23,877 research outputs found

    Stars in the USNO-B1 Catalog with Proper Motions Between 1.0 and 5.0 arcseconds per year

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    This paper examines a subset of objects from the USNO-B1 catalogue with listed proper motions between 1.0 and 5.0 arcseconds per year. We look at the degree of contamination within this range of proper motions, and point out the major sources of spurious high proper motion objects. Roughly 0.1% of the objects in the USNO-B1 catalogue with listed motions between 1.0 and 5.0 arcseconds per year are real. Comparison with the revised version of Luyten's Half Second catalogue indicates that USNO-B1 is only about 47% complete for stars in this range. Preliminary studies indicate that there may be a dip in completeness in USNO-B1 for objects with motions near 0.1 arcseconds per year. We also present two new stars with motions between 1.0 and 5.0 arcseconds per year, 36 new stars with confirmed motions between 0.1 and 1.0 arcseconds per year, several new common proper motion pairs, and the recovery of LHS237a (VBs3).Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, uses AASTeX v5.2, accepted by A

    Assessment of a satellite power system and six alternative technologies

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    The satellite power system is assessed in comparison to six alternative technologies. The alternatives are: central-station terrestrial photovoltaic systems, conventional coal-fired power plants, coal-gasification/combined-cycle power plants, light water reactor power plants, liquid-metal fast-breeder reactors, and fusion. The comparison is made regarding issues of cost and performance, health and safety, environmental effects, resources, socio-economic factors, and institutional issues. The criteria for selecting the issues and the alternative technologies are given, and the methodology of the comparison is discussed. Brief descriptions of each of the technologies considered are included

    Filamin cross-linked semiflexible networks: Fragility under strain

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    The semiflexible F-actin network of the cytoskeleton is cross-linked by a variety of proteins including filamin, which contain Ig-domains that unfold under applied tension. We examine a simple semiflexible network model cross-linked by such unfolding linkers that captures the main mechanical features of F-actin networks cross-linked by filamin proteins and show that under sufficiently high strain the network spontaneously self-organizes so that an appreciable fraction of the filamin cross-linkers are at the threshold of domain unfolding. We propose an explanation of this organization based on a mean-field model and suggest a qualitative experimental signature of this type of network reorganization under applied strain that may be observable in intracellular microrheology experiments of Crocker et al.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 figures, Revtex4, submitted to PR

    Intensity distribution in rotational line spectra

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    Completely resolved Doppler-free rotational line spectra of six vibronic two-photon bands in benzene C6 H6 and C6 D6 are presented. The excited final states possess different excess energies in S1 (1567 to 2727 cm−1 ) and are embedded in dense manifolds of background states with differing densities of states (1<rho<60 1/cm−1 ). The bands are analyzed by a statistical procedure. The intensity distribution of several hundreds of lines of each band is investigated. It is found that all weakly perturbed bands display a similar, peaked intensity distribution while in strongly perturbed bands the number of lines decreases monotonically with increasing intensity. The origin of this difference is discussed in terms of coupling to the many background states. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics

    Quantum Versus Mean Field Behavior of Normal Modes of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Magnetic Trap

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    Quantum evolution of a collective mode of a Bose-Einstein condensate containing a finite number N of particles shows the phenomena of collapses and revivals. The characteristic collapse time depends on the scattering length, the initial amplitude of the mode and N. The corresponding time values have been derived analytically under certain approximation and numerically for the parabolic atomic trap. The revival of the mode at time of several seconds, as a direct evidence of the effect, can occur, if the normal component is significantly suppressed. We also discuss alternative means to verify the proposed mechanism.Comment: minor corrections are introduced into the tex

    Unfolding cross-linkers as rheology regulators in F-actin networks

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    We report on the nonlinear mechanical properties of a statistically homogeneous, isotropic semiflexible network cross-linked by polymers containing numerous small unfolding domains, such as the ubiquitous F-actin cross-linker Filamin. We show that the inclusion of such proteins has a dramatic effect on the large strain behavior of the network. Beyond a strain threshold, which depends on network density, the unfolding of protein domains leads to bulk shear softening. Past this critical strain, the network spontaneously organizes itself so that an appreciable fraction of the Filamin cross-linkers are at the threshold of domain unfolding. We discuss via a simple mean-field model the cause of this network organization and suggest that it may be the source of power-law relaxation observed in in vitro and in intracellular microrheology experiments. We present data which fully justifies our model for a simplified network architecture.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. to appear in Physical Review

    Propagating mode-I fracture in amorphous materials using the continuous random network (CRN) model

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    We study propagating mode-I fracture in two dimensional amorphous materials using atomistic simulations. We used the continuous random network (CRN) model of an amorphous material, creating samples using a two dimensional analogue of the WWW (Wooten, Winer & Weaire) Monte-Carlo algorithm. For modeling fracture, molecular-dynamics simulations were run on the resulting samples. The results of our simulations reproduce the main experimental features. In addition to achieving a steady-state crack under a constant driving displacement (which had not yet been achieved by other atomistic models for amorphous materials), the runs show micro-branching, which increases with driving, transitioning to macro-branching for the largest drivings. Beside the qualitative visual similarity of the simulated cracks to experiment, the simulation also succeeds in explaining the experimentally observed oscillations of the crack velocity
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