epidemic disease in Moscow may represent an early warning for spread of these bacteria to other countries in Europe