16 research outputs found

    Triazines in the aquatic systems of the Eastern Chinese Rivers Liao-He and Yangtse.

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    The results of a one-year monitoring program on the two Eastern Chinese River systems, i.e. the Liao-He and the Yangtse, with special emphasis on the presence of triazine herbicides are presented. Sediment, suspended solids and water samples from both rivers were analyzed. Additionally, recovery experiments on the SPE-in-field-enrichment procedure and the extraction methods were performed. The samples were measured by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, electron capture detection and a newly developed μ-plasma atomic emission detector. A typical result of a one-year monitoring was obtained in case of the Liao-He: During winter, at low water period, low triazine values were found. A similar situation was found in early spring. Highest concentrations of atrazine up to 1600 ng/l were found in late spring in the water samples. Maximum concentrations of atrazine, simazine, propazine, simetryn and prometryn were observed in this season as a result of the actual use of triazines. Finally, after the high water period in autumn the triazine concentrations decreased. Additionally, atrazine adsorbed on sediment (up to 2.8 ng/g) and suspended solids was determined (up to 8 ng/l) during late spring sampling. Therefore, the logarithm of the organic carbon based sorption coefficient of atrazine could be calculated. Low levels of atrazine were measured in the water of Yangtse (up to 18.3 ng/l). The concentrations from all sampling points and sampling stations of a particular sampling date were similar, which indicates a homogeneous distribution of this herbicide. Due to the high discharge rate of up to 79000 m3/s in case of the Yangtse a considerable mass transport of up to 57.5 kg per day atrazine may take place, even at concentrations below the European drinking water limit of 100 ng/l

    The bioscope system—testing and validating a novel sensor for aqueous solutions

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    A novel device called the Bioscope System is investigated for feasibility as sensor for chemicals in aqueous solutions. Thereby a sample is probed by a pulsed voltage and electrical properties of that sample are measured. These electrical properties can be considered as a sum parameter of the sample in terms of conductivity and permittivity. It is demonstrated that the Bioscope System can indeed measure differences between different substances in aqueous solution and between different concentrations of the same substance in aqueous solution. A qualitative explanation is provided. Possible improvements of the system are suggested.Изучено новое устройство Bioscope System для возможного использования в качестве сенсора химических веществ в водных растворах. Посредством сенсора образец зондируется пульсирующим напряжением и измеряются его электрические свойства, которые могут рассматриваться как суммарный параметр в выражении электропроводности и электрической емкости. Продемонстрировано, что Bioscope System может действительно измерять различия между разными веществами и разными концентрациями одних и тех же веществ в водном растворе. Предлагаются возможные усовершенствования системы.Вивчено нове облаштування Bioscope System для можливого використання як сенсора хімічних речовин у водних розчинах. За допомогою сенсора зразок зондується пульсуючою напругою і вимірюються його електричні властивості, які можуть розглядатися як сумарний параметр у вираженні електропровідності і електричної місткості. Продемонстровано, що Bioscope System може дійсно вимірювати відмінності між різними речовинами і різними концентраціями одних і тих же речовин у водному розчині. Пропонуються можливі удосконалення системи